Literary Translation(3)


《货假情真》参考译文Genuine Feelings behind a False Gift



Genuine Feelings behind a False Gift 

At her birthday party, the husband, in the presence of all his guests, presented a glittering gemstone to his wife. One of his friends suggested, “How delighted your wife is! Don’t you think a Benz’d be more practical?”

“I thought about that too,” the devoted man said, with a shrug of his shoulders.“Unfortunately,a fake limousine (or sedan) of this brand is not yet available.”

4. Basic Characteristics of LiteraryLanguage

  • 指义性,审美性:二者是相互依存相互结合的统一体
  • 审美性:自指性、曲指性和虚指性



  • 虚指性:区别于真实性。不是实事,是假想是虚构。目的在于使人愉悦得到直观意象和收益。

e.g.    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the ageof wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it wasthe epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season ofDarkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we hadeverything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct toHeaven, we were all going direct to the other way.

e.g.   l        黄鹤楼





Yellow Crane Tower

The sage on yellow crane was gone amidclouds white.

To what avail is Yellow Crane Tower lefthere?

Once gone, the yellow crane will ne’er onearth alight;

Only white clouds still float in vainfrom year to year.

By sunlit river trees can be count’done by one;

On Parrot Islet sweet green grass growsfast and thick.

Where is my native land beyond thesetting sun?

The mist-veiled waves of River Han makeme homesick.

5.  Structural Characteristics of Literary Text


  1. 中国古代文本结构论:言象意;粗精
  2. 国外文本结构论:要素构成论;层次构成论;文本构成论
  3. 今人文本结构论:童庆炳的“三分法”


6. Professional Requirements for Translators



  1. 职业道德:基本素质。包括:正确的态度,严谨的作风,坚韧的精神和追求完美的品质。

b. 语言资质:扎实的双语功底,熟练的语言驾驭能力和高屋建瓴的语言视野


c. 文学修养:丰富的文学知识,较高的文学造诣,了解相关文学理论


d. 艺术感悟力:丰富的生活经验和高度的艺术修养所培养出的创造性思维和灵感


e. 杂家功夫:功夫在译外

Significance of Literary Translation


  • 文学语言:词汇、语法;白话文
  • 艺术表现形式:长于思辨,善于使用形象;新诗
  • 文艺思想:新的社会文化思想

Left Behind

1    They’re gone now.

2    I stood in the driveway and watched mygrown children drive off into the distance. I looked down the road until Icould no longer see their vehicles.

3    “They live way too far away from me,” Isaid to myself. “When did they grow up and become parentsof small children? Shouldn’t that be me?”

4    I slipped back inside the house and justwalked through the rooms for no reason in particular. I was just missing them alreadyand looking for signs of their having been here. Therewere pillows on the floor where they had been tossedfrom the couch and a few stuffedanimals lying around where the children had been playing.

5    I smiled at the little fingerprints on mymirror. I didn’t wipe them off. I thought back tothe time when I tried so hard to keep thefingerprints off the mirrors and doors when my children were small. Now, Iwanted the tiny fingerprints to stay so that I could see them there just alittle longer.

6    As I walked around the house, I picked up afew items on the floor and straightened a chair. Idecided to sort throughthe toy box and I found a flying dinosaur, a skeleton, and a Frankenstein thathad mysteriously taken up residencein my box of toys.

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