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Food and drink is a big part of British culture. We eat too much and we drink too much. I'm not sure why. A lot of British food is very bland (boring/tasteless).


There are different levels of hunger in Britain. First, and most basic, you are hungry. Next, you feel peckish (a little bit hungry).

在英国,饥饿分不同程度。首先,也是最基础的,你觉得hungry。接下来,你感到peckish( 有点饿了)。

E.g. “How hungry are you?” “Just a bit peckish.”


If you want to say you are really hungry you can say you are starving. British people aren't really starving, but it is common to hear a British person say that they are starving to death.


E.g. “I'm starving to death. I didn't have breakfast this morning.”


You can also say: I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. British people don't typically eat horses though.


Different ways to say you want food or drink


I fancy (I want).

E.g. “I fancy a pint of beer.”



I could murder (I really want).



“I could murder a hamburger right now.”

“I could murder a drink.”




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The English Breakfast


What does a Brit eat for breakfast? A typical breakfast usually consists of a fag, a cuppa, and abacon butty. In Britian, fag is another word for cigarette. Also, if you want a shorter way to saytobacco in Britain, say baccy. But be careful: in America, fag is an offensive term for homosexual people.


Next, a cuppa. This word is a shortened version of cup of tea. British people usually pronounce ‘cup of’ as cuppa. So, if someone offers you a cuppa, they are offering you some tea. You can also saybrew instead of cuppa.

接下来,a cuppa。这个词是cup of tea的缩写。英国人通常将cup of发音为cuppa。因此,如果有人为你提供了cuppa,他们事实上为你提供了一杯茶。你也可以说brew来代替cuppa。

E.g. “Fancy a brew?”


Finally, bacon butty. Butty means sandwich. Another way to say butty is sarnie. You can hear both depending on where in England you are. There you have it, the English breakfast: a fag, acuppa, and a bacon butty. Lovely.

最后,bacon butty(培根三明治)。Butty是三明治。Butty的另一种说法是sarnie。这两种说法你都可以听到,看你处于英格兰的哪一地区。这就是一个典型的英式早餐:一根烟,一杯茶还有一个培根三明治,很有爱吧。

Another British breakfast is the full English breakfast. It is delicious. The full English breakfastusually has: a cuppa, bacon, toast, baked beans, sausages, eggs, mushrooms. It is an amazing way to start your day.



If you have eaten a lot and you are full, you can say you are stuffed.



“That breakfast was so big. I'm absolutely stuffed.”

“Have you got room for dessert?” “No. I can't. I'm so stuffed.”




Note: “have you got room for dessert?” means “can your stomach have dessert?” which means “are you full?” British people love to be stuffed.

注:have you got room for dessert?是指你的胃还能塞得下甜品吗?意指你饱了吗?英国人喜欢把自己塞得饱饱的。
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British Sweets


Now we are going to talk about British sweets. Americans call sugary foods candy. British people call sugary foods sweets.


My favourit British dessert is the trifle. One day, I will teach you how to make a trifle. It is delicious, sweet, and creamy. It has custard and cream and strawberries and jelly. Amazing.


A note about jelly: in British English, jelly is a wobbly desert, often made out of strawberries. Americans call it jell-o. In American English, jelly is a paste that you spread on your toast. British call it jam. Confusing, I know. British people also have a different word for the American cookie. We call it a biscuit.


Sweet tooth: this is one of my favourite phrases. If you have a sweet tooth it means that you like sweet things, like chocolate.

Sweet tooth:这是我最喜欢的短语之一。如果说你有一个sweet tooth,这意味着你嗜好甜食,就像巧克力。

E.g. “I'm finding it really hard to stay on this diet. I wish I didn't have such a sweet tooth. I love chocolate so much.”


A great traditional British sweet is the scone. It is a cake with currants – which are like raisins. They are served with strawberry jam and clotted cream. They taste absolutely gorgeous. They are usually served with a cup of tea too. It is a mouth-watering experience.


More-ish: how else can you say that something is delicious, tasty, or addictive? Well, there are plenty of ways, but my favourite is more-ish. If a food is more-ish, it means that you want to eat more of it. Easy, right? I think chocolate chip cookies are incredibly more-ish.


British Chocolate


Britain has some great chocolate. Milky and rich and sugary. Here are the best chocolate bars:


Freddo: small, tasty, cheap, and more-ish.


Twix:: British people love putting stuff in their chocolate. This chocolate has biscuit and caramel inside it.


Creme Egg: gooey (soft and sticky) goodness. The slogan for Creme Egg is 'here today…gootomorrow'. Goo is sticky stuff in the centre.

Creme Egg(吉百利出的一种巧克力蛋):一种黏糊糊(口感柔软、粘牙)的口感。Creme Egg的广告词是“从今天粘到明天”。goo是巧克力蛋中心粘糊糊的东西。

Turkish Delight: chocolate with a fruity jelly inside. Amazing. But weird.

Turkish Delight(一种土耳其软糖):巧克力里面是水果味的果冻夹心。味道惊人的。但奇怪的。
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British Drinks


Let's discuss British drinks. It may surprise you how many ways British people have to say drunk. We have a binge-drinking culture in Britain. This means that British people love to drink too much alcohol.


Let's look at some drinking slang:


Pissed: If you are pissed in Britain, it means you are drunk. Americans use the word differently. To them, pissed is a shortened version of pissed off, which means angry.

生气:如果在英国你说自己pissed,这意味着你是喝醉了。美国人对这个词的用法不同。对他们来说,pissed是pissed off的缩写,表示愤怒。

Other ways to say pissed": bladdered, wrecked, wasted, fucked-up, hammered, plastered, legless, trollied, smashed, trashed, sloshed, trousered, blitzed, shitfaced.

其他一些表示pissed的途径“:bladdered, wrecked, wasted, fucked-up, hammered, plastered, legless, trollied, smashed, trashed, sloshed, trousered, blitzed, shitfaced.

These words are only a few of the words we have for drunk. Trust me, there are plenty more. You don't need to know all of them. It's just good to be able to recognise them occasionally when they are used. Pick one or two of your favourites and use them in your conversations.


But what if you want to describe being a little bit drunk? Just say tipsy. If you are tipsy, you are just a little bit drunk. British and American girls will often declare that they are just a little bit tipsy, when in actual fact, they are completely shit faced.


How do you describe someone who can't handle alcohol very well? They are called a lightweight.


If you drink a lot and end up puking/vomiting, you could say you chundered.


When you are drinking with British people, remember that we have a system of buying drinks calledrounds. Each person in the group takes turns to buy everyone a drink. This is called a round. A common phrase that you will hear in a British pub is “whose round is it?”


Talking About Thirst


If you want to say that you are a little bit thirsty, you can say you are parched.


E.g. “Have you got any water? I'm parched.”


If you want to say that you are very thirsty, you can say you are gasping.


E.g. “I need a drink! I'm absolutely gasping!”

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British Drinks


The pint: typically refers to a pint of beer/lager/cider/ale.


Britain is a nation of ale-drinkers. I'm not an ale expert but I do enjoy the names of different ales. For example: Ginger Tosser, Seriously Bad Elf, Arrogant Bastard Ale, Irish Death, Tactical Nuclear Penguin, Vampire Blood, Dead Guy Ale.

英国是个全民喜欢麦芽酒的民族。我不是专家,但我很喜欢不同的啤酒的名称。例如:Ginger Tosser, Seriously Bad Elf, Arrogant Bastard Ale, Irish Death, Tactical Nuclear Penguin, Vampire Blood, Dead Guy Ale。

Pimms: beer is for the working class, Pimms is for the upper class. It's a posh and fruity drink for posh and fruity people. It's perfect for picnics and getting wasted while watching Wimbledon.


Lambrini: this is a very cheap wine. Working class teenage girls like to drink this. They will drink it from the bottle. This is typically drunk in parks at night time and on street corners.


WKD: another fruity drink. This is a weak vodka drink. We call it an alcopop, which is a word made by combining alcohol and pop (fizzy drinks like Coca Cola or Fanta). This is great for underage drinking.


And that's it for today!


I hope you found that interesting and helpful! If you want to learn more about British food and drink, let me know.


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