




Passage 1
Buddhism in Thailand

在泰国附近出现的一个D文明,语言和Mon 语言有关联,当地人信奉Buddhism,并有很多和周边地区进行贸易的路线。D文明出现在6th century, 大约9th century才有确切证据证明这一点。
Passage 2
domestication of plants and animals

科学家可以通过浮选法分析遗存的有机物来鉴定wild VS domesticated plants,鉴定起来相对容易。但wild VS domesticated animals 鉴定起来就麻烦多了。因为野生的和驯养的动物特点很类似。后来科学家就通过人类对动物的影响,比如古代猎人对动物种类性别年龄等猎杀比例的研究来鉴定野生和驯养动物,但是后来发现在自然界中,predator 也挑性别年龄来捕猎,所以这种方法依然不能确定动物是野生的还是驯养的。后来,科学家又通过人类对crops 进行加工的process 来判定是否由原来的nomadic 过渡到settled。比如发现pottery,证明这个地方已经是settled agriculture, 动物应该是驯养的。但也有例外情况,比如在日本,考过发现一种瓷器的出现远远早于定居农业的发展。
Passage 3
the development of clock in American

clock 在美国最初是奢侈品,只有少数的有钱人才买得起。所以拥有clock 就是地位的象征。因为当时制作clock用黄铜作为原材料,工艺复杂,极其耗时。一个工匠一年只能制作出10-15台。

后来有个人T进行了改良,发明了轻便,成本低廉的木质Clock,并通过批量生产使得clock 变得比较便宜,很多人都可以买得起。但这时的Clock 仍然比较大,需要专业人员安装而且不便于transport,后来T再次进行改良,把Clock变得小了很多。为此,T申请了Patent,但在巨大的市场需求诱惑之下,依然不能阻止他的竞争者们违背专利法,对他的Clock进行模仿。

竞争逐渐加剧,使得T需要对Clock 的风格进行改进。后来一个人J 帮了很大的忙,使得T的Clock 卖的更好。



Conversation 1

Service encounters

女同学刚从另一个大学transfer 到L college,她发现自己选好的dorm并不是自己喜欢的Apartment,想要换(第一题考点). Apartment 条件比较好,有bath room ,living room 和kitchen, 而且location 更便利(双选题考点)。但会cost more。学生说这钱花的值,她愿意多付这部分钱,还能改吗?老师说it’s too late (重听题考点),去年已经选过了,老师告诉学生她选的那座dorm building 是去年刚建好的,也非常不错,广受同学们好评呢。

难度解析:非常简单很容易懂。关于dorm 得话题可参考TPO32C2

Lecture 1

Physical Science—Geology

讲地球的interior分为crust,mantle,core三层,但其实地球的内部并不是这么简单的划分为三个部分的(考题点)。讲到地球的mantle,core里面是高温高压,某些物质会有很有趣的变化,然后就用水做例子。接着说crust可以直接观察,但是mantle,core就不能,因为里面高温高压,就要用其他方法来测定,所以地质学研究经常需要物理学家的辅助。文章中提到是用了实验室模拟高压环境,用一个DAC(屏幕会有)的方法模拟高压,因为那个技术用于切割钻石时也是用高压集中一小块面积来切。科学家在使用这种tool 的时候进行加热,达到特定的temperature,把液态的水变成一种ice crystal,后来科学家在底层内部也发现了这种crystal。

难度解析:这一篇在地质学中算是难度系数中等的。同学们课可以参考TPO中的难度系数更大的地质学文章。如TPO16L1 TPO15L2   TPO32L2 等

Lecture 2

Art History—Painting

16th century V 画派画家使用的色彩和impressionism 很不一样,impressionism 使用的颜色较单一,主要是黑和白,而V画派会把颜色混合到一起,色彩鲜艳而丰富。为了达到效果,会加入little pieces of glass, 比如S Blue ,因为当地制造glass,所以在他们的paint 中开始加入glass


难度解析:难度中等。可参考TPO19L4 TPO21L4 TPO27L4



what is the most important habit the parents should teach their children?   Please include details and examples  in your explanation.

Some people prefer to spend more money on their vacation, some people prefer to spend less money on vacation. which do you choose?

please include details and examples  in your explanation.

The reading passage is a proposal about installing a new system to reserve the computers in the computer lab, because the computers are often taken by students, this could improve and efficiency and reduce the noise from the hall at the same time. The woman in the conversation doesn’t think that’s a good idea. First, she thinks if the student reserve a computer, there would be time limits, if they do not finish their assignment on time,it will be quite inconvenient for them and the new reserve system won’t reduce noise at all, in contrary, the noise probably will be louder.


Task 1

The professor in the lecture disagrees with the information shows in the reading passage. He does not think the bird feeders have negatively affected the birds in the several ways. There are three reasons.

First, the reading passage says bird feeders  make the spread of diseases among birds much more easier by gathering the  birds in one place. However, the professor in the lecture argues that the bird feeders actually have little to do the spread of diseases among bird. The bird moves quite actively from group to group, the birds then may get infected if one of the bird in the group has the infectious disease.

Second, the reading passage claims that the bird feeders may increase the exposure of birds to their  natural predators such as cats and hawks, that will decrease the population of the birds. But, the professor in the lecture contradicts that the population actually increased because of the new nutrition the bird feeder have provided to them. there are more young and healthy birds because of the extra food.

Third, the reading passage indicates that by offering  extra food, the natural order of bird might be disrupted. if the bird have extra food, they may delay their migration,then they might be killed by the harsh weather in winter and even miss that chance to pair up mates. Yet the professor in the lecture refutes that the migration of birds  is not determined by food but by sunlight. When the days become shorter, the birds will migrated to warm areas. The food offered by the bird feeders actually helped the delayed birds.
Task 2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Playing sports teach us important lessons about life.



lecture1 Glial cell神经胶质细胞

lecture 2 华兹华斯浪漫主义诗歌

4月23号的听力部分难度系数中等,非常符合ETS一惯的出题思路。两篇conversation,一篇学术,一篇生活。生活话题细节琐碎,学术话题conversation学术部分难度较大,比如女同学所举的关于凯撒小伙伴例子的那段,很难记得下笔记。四篇lectures, 分属于四个大的一级学科。Life Science,Art ,physical Science and Social Science.  在本次考试中anthroplogy 的那篇相对难度最大,其次是Geology 的那篇。



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