







今天的亚太试题为71B,写作题目为24J,考察STEM education,首先整体上来看,这个题目是教育类,并不是很难,很多同学在托福当中都常写到这个话题,而且三个观点也都比较通俗易懂,因此相信很多同学拿到作文题目的时候都是长舒一口气,但题目简单就意味着大部分人都能够写,那么如何写得好,让阅卷老师看到自己的思维逻辑才是关键。

Many people believe that a background in STEM—science, technology, engineering, math—will be need to succeed in 21st century. As technological advancements continue to reshape society, people with STEM training are likely to be in increasing demand as they apply to college and seek a job. However, many students do not seem to share the enthusiasm for STEM; research suggests that student interest and participation in these fields are declining. Given that many students are not interested in STEM, despite its prominence, it is worth considering the value of STEM education.

  Perspective One

The purpose of education is to prepare student to get a good job. The highest-paying jobs require the knowledge of STEM.

  Perspective Two

It takes much more than a high-paying job to be fulfilled life. The happiest people work at what they love.

  Perspective Three

No one can really predict what the jobs of tomorrow will require. A basic, well-rounded education is the best preparation for most people.

STEM教育就是指science, technology, engineering, math教育,通俗一点来说就是理工科教育。在国家实力的比较中,获得STEM学位的人数其实是一个重要指标。在知识经济时代,教育目标之一是培养具有STEM素养的人才,这是全球竞争力的关键。不管是中国长期以来的口号“学好数理化,走遍天下都不怕”,还是美国的竞争力计划,都将STEM教育摆到了一个非常重要的位置。因此这道题目选择支持STEM教育在考场上比较容易操作,相信这也是很多同学的考场选择。


分析:一方面可以直接认同该观点,在现在国家经济,科技飞速发展的形势下,任何新兴,高能的行业都与STEM背景相关,而这些行业往往也都是高薪行业。诚然,很多行政高管的薪酬也很高,但那些无一不需要十几年甚至几十年的经验的积累才可以,但STEM教育背景却给当下年轻人提供了一个在很短时间内达到很高成就的一个途径,比如互联网行业等,因此可以进行逻辑分析,然后补充例子,多例(不同行业都需要STEM背景)或名人例子(互联网,硅谷,当下一些新兴的企业等)都可以; 当然也可以部分认同该观点,比如教育的目的并不仅仅是让人们获得一个好的工作,但确实具有STEM背景的人相对来说更容易获得高薪职业,来进行论述。

第二个观点:认为令人满足的生活并不仅仅是高薪职业能够带来,人们其实应该做自己喜欢做的事情。这个观点可以作为对立观点来写让步段落,诚然,人们应该按照自己的兴趣爱好做事情,STEM知识可能对于某些人来说有些枯燥和晦涩,但换个角度来看,没有任何的成功是轻易可以获取的,都需要付出极大的努力; 而且正是因为STEM知识较难,才使得掌握这些知识的人成为社会金字塔的顶端人物; 再次,兴趣是可以培养的,如果有意识的去培养STEM方面的兴趣,也是可以很快掌握的。

第三个观点:谈及现代社会形势千变万化,而全方位的教育是应对多变社会的最好选择。这个观点也并不难写,而且可以由此去展现学生的思维深度。因为不管社会如何去变化,这些变化一定都是由具有良好教育背景的人去推动的,社会的变革是需要全方位的教育作为底蕴。因此一个不重视教育的社会势必不能良好发展;而一个不重视教育的国家也势必没有出路。1989年,钱学森先生着眼于21世纪的科技发展的需要,提出了“大成教育”的思想,其实也就指的这种全方位的教育。因为从空间角度来看,STEM的教育能够让一个国家迅速的培养高精尖人才,从而提升本国的各项实力; 而从时间角度来看,历史当中任何一场重大的变革,其导火索都是科学知识的变革; 这并不是说社会科学不能引导人们进步,只是社会科学的变革需要时间来证明; 而科技的影响是最具有时效性的。本段中也可以重点进行逻辑论述,配以恰当的细节进行补充。



The cultivation of talents through STEM education, whichmeans education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, has beenregarded as the crucial point in promoting global competitiveness in the 21stcentury. Therefore, many countries step up efforts to promote STEM education inall aspects, which also provides students, especially those who are good atthese curricula, with great opportunities to apply well-paid jobs. From thisaspect, lots of people take a favor attitude towards STEM education. However,others hold the opposite opinion that excessive emphasis on STEM fails tofoster well-rounded talents who are believed to be more competitive in future.Frankly speaking, the latter viewpoint, in my point of view, is moreacceptable, especially taking into account of the vast potentials that eachindividual possesses and the great possibilities of the possible careerchoices.

Since science andtechnology updated in each passing day have remarkably improved our standard ofliving and the number of people with STEM degrees has already been consideredas one of the major indicator of a national’scompetitiveness, those qualified talents who are excellent in STEM educationbecome more favored in the 21st century. Not only can they easily getscholarship to continue their higher education, but also they are in a positionto find more stable and high-paying jobs. In other words, this is in agreementwith the Perspective One that a high-paying job requires STEM knowledge and theSTEM education meets the educational goal of foster well-prepared students forjob market. It is true that not only in America, but also in other countriesaround the world, the need for senior talents with science or engineeringeducational background is increasingly high, since talent is the primaryproductivity; career competitions in any industry can be counted as thecompetition between talents after all. Therefore, it became self-evident thatan increasing number of students are more likely to choose to specialize inscience-related subjects and majors. Furthermore, lots of developed countries,including American, Britain and Australia, have launched super-looseimmigration policies to welcome senior talents all over the world. Therefore,it cannot be denied that STEM education is a kind of stepping-stone for talentsto get high-paying jobs.

But is it the onlypurpose for us to receive education to get good job? The answer is definitelyno. Equipped with desirable qualities for job-seeking is only a part of theeducational objective just as finding a job with satisfying salary is only partof the life goal needed to be fulfilled. It is true that earning is animportant aspect in choosing a job, but in considering which occupation tochoose, everyone should look honestly at himself/herself, since personalpreferences is more important than earning potential. Just as the PerspectiveTwo claims that the happiest people work at what they love which is moreimportant than high salary. For example, if someone is mad about art whilescience leaves you cold, it would be foolish to consider a career as a doctoronly because of the high paying. Otherwise, one would spend years studyingsubjects that he or she does not enjoy for a career, which in turn might turnout to be not enjoyable either. Forcing oneself against one’sown nature and talents into a career for which someone is temperamentallyunsuited will cause him or her years of unhappiness and potentially sour one’s character. It will also mean that one will never be morethan a mediocre doctor, whereas if he or she goes for a career such as an artteacher, graphic designer, set designer, fashion designer or any one of themyriad professions connected with art one will have the passion and talent forhis or her subject to succeed and reach the heights of the chosen career.Therefore it is necessary for each individual to have a sober mind in choosingcareers and tapping potentials rather than blindly follow the trend of pursuingwell-paid jobs.

What’s more, it is incorrect to put excessive emphasis onSTEM-related education even in such an updated world where no one can predictthe requirement of the job market in the future. This is in agreement with thePerspective Three which states that a basic and well-rounded education will bebest for most people. Although most students tend to believe that mastering onehighly developed skill, especially STEM-related knowledge, will be enough forthem to find a job and succeed in their careers. In the current highlycompetitive society, however, many people find that having a diversifiededucational background makes it easier for them to do their jobs well. And inaddition, all academic subjects are innately related with each to some extent.For example, On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin caused new social andpolitical issues to spring up. Since this is a piece of scientific literature,someone who lacked an adequate understanding of either biology or history wouldbe unable to fully understand the book’s impact.Therefore, it is all the more crucial for students today to take a variety ofsubjects in order to prepare for the challenges they will face in their careersand personal lives.

In conclusion,taking each individuals differences and potential into consideration, as wellas the unpredictability of the future job market, basic and well-roundededucation should be promoted to make students well prepared for the challengesin the future.


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