



1.     本次考试的3篇文章分别是:United States Postal System美国邮政系统的发展),Climate of the Past(过去的气候)和weak electric system in fish(鱼身上的弱点流系统)。

2.     如:整体相对以往较难,文章中长难句数量增多,难度加大,涉题数量增多。

3.     建议考生加大对长难句的练习力度(区分主要成分和指代关系等等)

美国的postal system(邮政系统)


需求提高,价格下降,邮政系统的发展,让Ohio地区的农民能够了解到现在应该种什么作物比较好,让顾客了解到市场上(New York等urban area)的产品的情况,促进了科技的创新,有了更多的方式来进行传输。

其中一篇 lecture讲了nano car。(此处有考题,What does the professor mainly discuss? 答案是The design of mechanical vehicles on a microscopic scale)

文章说有一种nano car,跟真正的car一样,也是有四个轮子。可以被用在人身体里,帮助运输药物等等物质。科技上最难解决的关于nano car的问题就是如何保证足够强大的engine和能够独立把握方向的steering mechanism。(此处有考题,What components of a nano-car does the professor say present the greatest challenge to researchers?

答案是An engine+A steering mechanism)

首先engine问题,血液黏稠度特别高,在血液中移动就像人在蜂蜜里面移动一样(此处有考题,问文章提到honey的作用是什么,答案是To help illustrate the difficulty of moving nano-vehicles through water or air.)于是如何持续保持动力成了很重要问题,解决方法是,车头用platinum,车尾用gold,在移动过程中形成一种proton imbalance(此处有考题,What was responsible for the successful movement of the platinum gold rod nano engine?答案是The combination of two chemical reactions created a proton imbalance. )

然后学生提到,那这个nano car不用带油箱吧?教授说不用,因为nano car所沉浸在的这个液体就是fuel(此处有考题:Why does the nano engine that the professor discusses not need to carry fuel?

答案是The liquid in which the machine is immersed is fuel supply.)

1.     what do you think makes your country different from all other countries?

Sample answer1:

My country China is the only country whose GDP keeps growing by more than 8% for decades. The economy of China is growing so fast that people’s lives have changed dramatically during the past few decades. For example, when my mom was a kid, she could barely have enough to eat. It was impossible to be able to afford to send every child in the family to school. However, by the time when I grew up, I not only always had the best to eat, but also could learn whatever I was interested in.

Sample answer 2:

I think what makes my country different from all other countries is that as one of the biggest economy entities, we are the only country whose citizens don’t have to use English at all in their daily life. We have the Chinese version of everything, so anyone can enjoy all the advanced technologies of the modern society without having to know English. For example, the most widely used social networking website, Facebook, is only in English. People from other countries have to be able to know English to use the functions of it. However, the Chinese social networking app, the Wechat has all the functions of facebook, but it is in Chinese, so all people in our country are able to enjoy the benefits of it.

题目:imagine that you’ve got two job offers. The first company requires you to work for an standard amount of hours per week (for example, work from 9 to 5 from Monday to Friday) and pays you average salary. The second company requires you to work much more hours per week but pays you much more than the first company, too. Which offer would you choose to take and why?
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