20160429 希拉里的大一统(by Mian)



Turning To The General, Clinton Makes Pitch To The “Thoughtful Republican”

PHILADELPHIA — After a set of decisive victories in Tuesday’s Democratic primaries, Hillary Clinton assumethe mantle of her party’s presumptive nominee, making a sweeping pitch for unity to Democrats, independents, millions of Bernie Sanders supporters — and to what she called the “thoughtful Republican.”Addressing both parties and those without a political party,Clinton laid out her vision of “a prosperous, inclusive, decent society” — a future, as she put it, “where love trumps hate.”“We will unify our party to win this election and build an America where we can all rise together,” Clinton said after taking the stage to the chorus of Survivor’s “Eye of the Tiger,” a departure from campaign’s strict song list, underscoring the occasion.

The figure at the center of this call was, of course, Donald Trump.The appeal to “thoughtful Republicans” reflects a softening of the rhetoric Clinton has used in recent weeks against Trump and Ted Cruz. At campaign events, Clinton often presents the top two candidates as symptomatic of the wider party.“Donald Trump didn’t come out of nowhere,” she said. “What the Republicans have sown with their extremist tactics, they are now reaping with Donald Trump’s candidacy.”




assume: vt.承接(权力或责任)

mantle: n.从一方转移给另一方的责任或重要角色


pitch: n.扔,投掷



prosperous: adj.繁荣的




symptomatic: adj.症状的


tactic: n.策略(strategy / device)

sow: vt.种 (seed)

reap: vi.收割(harvest)


1)Assume mantle:承接衣钵;2)presumptive nominee :预计提名人;3)make a pitch for sth to sb;向某人提某种建议4)thoughtful person:有思想的人5)lay out:展示/开,安排/描绘;6)departure from:背离,违背/反;7)present as:表现为


1)After a set of decisive victories in Tuesday’s Democratic primaries, Hillary Clinton assumed the mantle of her party’s presumptive nominee, making a sweeping pitch for unity to Democrats, independents, millions of Bernie Sanders supporters — and to what she called the “thoughtful Republican.”

2)The figure at the center of this call was, of course, Donald Trump

3)What the Republicans have sown with their extremist tactics, they are now reaping with Donald Trump’s candidacy.”

==>>>what you have sown with cause(seed),you are now reaping with the effect(harvest). 种因得果


1)Mantle:地幔;无袖披风或shawl(OL吹空调的时候披身);责任/衣钵(词源:圣经);assume:take or begin to have power or responsibility;固定搭配:assume mantle;sb assume the mantle of sth;2)make a pitch for sth to sb:向某人提出某建议(pitch:扔,投掷,pitch a story,I’m making a pitch:我来投稿)3)thoughtful Republican:有脑子的共和党人;4)laid out:描绘,展开(一幅蓝图/未来)5)trump:战胜,love trumps hate:爱战胜恨;6)a departure from ...与...什么相背离;7)this call:指这个呼吁,召唤,愿景;8)come out of nowhere:并非无中生有;you reap what you sown;


在取得一系列决定性的胜利后,希拉里.克林顿承接民主党派提名的衣钵,向美国(所有人:民主党人,无党派人士,数以万计的安德森支持者以及有思想的共和党人)呼吁要团结起来。在演讲中,克林顿向党派人士和无党派人士展示了未来美国社会的蓝图:繁荣,包容,正派得体,一个爱能战胜恨的美国。在幸存者“Eye of the Tiger”这首歌的旋律弥漫着整个舞台时,克林顿呼吁:“我们将团结起来,去赢得这场选举,去建设一个共同进步的美国”。这个愿景的中心人物自然是川普。近几周,克林顿软化自己对川普和克鲁斯的言辞来呼吁有思想的共和党人。在竞选活动中,克林顿将排名最高的这两候选人当作是其背后党派现有症状的表现。“川普并非无中生有的,共和党派长期采取极端政策,所以,他们现在才会推举出川普这样的候选人。”


在取得a set of决定性的胜利后,希拉里.克林顿assumed民主党派提名的mantle,making a pitch of 团结 for美国(所有人:民主党人,无党派人士,数以万计的安德森支持者以及有思想的共和党人)。在address中,克林顿向党派人士和无党派人士laid out了未来美国社会的vision:繁荣,inclusive,decent,一个love trumps hate的美国。在幸存者“Eye of the Tiger”这首歌的旋律弥漫着整个舞台时,克林顿呼吁:“我们将团结起来,去win这场选举,去build一个all rise together的美国”。这个call的central figure自然是川普。近几周,克林顿soften自己对川普和克鲁斯的rhetoric来appeal有thoughtful的共和党人。在campaign活动中,克林顿presents the top two的候选人as其背后党派现有的symptomatic。“川普并非come out of nowhere,共和党派sown with极端tactics,所以,他们现在才会reaping with川普这样的候选人。”



BHS, a heavily indebted British retail chain, was expected to go into  administration today, risking 11,000 jobs. he company’s pension scheme has a £571m deficit, and may need to be bailed out. Pensioners have been told to expect cuts. Critics say that the previous management stripped the firm’s assets.


BHS: British Home Stores

Indebted: 负债

Retail chain:零售连锁商

Go into administration: 进入破产程序


Pension scheme:养老金计划


Bail out:财政援助

Strip assets:抛售资产

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