粉红小猪妹Peppa PigS1 -10 Bicycles 自行车





粉红猪小妹 Peppa Pig 是一部原版的英语动画。纯正的英式发音、有趣的情节、可爱的动画人物设计,受到了国内外很多家长和小朋友的欢迎。我们在这里总结Peppa Pig的重点词组,配以例句,伴你和孩子一起学习!

10 Bicycles



1. pumpkin: 南瓜,南瓜的果肉

2. bicycle: 自行车

tricycle: 三轮车

3. race: 比赛。赛跑

例句:Let's race to Daddy Pig's pumpkin. 让我们比赛骑到那个南瓜。

4. bump:碰,撞

例句:We have to be very careful not to bump into it. 我们必须很小心不要撞到南瓜。

5. watch out: 小心,留神,注意

6. stabilizer: 有安定作用之物,安定装置,水平尾翼

7. steady: 稳定的,平稳的, 沉稳的

8. let go: 放开, 释放

例句:Don't let go! 不要放手!

9. hold on: 坚持, 保持, 继续

10. squash: 被压扁, 挤入

例句:Peppa has squashed Daddy Pig's pumpkin! Peppa把猪爸爸的南瓜压扁了。

  Peppa, George以及他们的几个朋友在园子里骑自行车,Daddy Pig在园子里种了一个大南瓜,因为Daddy Pig喜欢吃南瓜Pie. 这群孩子骑自行车比赛,看谁先骑到Daddy Pig种的大南瓜,Peppa提醒大家别撞坏了Daddy pig 的南瓜。小伙伴们都陆续到达,结果Peppa差点撞到了南瓜,幸亏在最后一刻刹住了闸。George骑着他的小自行车,缓慢行驶,最后一个到达。Peppa嘲笑George骑得是baby bike,另外一个小伙伴立马指出Peppa的也是baby bike,因为她的车上还有stabilizer. Peppa有些不高兴,让Daddy Pig拿掉stabilizer。但是拿掉之后,Peppa就摔倒了。Daddy Pig扶着自行车,让Peppa骑,慢慢的,Daddy Pig趁Peppa不注意,松开了手,Peppa已经会骑车了。Peppa很兴奋,高兴过了头,骑着车冲向南瓜,结果把南瓜撞烂了。然后他们就可以吃南瓜派了。英文字幕:

I'm Peppa Pig.

This is my little brother, George.

This is Mummy Pig.

And this is Daddy Pig.

Peppa Pig.


It is a lovely, sunny day,

and Peppa and George are

riding their bicycles.

That's a fine pumpkin,

Daddy Pig!

Daddy Pig is very proud of

his pumpkin.

Pumpkins are the only thing

I can grow.

Probably because

I love pumpkin pie!

Come on, George.

Danny, Suzy, Rebecca!

Peppa and her friends,

Danny Dog, Suzy Sheep

and Rebecca Rabbit,

are riding their bicycles.

George is riding his tricycle.

He's going so slowly.

Let's race to

Daddy Pig's pumpkin.

If we race to Daddy's Pumpkin,

we have to be very careful

not to bump into it.

Daddy would be very sad

if the pumpkin got broken.

Don't worry, Peppa..

Race you!

Peppa and her friends are

racing to Daddy Pig's pumpkin!

Hey! Watch out for my pumpkin!!


Peppa! Look out!

Daddy's Pumpkin!!!!

Sorry, Daddy!

Look at George!

He's going so slowly!

George is still

riding a baby bike!

Yours is

a baby bike, too, Peppa!

You've still got stabilizers!

I can ride without my stabilizers.

Me, too.

And me.

Let's ride up the hill again!

Are you coming, Peppa?

No, I think I'll stay here.

See you later!


Peppa wishes she did not have

stabilizers on her bicycle.

Daddy, I don't want stabilizers anymore.

Do you think you can ride

without them?


Alright, Peppa. Let's take them off.

Daddy Pig is taking the stabilizers

off Peppa's bicycle.

Are you sure you want to

ride without stabilizers?


You've never done it before.

I can do it. I can! I can!


It's not funny!

Riding without stabilizers

is not easy.

Would you like some help,


Yes, please, Daddy.

Alright. Ready...

Steady... GO!

Don't let go, Daddy!

Don't worry. I've got you.

You're doing really well, Peppa.

Hold on, Daddy!

Just keep peddling.

Peppa is riding on her own,

without stabilizers!

Daddy! You let go!

You've been cycling

on your own for ages.

Have I?

You're really very good at it!

Am I?

Oh, I can do it! Look at me!

Look at me! I can ride my bike properly.

Danny! Suzy! Rebecca! Look!

I don't need my stabilizers

anymore! Look at me!


Race you to Daddy's pumpkin!


Peppa, look out my pumpkin!

I'm going to win!

Peppa isn't looking

where she is going!

Wahhhh! Oops!

Oh, dear, Peppa has squashed

Daddy Pig's pumpkin!

Sorry I squashed

your pumpkin, Daddy.

Never mind the pumpkin.

The important thing is

that you are okay.

In future, you really must look

where you are going.

I promise I will, Daddy.

Good. Anyway,

now the pumpkin is broken,

I can make it

into pumpkin pie!

I love pumpkin pie!

And because Daddy Pig's

pumpkin is so big,

there will be enough

pumpkin pie for everyone!



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