关于in line、on line和at line翻译的讨论



in line、on line和at line的翻译


a.注射用水的在线温度、电导率的监测属于in line而我们习惯说的在线TOC监测实际上是on line,岗位员工定时取样测pH值属于at line。温度、电导率和TOC的测定并不一样,虽然检测装置都是在线上,但TOC是从水流中引流一定样品进入仪器检测,TOC的检测对样品是破坏性的,而温度和电导率的检测军部需要破坏样品,检测结果是实时的。in line 可对应为在线,样品在生产线上,检测装置也在生产线上,样品检测不影响工艺流;on line可对应为随线,检测装置在生产线上,样品从生产线的工艺流中转到检测装置中完成检验;at line可对应近线,首先样品肯定是离线的,从生产线取出,在靠近生产线的地方检测。

b.2014年2月份欧盟出的工艺指南中对这三个词的定义如下:At line: Measurement where the sample is removed, isolated from, andanalyzed in close proximity to the process stream.On line: Measurement wherethe sample is diverted from the manufacturing process and not returned to the process stream.In line: Measurement where the sample is analyzed within theprocess stream and not removed from it.

At line 样品从工艺流中移除、隔开,并且在靠近工艺流的地方分析的检测。On line 检测样品从生产工艺中转移出来并不返回工艺流中。In line 样品在工艺流中进行检测并不从中移除


At line:Measurement where the sample is removed, isolated from, and analyzed in closeproximity to the process stream(测试时样品从工艺流线上移除或隔开,在一个密闭的接近工艺流线的地方进行测试。).

On line: Measurement where the sample is diverted from themanufacturing process, and may be returned to the process stream(测试时样品从工艺流线转移出来,并且可能再次回到工艺流线。).

In line: Measurement where the sample is not removed from theprocess stream and can be invasive or noninvasive(测试时样品并不从工艺流线上间隔开,可以是侵袭性的或非侵袭性的。).

d.若将at line 翻译成离线,无法与offline相区别,从字面上来看,将at line 翻译成近线、off line翻译成离线要恰当一些。

e.对于b中On line 检测的样品可返回可不返回,因此不能以药品是否返回生产线来区分on line 和in line ,in line可翻译成在位,样品在工艺流中,不会被取走,不会被改变流向就可以完成检测,可以算是在位检测。In line在位on line在线at line近线off line离线



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