


               Frank Donald Drake and his contributions)


Who is Frank Donald Drake?


An American astronomer(天文学家) and


1930.05.28 :born

1960 :launched PROJECT OZMA(“奥兹玛”监听外星人信号计划)

1961:developed (推导出)Drake Equation
He is most notable as one of the pioneers in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence(地外智慧), including the founding of SETI(搜寻地外文明计划), mounting the first observational attempts at detecting extraterrestrial communications in 1960 in Project Ozma, developing theDrake Equation, and as the creator of the Arecibo Message(阿雷西博信息), a digital encoding of an astronomical and biological description of the Earth and its lifeforms for transmission into the cosmos.
A program of SETIis
Something about SETI

The search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) is a collective(集合的) term for the scientific search for intelligent extraterrestrial life. For example, monitoring electromagnetic radiation(电磁辐射) for signs of transmissions from civilizations on other worlds.

More recently, Stephen Hawking, British physicist, andYuri Milner, Russian billionaire announced a well-funded effort, called the Breakthrough Initiatives(突破计划), to expand efforts to search for extraterrestrial life.
A program of SETI is running



homepage of SETI


德瑞克方程(Drake equation)又称萨根公式(Sagan equation)或格林班克公式(Green Bank equation),是由天文学家法兰克·德雷克(Frank Drake)于1960年代提出的一条用来推测“可能与我们接触的银河系内外星球高智文明的数量”之公式。


The estimated values of the variables in each of the formulas are different, and different estimates can be derived from different N.

A possible version and its explanation

·在这里,巨大的星云气体坍塌形成恒星。一个比较好的关于恒星形成速度 的数值是每年20 颗恒星,所以R=20。

Here, a huge cloud of gas collapses to form stars. A relatively good numerical value of the star formation rate is 20 per year, so R=20.

我们可以估计一下,有二分之一的恒星是由行星的,而另一半的恒星是双子星系统, 所以f(p)=0.5。

We can estimate that there are 1/2 stars from the planet, while the other half of the stars is Gemini system, so f(p)=0.5.

·n(e)这个参数有点儿麻烦。在我们的太阳系里,以中等大小,黄色的太阳为中心的生态圈里面,有两颗(地球和火星)或者三颗 (金星)行星。那么处于“生命区”或者说生态圈(ecosphere)里的行星数量的保守估计是1,所以n(e)=1。

n(e) is a bit of a problem. In our solar system, with a medium sized, yellow sun, two (earth and Mars) or three planets in the center of the ecosystem. So a conservative estimate of the number of planets in the "living area" is 1.

下一个参数,f(l)的定义是比较困难的。问题在于,我们只有很少的有关行星可以适合于生命进 化的例子。如上面提到的,金星,地球和火星都应该具有合适的环境和条件。我们知道,在地 球上发生了生命的进化,而且似乎现在也有证据表明数十亿年前火星上就存在着简单的生命形 式。这个参数的保守估计是0.2,或者说五分之一的行星上具有可以让生命进化的合适的条件。 所以,f(l)=0.2。

The next parameter, f (l) is defined as the more difficult. The problem is that we have only a few examples of how the planets can be fit for life. As mentioned above, Venus, Earth and Mars should have the right environment and conditions. We know that life has evolved on earth, and it seems that there is now evidence that a simple life - shaped form of life on Mars, billions of years ago. A conservative estimate of this parameter is 0.2,or 1/5 of the right conditions for life to evolve. So,f(l)=0.2.

· 究竟有多少这样的星球能够孕育智慧生命?这是一个很难回答的问题。但是如果我们真的相信 自然选择和适者生存的话,几乎所有的科学家都会认为这个数字应该是百分之百。也就是说, 智慧生命是自然进化的结果。当然,我们只有一个这样的例子,那就是地球。所以,f(i)=1。

How many of these planets will be able to breed the wisdom of life? This is a very difficult question to answer. But if we really believe that natural selection and survival of the fittest, almost all scientists believe that this number should be one hundred percent. That is to say, the wisdom of life is the result of natural evolution. Of course, we have only one such example, that is the earth. So, f (i) =1.

·有多少智慧生命将会发展科技并用来与外界沟通?如果我们观察一下地球,我们会发现人类正 在做这样的事情;但是我们也同时可以看到鲸鱼和海豚,它们也拥有一定的智力,但是它们却 从来没有发展它们的科技。我们可以初步估计这个数字为0.5,即f(c)=0.5。

How much of the wisdom of life will develop technology and to communicate with the outside world? If we observe the earth, we will find that man is doing the same thing; but we can also see the whales and dolphins, they also have a certain intelligence, but they have never developed their technology. We can estimate the number of 0.5, that is, f(c)=0.5.

·最后,我们要看看最难决定的参数了。“L”代表的是一个具有高度发达科技和可以沟通交流 的文明所持续的年数。人类也不过仅仅处于进化的这一阶段中大约50年。 现在我们先不用数字来代替“L”,让我们先代入其他数字,看看我们可以得到什么。

Finally, we need to look at the most difficult parameters. "L" represents a highly developed technology and a number of years that can communicate with each civilization. Human beings are only in the evolution of this stage for about 50 years. Now we don't figure instead of "L", let us first look into other numbers, we can get what.




In other words, the number of civilizations in the galaxy, the wisdom of the civilization, is equal to the number of years. At least some of the methods we use are very meaningful. Many scientists believe that if a civilization can overcome the destruction of its own development at the beginning, it could last a very long time. We hope that the scientists are right. In any case, civilization should last for at least 50 years (this is what we are going through for 50 years), and if there are millions of years of civilization, we are likely to be able to find a million civilizations.

Is all of these that simple ?

Though the accuracy of the equation remains controversial ,the method of it provides new insights into the discovery of life.

If you are interested in it and want more information:
BBC: The Search for Life: The Drake Equation

(an excellent documentary)


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