【Do you know】“手足口病的”护理与预防,您知道吗?




May spring and summer, the humid air, it is a variety of infectious disease epidemic season, which, most parents have a headache, the number of "hand, foot and mouth disease". In fact as long as parents understand "hand, foot and mouth disease", is not so terrible. Next let's take a look at "hand, foot and mouth disease symptoms and prevention.



Hand, foot and mouth disease is a kind of virus infections, it caused by intestinal virus. Virus type a lot, and stared at the fish bubble eye is hard to see also don't know what east, not list one by one it is an acute infectious disease common in babies under the age of five. Most of the infected baby will heal in 1-2 weeks, parents need not too worried, but does not rule out a few baby appears more dangerous situation, such as suffering from complications such as meningitis, myocarditis, and even leads to death! And because the type of pathogen, each model does not exist between cross immunity, so even before too, foot and mouth, there is no guarantee that no longer after onset.



Listen to name know, hand, foot and mouth disease is the most easy to grow in the hand, foot and mouth, there will be a similar grain size and color of herpes, the baby can feel pain, some baby's hip or anal play also grow some. Also accompanied by fever (about 38 ° C), skin rash, etc., are usually not serious, 1 to 2 weeks to heal naturally, and do not have what sequela. But sustained fever may let the baby feel loss of appetite, dizziness, headache, etc., does not appear the symptom of cough, runny nose.



Respiratory system: the baby's lung function will be bad, or shortness of breath will become difficult, and may appear the symptom of similar suffocation, serious still can foaming at the mouth or blood spray. Nervous system: baby will become distracted, somnolence, nausea and vomiting, and so on. There will be some limb tic, weak, and so on, for example, may suffer from serious cerebral edema, cerebral hernia, etc.

Circulation system: found the baby began to cold limbs, complexion is pale, disorders of the heart, to hospital in time. Hand, foot and mouth disease rare severe cases. But there are risks need to be careful. Baby if infected with the virus, mommy don't relax vigilance, to observe the conditions of the baby, if feel wrong, to hospital in time, lest delay an illness.



Droplet transmission: sick baby in the droplets may have virus and throat secretions, several baby talk together, the virus may spread the unknowingly.Diet spread: because of its pathogenesis is intestinal virus, so the spread of the diet is the main way. Contaminated water, health, or metamorphic expired food may be spreading of bacteria cause infection.




Ill the baby played with the toy, used utensils, towels, quilts everything, is likely to be stained with bacteria. Healthy babies exposed to these things flashpoint for bacteria. While others, such as the kindergarten, training, etc., crowded places faster, the spread of the virus in adults take extra attention.

Hand, foot and mouth disease outbreak there is no regional, and the four seasons are likely, but is more frequent in seasonal alternate phase. It travels very fast and can cause widespread infection in a short time.



Mother discovered the baby with hand, foot and mouth disease, should be timely medical treatment, avoid contact with the outside world, usually to isolate two weeks. Baby used toys, cups and other everything thoroughly disinfected. Can use chlorine disinfectant after soaking, remove with clean water, unfavorable immerse east east can blast waste their disinfection in the sun.



Home on a regular basis should open a window ventilated, keep the air fresh and relaxed, suitable temperature and humidity. The baby ill ask strangers to our home, dad than smoking is forbidden, to prevent air pollution and prevent secondary infections.



Sick baby should stay in bed for a week, drink more warm water. Baby sick by factors such as fever, oral herpes, appetite is poorer, don't want to eat, then mummy should prepare delicate, digestible liquid foods. To avoid cold, spicy, salty, etc excitant food.




The baby to wear clothes and blankets to clean and tidy, clothing should be soft, often have to change. Mommy regularly children with hand, foot and mouth disease is commonly low or moderate heat heat, usually do not need special treatment. Mommy can let the baby drink plenty of water, speed up metabolism. If temperature is more than 38.5 ℃, under the guidance of doctors take antipyretic.

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