【回顾 Recap】What happened at Unlikely Allies 2016



Future of Cities Festival and Solutions Laboratory
未来城市盛典 & 解决方案实验室


Impact Hub 为你带来:不可思议联盟 之 
未来城市 2016
Unlikely Allies (UA) is a two day festival that takes place in a new city each year bringing together global and local thought leaders, changemakers, inspired citizens and their unlikely allies: the hackers, artists, policy makers, activists, corporate innovators and designers needed to make real change happen on key issues of our world today. In 2016 and 2017, we will take action together to explore the theme of creating positive solutions for the Future of Cities.
跨界不相同联盟” 是一个每年在不同城市举行的为期两天的盛会,把全球和在当地有影响力的领导者、创变者、受启发的市民和他们的跨界伙伴:科技牛人、艺术家、政策制定者、积极人士、企业创新者和设计师,这些为当今世界的主要问题带来真正改变所需要的人。在2016年和2017年,我们会用共同的行动,为未来城市的主题,探索积极正向的解决方案。



Festival Schedule 日程和形式
Future of Cities Festival and Solutions Laboratory is the theme forUA 2016, happening on 5th & 6th of July this year, exploring issues during urbanization through diverse ways; such as Keynote speech, SIMA Impact Videos, Master Class, Skills Exchange, Think Tank, Case Study based on representative cities, and Learning Expedition which take participants to experience examples in Seattle city.
2016年“跨界不相同联盟”的主题是:未来城市解决方案实验室。7月5-6号两天的时间,通过多元化的形式,探讨城市进化中发生的一系列问题。比如 Keynote主题演讲,社会影响力媒体放映 SIMA Films,大师讲堂,技能互换,针对特定议题的思考方块,具体城市分析的案例研究,深入西雅图城市角落中的“学习远征”等。

Who attended?谁在这里?
We gathered innovators,artists, entrepreneurs, Impact Hub teams, activists, policy makers, business and government leaders, and guest speakers such asMayor Edward B. Murray, Kevin Jones from SOCAP and Good Capital, Shayna Englin, Managing Director of North America atChange.org.
这里聚集了创变者、艺术家、创业者、Impact Hub团队、积极人士、政策制定者、商业和政府领导者、还有多元背景的演讲嘉宾,比如西雅图市长
Edward B. Murray、SOCAP和美好基金的 Kevin Jones、Change.org的北美总经理 Shayna Englin。
A Community of Diversity 一个多元跨界社群

Topic 议题

UA 2016
Over 2 days, UA includes topics such as Developing a More Creative City, Collective Climate Change, Resilient Entrepreneurship: Long term strategy for cities to unleash their potential and flourish, Seattle, SF and London as Case Studies for Opening Sourcing Civic Innovation, Impact Hubs from around the globe becoming platforms for big changes in their cities.
的Impact Hub是如何成为各自城市的创变平台的。
Social impact meets the Maker movement, Leading Systemic Collaboration in Improvised Cities, How to transform anImpact Hub to an Impact City, Social infrastructure needed in the era of mass globalization & urbanization, The Wellbeing Project: Connecting inner work / personal development to social change, Impact Virtual Reality and VR for Good, etc. 

UA Moments 瞬间节选

Keynote Speaker, Mayor Edward B. Murray kicks off UA  西雅图市长为UA揭开序幕
Mayor Murray is committed to making Seattle a city that is safe, affordable, livable and interconnected for all. He invited the audience to participate in their local government- to support policy makers in creating the real change that is needed.
Murray 市长承诺为大家带来一个安全、价格可承受、适合居住、内在连接的西雅图城市。他发出邀请,希望大家可以更多地参与当地政府的工作,以辅助政策制定者创建出大家需要的变革。
Imandeep Kaur on Building Movements not Moments “我们需要真正的运动,而非只是瞬间。”
Imandeep, co-foudner of Impact Hub Birmingham a network of citizens, makers, doers, entrepreneurs, activists and dreamers committed to building a better Birmingham. Immy is Director of Project 00, [zero zero] is a collaborative studio of architects, strategic designers, programmers, social scientists, economists and urban designers practicing design beyond traditional borders.
Imandeep, Impact Hub伯明翰联合创始人,一群致力于将伯明翰建设更美好的公民、创变者、行动者、创业者、积极人士和梦想家的社群。Immy同时也是一个00(零零)项目的主管,一个聚集了建筑师、战略设计师、程序员、社会学家、经济学家和城市设计师的协作式艺术室,超越传统的边界探索设计实践。
亲身体验 Real Experience
Unlikely Allies" to me, is a global gathering for social changemakers, connecting with old friends and meeting new friends, such as Max fromTeamlabs, Adam fromU.Lab, “Email Friend” like Hanna which never had chance to meet before. AND of course, founders of 64Impact Hubs.
“跨界不相同联盟”于我,是一次全球社会创变领域的大聚会,碰到很多老朋友和新朋友,比如Teamlabs创始人Max,麻省理工创变机构U.Lab的Adam,Email联系很久但未谋面的Hanna,和64个城市Impact Hub创始人。

Within the intense schedule for 2 days, it was hard to decide which one to go. Unlike a traditional conference, UA use innovative and diverse forms such as Open Space, supporting participants to bring his/her own topic for discussion. We got really inspired by topics such as "Make the whole city an “Impact Hub", how", "Use VR and AR for bigger social impact". 
两天的日程非常密集,优质的议题和让人很难抉择。会议也采用非传统的多元化形式,第二天下午还安排了开放空间,让参与者可以自主提出议题展开讨论,从如何让城市称为一个”Impact Hub”,到如何用虚拟现实和增强现实创造更大的社会影响,让人脑洞大开。

I joined a Master Class "Moon Shot of Future Cities", an exploration of city based social action. We were divided into 6 groups, each group has roles such as policy makers, local voices, social entrepreneurs, system thinkers, volunteer department, coming up with solutions for a certain social issue. 
布达佩斯Impact Hub
创始人,布京理工校友 Melinda
(Co-founder of Budapest, Alumni of Blekinge Institute of Technology from Sweden)
马德里Impact Hub联合创始人Max.
TheMAX who brought usJuegacetamol (Magic Emotion Jar), co-founder of Impact Hub Madrid.
Beautiful Impact HUB Seattle
Meeting new friends.
Ice Cream time.
世界各地的 Impact Hub Sticker

All about Community, Sustainbility, and FUN!

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