【专栏】嘻哈人物小课堂/Hip Hop figures(3)


Hip Hop can change the world....


Eric B. & Rakim,无敌的纽约二人组,开创了DJ和MC搭档的二人团队模式。 These two guys from NYC created the partnership of DJ and MC.

Rakim,人称“手持麦克风的上帝”( God on the Mic),他的flow流畅、自然、舒缓、成熟,领先同时代人20年以上,80年代的歌曲现在听也不过时,是许多人心中的NO.1 MC。

Rakim, God on the Mic, whose flow is smooth, natural, slow and mature, and is superior of more than 20 years to the people from the same generation, is the NO.1 MC for many people.

Eric B(去世了R.I.P.),超级牛的DJ,手法纯熟利落,开创了嘻哈音乐疯狂采样James Brown的先河。Eric B (passed away) is a great DJ. With his awesome skills, he started the time when Hip Hop took samples from James Brown.

这俩人太牛了,太伟大了,经典无数,喜欢阿姆的小朋友们,听一听“8英里”的原声,里面也有收录rakim的歌曲。推荐“Paid In Full”,“I Ain‘t No Joke”,对比一下之前推荐的歌曲,感受一下这对伟大组合“说”的技术有多成熟。

KRS-one(取“ Knowledge Reigns Supreme Over Nearly Everyoe”每个单词的首字母),来自纽约布鲁克林,绰号“The Teacher”。 他知识广博,眼光深远,是说唱界的老师。标志性的大鼻子和声如洪钟的嗓音是他的标签。其所在团队“Boogie Down Productions”是早期硬核(Hardcore)说唱的先驱。好友Scott la Rock死后,他深受打击,反思之后改变往日凶狠的曲风,转而投身公益和演讲,致力于推广健康的说唱,宣传知识、爱与和平,反对毒品与暴力,并宣称“嘻哈不死”,坚信嘻哈可以改变世界。他为嘻哈贡献的实在太多,值得所有嘻哈爱好者的尊敬。

KRS-one("Knowledge Reigns Supreme Over Nearly Everyone") is from Brooklyn, NYC, nickname: "The Teacher". He is very knowledgeable and insightful, and that is what makes him the teacher of rap. Typical big nose and loud voice are his tags. His team(Boogie Down Productions) is the pioneer of hardcore rap. After his good friend Scott la Rock's death, he got shocked deeply. He changed his fierce style after his reflection, and turned to goodwill work and public speech. He promoted healthy rap, including knowledges, love and peace, and fought against drugs and violence. He said"Hip Hop won't die", and believed that hip hop can change the world. He contributed a lot to hip hop, so it is worth the respect from all the hip hop lovers.

Kool Moe Dee,也是一位纽约传奇。说到他就得说说他的“beef情结”,嘻哈史上公认的第一场beef就是他与Busy Bee进行的,而他的另一场让人印象深刻的、与LL Cool J之间那场旷日持久的多回合beef,更是在嘻哈史上留下浓墨重彩的一笔(史上四大beef之一)。这位好斗的battle rapper是同时代的领军人物,有着机关枪般滔滔不绝的说唱特点,和领先于同时代的时尚品味,标志性的墨镜就是印证。还有一点不得不提,格莱美颁奖礼上的第一次现场嘻哈表演就是他带来的。

Kool Moe Dee, another legend of NYC, had the first beef in history with Busy Bee, and had another brilliant beef with LL Cool J (one of the four biggest beefs in history). Sunglasses, supreme taste of rap and fast pace of rapping are typical for him. He also brought us the first hip hop live show at Grammy Award.

① 关于flow简单来说,就是rapper说唱技法的个人风格。(personal style of the rapper)

② 关于beef:并不是指“牛肉”。大家知道,rapper之间常有battle,而beef则是更“脏”的、更带有侮辱谩骂和攻击属性的一种battle,输的一方通常会失去支持者,受到很大心理和事业上的打击,很长时间都难以恢复元气。(The battle with more aggression and insulting, the losing side will lose the supporters and suffer from psychological and career shock, and it is difficult to recover from those.)

Busy Bee:82年在曼哈顿与Kool Moe Dee的beef被公认为史上第一次beef,说唱生涯孜孜不倦,从他开始MC的地位极大提高,不再是给DJ暖场的小角色。(attended first beef in history)

LL Cool J:Ladies Love Cool James,相貌确实很cool,也是个纽约传奇。前期硬核,后来在与 Kool Moe Dee间的beef之后,一段时间转而开创说唱情歌,并获得巨大成功。

LL Cool J, (Ladies Love Cool James), he looks cool for real. In the early stage his rap style was hardcore. After the beef battle with Kool Moe Dee, he started to rap love songs, and gained huge success.

To be continued: Westcoast.





Introduction to Hip Hop culture and music, commercial performance,

Hip Hop course, Hip Hop outfit, Hip Hop camp.

〖Absolute hip hop〗

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