As he lay dying 在他弥留之际











A neurosurgeon examines his life

As he lay dying


An intimate, essential memoir on meaning


Feb 6th 2016 | From the print edition

When Breath Becomes Air. By Paul Kalanithi. Random House; 238 pages; $25. Bodley Head; £12.99.





Translated by Ghost II 

Proofread by  janewfj,祁嘉礼

Edited by  陈思维

1.MANY people avoid discussing death. Doctors face it daily, reading scans blotted by tumours the way others scour market data. But years of training cannot dull the pang when, glancing at a scan and seeing a patient’s dim chances, those prospects happen to be his own. Paul Kalanithi died at 37. He had spent years training to be a neurosurgeon; his doctor first ascribed his sharp pains and dwindling frame to the demands of residency. But instead it was cancer, which had spread from his lungs to his spine and liver. Faced with such news, Kalanithi said, a person’s understanding of time changes. In his last months of life he chose to become a father. He also chose to write. His essays were published by Stanford University, where he worked, and by the New York Times. “When Breath Becomes Air” is a deeper exploration of the themes he raised, less a memoir than a reflection on life and purpose. It is an unusual little book, written by an unusual man.





scour   vt.

1) If you scour something such as a sink, floor, or pan, you clean its surface by rubbing it hard with something rough. = scrub

* scour the pots and pans 把壶和锅刷乾净

* A storm had scoured the South and Midwest the night prior, canceling our flight around midnight after hours of delays. - Washington Post Jan 27, 2016

2) If you scour something such as a place or a book, you make a thorough search of it to try to find what you are looking for. = search

* Police scoured the woods (looking) for the body. 警方到树林各处(寻)找那具屍体.

* Rio organizers have been scouring Olympics venues daily for two weeks, looking for standing water where mosquitoes breed. - Washington Times Jan 31, 2016

[注意:scour后面加的是搜索的那个地方,而不是要找的东西,如果还要写要找的东西可以像上面的例句一样用looking for分词短语]

pang   n.

A pang is a sudden strong feeling or emotion, for example of sadness or pain.

* pangs of jealousy, remorse, guilt, conscience,etc 一阵阵忌妒﹑ 悔恨﹑ 负咎﹑ 自责等的痛苦.

* Kondo’s other main strategy finesses the pangs of letting go by calling for a considered, thankful hail and farewell—a ceremony, not a ham-fisted trash-bagging. - The New Yorker Dec 8, 2015


A doctor's residency is the period of specialized training in a hospital that he or she receives after leaving university. (AM) (美) (医师的) 实习期间住院实习医师的身分[其他用法同residence]


n. (人或动物的)肝脏


1) 关于本文的这句,解释一下有关“一般现在时”的误区:

Faced with such news, Kalanithi said, a person's understanding of time changes.






再比如本文,保罗这个感想也是不会随着时间变化的,只要人面对自己得癌症的消息,他对时间的理解总是会change的;在比如,我们恋爱的时候,说的都是I love you.不是I’m loving you.(虽然你们昨天才在一起、很可能明天就要分手,是吧?)

②重复性的动作或状态。这个比较好理解,常见的副词always, often等都是标志词。



斯坦福大学有自己的医疗机构,名为斯坦福大学医学中心(Stanford University Medical Center),包括斯坦福医院和露西尔帕卡德儿童医院(Lucile Packard Childrens Hospital)。单说斯坦福医院,这所医院在《美国新闻与世界报道》周刊的美国最佳医院排名中一直有一席之地。它也是斯坦福大学医学院的主要教学医院,在培养医生和其他医疗工作人员中扮演了十分重要的角色。保罗小哥就是在这里实习的。

2.Kalanithi was a doctor by training and a philosopher by temperament, the type of person who, inspired by Aldous Huxley, used his university-admissions essay to argue that happiness was not the point of life. As a 20-year-old camp counsellor, he read a book called “Death and Philosophy” while using his inert body in a children’s game. At university he studied literature, “the richest material for moral reflection”, and human biology, for laying out “the most elegant rules of the brain”. This was a person obsessed by the way people find meaning.

卡拉尼迪的职业是医生,但他身上更多的是一种哲学家的气质。他曾受阿道司•赫胥黎(Aldous Huxley)启发,在大学入学论文中对“幸福并不是生活的要义”进行了论证 。 20岁当夏令营辅导员那年,卡拉尼迪一边笨手笨脚地和孩子们做着游戏,一边还在阅读《死亡与哲学》。而到了大学,卡拉尼迪的专业是文学(“当一个人想要对是非对错进行思考的时候,文学就是他最取之不尽的素材宝库”)和人类生物学(因为人类生物学阐明了“大脑最精妙的运行规则”)。这些人类探索“意义”的种种方式,都让卡拉尼迪深深着迷。本段生词

the point

n. [只单数]

the matter under discussion; the essential thing 谈论的事; 要点; 核心问题

* Let's stop discussing trivial details and come/get to the point. 咱们别再谈琐碎细节了, 说正事吧.

* The point (at issue) is this.... 问题的要点是这样的....

Camp Counselor

The Camp Counselor works with summer camps training their staff, designing programs, guiding administrators, writing curriculum and a whole lot more!

inert   a.

1) without power to move or act

* She lay there inert; I thought she must be dead. 她躺在那儿一动不动, 我想她一定死了.

* Dread fades to sadness as your eyes linger on these inert specimens, the last samples of what once were animated creatures. – Salon Jan 18, 2016

2) [贬] 迟钝的; 迟缓的; 呆滞的

* an inert management team 死气沉沉的管理阶层.

* The musical performance, however, was prone to mishaps, with some flashes of intensity but many inert stretches. - New York Times Jan 21, 2016

3) 惰性的(气体等物质)

* The report is unclear on what is meant by 'inert'; however, inert materials are rare, particularly those that must remain so for thousands of years. – Nature Jan 12, 2016

3.Kalanithi writes about the small events that are the meat of human experience: his wanderings through the Arizona desert as a boy, his joy at reading Thoreau and Camus, conversations with his wife and the strange sense of normality felt while dissecting a cadaver. At work he faced not intimations of mortality but the constant reality of it. He describes his mild shame when, having abandoned an ice-cream sandwich to treat a dying patient, unsuccessfully, he gingerly reclaims the melting dessert. He writes about what science can explain and “its inability to grasp the most central aspects of human life: hope, fear, love, hate, beauty, envy, honour, weakness, striving, suffering, virtue”.



n.[U] chief or important part (of sth) (某物之)主要或重要部分

* This chapter contains the meat of the writer's argument. 这一章包含着作者论证的主要部分.


n.Normality is a situation in which everything is normal.

* When something happens that shakes up your life, you probably look forward to a return to normality, meaning the usual happenings of everyday life.

* Meeting the Russian leader on Wednesday evening, he said he hoped to bring some "confidence and normality" to a difficult political climate. – BBC Feb 3, 2016


n.[fm]an indirect suggestion or sign that something is likely to happen or be true透露,暗示

* He has given us no intimation of his intentions/what he intends to do. 他没有向我们透露他的意图.

* To that positive and patriotic message, Mr. Trump responded with his trademark sneer and umpteenth intimation that Mr. Obama, a Christian, is a closet Muslim. - Washington Post Feb 4, 2016


n.1) The mortality in a particular place or situation is the number of people who die. = death rate

* Infant mortality was 20 deaths per thousand live births in 1986. 1986年的婴儿死亡率为生育成活率的千分之二十.

The nation's infant mortality rate has reached a record low.

2) the condition of being human and having to die不免一死

* My mother's death forced me to face the fact of my own mortality .

4.Most interestingly, he writes about language, about the parts of the brain that control it and its centrality to what makes us human. This is an urgent missive, the power of words revered by a man whose words were leaving him. He describes the birth of his daughter movingly—frail, he lay swaddled as his wife laboured beside him—and the soul-filling love for his new baby. This vital book is dedicated to her.



n.a letter or other message that someone sends.[文或谑]

* They write back with a level of gratitude totally disproportionate to my lame missives. - The New Yorker Jan 27, 2016

* When he wrote to his family members, the missives were often rambling and nonsensical. - Washington Post Jan 20, 2016


vt.If you revere someone or something, you respect and admire them greatly.

* revere virtue, human life, the church's teaching 崇尚美德﹑ 尊重人的生命﹑ 崇奉教义

* The tuatara is revered in Māori culture and few people are given permission to visit the islands where they reside. – Reuters Feb 4, 2016


1. 题目溯源

1) As He Lay Dying

此题目应该源自于一本20世纪的意识流小说As I Lay Dying,中译本《我弥留之际》,这本小说被认为是20世纪最好的小说之一。

再往前溯源的话,这句话最初是出自荷马所著《奥德赛》的第11卷。当时奥德修斯下到冥府,遇到了已经挂掉的阿伽门农,阿伽门农对他大倒苦水,说自己的死亡是被她的坏老婆害的。其中就有这么一句话"As I lay dying, the woman with the dog's eyes(也就是他老婆) would not close my eyes as I descended into Hades(哈迪斯是希腊神话中的冥王,于是乎这个词也指代冥府)."


2) When Breath Becomes Air

出自十七世纪诗人Fulke Greville的诗Caelica 83. 这首诗摘录如下:

You that seek what life is in death,

Now find it air that once was breath.

New names unknown, old names gone:

Till time end bodies, but souls none.

Reader! then make time, while you be,

But steps to your eternity.


2. 保罗其人




【Paul grew up in Kingman, Arizona, before attending Stanford University, from which he graduated in 2000 with a B.A. and M.A. in English Literature and a B.A. in Human Biology. He earned an M.Phil in History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine from the University of Cambridge before attending medical school. In 2007, Paul graduated cum laude from the Yale School of Medicine, winning the Lewis H. Nahum Prize for outstanding research and membership in the Alpha Omega Alpha medical honor society. He returned to Stanford for residency training in Neurological Surgery and a postdoctoral fellowship in neuroscience, during which he authored over twenty scientific publications and received the American Academy of Neurological Surgery’s highest award for research.】









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