【看纪录片学单词】历史类 --《总统竞选》之安德鲁·杰克逊 vs 约翰·昆西·亚当斯





Line 1】 The country is at a pivotal moment. Who’s going to lead it now? It was easy when you had the revolution generation and their protégés. You knew the line of succession. But that generation was dying out. And the issue was who could be president. 这个国家正处在关键时刻,现在谁将会引领它?当革命者这代人和他们的追随者们当道的时候,这并不难决定,你会知道谁能来继任。但是那代人正在慢慢凋零,问题出现了,那就是谁能胜任总统位置。

★★★ pivotal  a.关键的

★★★protégé  n.门徒

succession  n.继承,继任

Line 2】 There’s a new contender in the race. He comes all the way to Washington from Tennessee. He maybe an outsider, but he has the people’s vote, His name, General Andrew Jackson.  一位新的竞争者出现了,他从田纳西州过关斩将来到华府。他或许是外来者,但他是民心所向,他就是,安德鲁·杰克逊将军。

★★contender  n.争夺者

Line 3】 He was regarded as a dangerous man, who, as a general, had more than once exceeded his authority, and broke the rules in order to defend his honor. In fact, Andrew Jackson was willing to kill to get his way. 他被视为一个危险的人物,作为将军,他曾不止一次逾越自己的权利范围,不惜打破规章制度以维护自己的荣誉。事实上,安德鲁·杰克逊为达目的不惜一切。

exceed  v.超越(限制、规定等)

Line 4】 The other candidates were kind of astonished when it became apparent that Jackson had a popularity that transcended what they thought were qualification. 当其他候选人发现杰克逊的支持率足以让他赢得候选资格时,都大为惊讶。

astonished  a.震惊的

★★transcend  vt.超越,胜过

★★qualification  n.资格

Line 5】 Jackson’s rival has a perfect presidential resume, his name, JohnQuincy Adams. John Quincy Adams was probably the most qualified man to be president that the United  States has ever produced. He was the son of John Adams, the first vice president and then president of the United States. He had served as a congressman, as a senator, as a diplomat. He had then been secretary of state under James Monroe. 杰克逊的对手有着丰富的总统竞选履历,他的名字是,约翰·昆西·亚当斯。约翰·昆西·亚当斯可能是美国有史以来出现的最具有总统资格的人,他是约翰·亚当斯的儿子,后者是美国第一任副总统,然后当选了总统。约翰·昆西·亚当斯当过国会议员、参议员,以及外交官,他当时在詹姆斯门罗手下任国务卿。

rival  n.竞争对手

resume  n.履历

congressman  n.国会议员

★★senator  n.参议员

★★★diplomat  n.外交官

★★★secretaryof state  国务卿

Line 6】 Jackson had more popular votes than anyone else, and more electoral votes than anyone else, but not enough to win an absolute majority. Instead,Congress will choose America’s next president. Andrew Jackson was enraged. Let me rise or fall on the rule that the majority of the people should decide who their president is. 杰克逊的大众选举票数超过了其他所有人,他得到的选举人票数也超过了其他所有人,但并未赢得绝对对数选票。相反,国会将选出美国的下一任总统,安德鲁·杰克逊被激怒了。我的成败应该按照规则,让广大人民来决定谁来当他们的总统。

★★★electoral  a.选举人的

Congress  n.国会

★★★enrage  vt.激怒

Line 7】 Louise Adams was a very accomplished woman. She had learned how to entertain in the courts of Europe while Adams was a diplomat. 露易莎·亚当斯是一位娴于交际的女性,在亚当斯做外交官的时候,她学会了在欧洲社交圈中应酬。

★★accomplished  a.熟练的

entertain  v.招待,给…带来娱乐

court  n.宫廷

★★★diplomat  n.外交官

Line 8】 Rachel Jackson was completely a fish out of water when it came to what was expected of elite women in the cities of the eastern seaboard. 当瑞秋·杰克逊与东海岸城市的社会名媛们打交道时完全力不从心。

a fish out of water  感到不适应,不自在

★★elite  n.精英

Line 9】 Henry Clay is speaker of the House of Representatives. He controls the 213 men tasked with choosing between Adams and Jackson. The most powerful legislator of his time now had an opportunity to be a king-maker. He could swing the vote. 亨利·克莱是一位众议院演说家,他控制着那213位将在亚当斯和杰克逊之间做出抉择的议员。这位当时世界上最有权力的议员,现在有机会成为造王者,他有能力左右选票。

★★★the House of Representatives  众议院

★★legislator  n.议会议员

swing  v.使摇摆

Line 10】 Two months of negotiation and speculation pass. The house convenes, to announce America’s new president. John Quincy Adams becomes the sixth president of the United States of America. 两个月的时间在协商和猜测中过去,议院召开会议,宣布美国的新总统,约翰·昆西·亚当斯成了美利坚合众国的第六任总统。

negotiation  n.协商

★★speculation  n.猜测

★★★convene  v.召集,开会

Line 11】From Jackson’s point of view, it looks like a corrupt bargain, it’s two guys, in a back room, making a deal to steal the election away from the people of the United States. 在杰克逊看来,这是一场腐败的交易,是两个人,在密室里达成的交易,旨在从美国人手中窃取一场选举。

★★corrupt  a.腐败的

Line 12】 For Jackson, this is a betrayal. And it’s clear form the very beginning he’s never going to forget that betrayal as he sees it. 对杰克逊来说,这意味着背叛,显而易见,他从一开始看到这场背叛就不打算对之放任不管。

★★betrayal  n.背叛

Line 13】 Jackson was certainly capable of physical violence in defense of democracy. So the threat that he might do something was very real. 为了保卫民主,杰克逊绝对敢使用身体暴力,所以当他威胁说可能采取行动时,不会只是说说而已。

capable  a.能够…的

democracy  n.民主

Line 14】 After that election, there was a reception at the White House hosted by the outgoing president, Monroe, to congratulate John Quincy Adams on his victory. 选举结束后,白宫举办了招待会,由即将卸任的总统门罗举办,为了祝贺约翰·昆西·亚当斯的胜利。

reception  n.招待会

★★★outgoing  a.即将离职的

Line 15】 And so Jackson walked into that crowded room, in front of this collection of notables. People were watching, you know, what’s going to happen between these two guys. They thought that there might be an explosion of temper. 于是杰克逊步入那个挤满人的房间,穿过那些社会名流。人们观望着,看这两个人之间会发生什么事,他们觉得可能会出现情绪的爆发。

★★notable  n.名人,显要人物







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