【看纪录片学单词】生态类 --《家园》之格陵兰的融化





Line 1】 Our ecosystem doesn't have borders. Wherever we are, our actions have repercussions on the whole Earth. The atmosphere of our planet is an indivisible whole. It is an asset we share. 我们的生态系统并无疆界,无论在那里,我们的行为在全球各地引起回响,地球的大气层是不可分割的整体是我们共享的资产。

ecosystem  n.生态系统

border  n.边境

★★★repercussion  n.反响

asset  n.资产

Line 2】 More and more of these glacier-fed rivers are merging together and burrowing through the surface. It was thought the water would freeze in the depths of the ice. On the contrary, it flows under the ice, carrying the ice sheet into the sea, where it breaks into icebergs. 越来越多源自冰川的河流,汇集并在表层下穿过,人们以为河水会在冰的深处结冰,但恰恰相反,它在冰下流过,把冰原带进海洋,并碎裂成冰山。

merge  v.合并

★★★burrow  v.挖地洞

★★ice sheet  大冰原

★★iceberg  n.冰山

Line 3】 As the fresh water of Greenland's ice sheet gradually seeps into the salt water of the oceans, low-lying lands around the globe are threatened. 当格陵兰的冰原淡水慢慢渗入海洋的咸水,地球各处低洼地区将受到威胁。

★★ice sheet  大冰原

★★★seep  v.渗漏

Line 4】 Coral reefs, for example, are extremely sensitive to the slightest change in water temperature. Thirty percent have disappeared. They are an essential link in the chain of species. 例如,珊瑚礁对海水温度的,轻微变化非常敏感,三成已消失它们是生物链中重要一环。

coral reef  珊瑚礁

sensitive  a.敏感的

slight  a.轻微的

essential  a.重要的

Line 5】 In the atmosphere, the major wind streams are changing direction. Rain cycles are altered. The geography of climates is modified. The inhabitants of low-lying islands here in the Maldives, for example, are on the front line. They are increasingly concerned. Some are already looking for new, more hospitable lands. 在大气层,主要的季风已改变方向,雨水循环被改变,气候地理也被更改。住在像马尔代夫这样的低洼岛屿的居民处于最前沿,他们越来越感到忧虑,有些开始寻找新的,更适宜居住的土地。

alter  v.改变

modify v.更改

inhabitant  n.居民

★★hospitable  a.适宜居住的

Line 6】 Seventy percent of the world's population lives on coastal plains. Eleven of the 15 biggest cities stand on a coastline or river estuary. As the seas rise, salt will invade the water table, depriving inhabitants of drinking water. 全球70%的人口住在沿海平原,十五个最大城市有十一个位于海岸线或河口,如果海水上升,咸水会侵入地下水,令居民失去饮用水。

★★★river estuary  河口三角湾

invade  v.侵略

★★water table  地下水位

deprive of  剥夺

inhabitant  n.居民







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