【职事英语】2016 SUMMER TRAINING week7-day2



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C. The screen was for the entrance of the tent—Exo. 26:36:


1. The tabernacle in Exodus was enterable.

1 出埃及记的帐幕是可进入的。

2. By being incarnated, God not only became a man; He also became an enterable tabernacle—John 1:14.

2 神借着成为肉体,不仅成为人,也成了可进入的帐幕—约一14。

3. In the Old Testament the priests could enter into the tabernacle, and today all the believers in Christ, as priests, can enter into God and dwell in Him—Rom. 15:16; 1 Pet. 2:5, 9; Rev. 1:6; 1 John 4:13, 15.

3 在旧约里,祭司能进入帐幕,今天所有在基督里的信徒都是祭司,能进入神里面并住在祂里面—罗十五16,彼前二5,9,启一6,约壹四13,15。

4. The incarnated God has become our dwelling place, our home, as a place of enjoyment—cf. Psa. 90:1; Rev. 21:22.

4 成为肉体的神已经成了我们的居所,我们的家,作为享受之处—参诗九十1,启二一22。

D. Like the four pillars attached to the veil, the five pillars attached to the screen signify stronger believers who are identified with the incarnated and crucified Christ—Exo. 26:32, 37:


1. These pillars at the entrance of the tabernacle are evangelists, who declare to all that Christ died for their sins.

1 在帐幕入口的这些柱子乃是传福音者,他们向众人传布基督已经为他们的罪死了。

2. The pillars within the tabernacle are those who experience Christ in a deeper way, who daily attach themselves to the torn veil, to the Christ who was terminated in His flesh, and bear the testimony that they have been crucified with Christ—Gal. 2:20.

2 在帐幕里的柱子乃是更深经历基督的人,他们天天将自己联于裂开的幔子,就是联于那位在肉体里被了结的基督,作他们已经与基督同钉十字架的见证—加二20。

3. These two kinds of pillars provide entrances for sinners to be saved into God’s dwelling place and then to be terminated so that they may come into God’s Holy of Holies to enjoy God Himself in His fullness.

3 这两种柱子提供入口,让罪人蒙拯救进入神的居所,然后被了结,使他们得以进入神的至圣所,在神的丰满里享受神自己。

E. Between the five pillars supporting the screen there were four entrances into the tabernacle, and between the four pillars supporting the veil there were three entrances into the Holy of Holies—Exo. 26:32, 37:


1. The fact that the screen has four entrances indicates that God’s dwelling place is open to all people from the four corners of the earth—Rev. 5:9.

1 帘子有四个入口,这乃指明神的居所向着所有从地四方来的人,都是敞开的—启五9。

2. The three entrances in the veil indicate that the Triune God Himself is the entrance for His redeemed people to enter not only His dwelling place but also Himself—Eph. 2:18; Luke 15:3-32; cf. Rev. 21:12-13.

2 幔子的三个入口,指明三一神自己是入口,使祂所救赎的子民,不仅进入祂的居所,也进到祂自己里面—弗二18,路十五3 ~ 32,参启二一12 ~ 13。

III. The screen and the veil are related to the two aspects of reconciliation spoken of by Paul in 2 Corinthians 5:18-21:

叁帘子和幔子与保罗在林后五章十八至二十一节所说和好的两面有关:Morning Nourishment 晨兴喂养

John 1:14 “And the Word became flesh and tabernacled among us (and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only Begotten from the Father), full of grace and reality.”

约一14 “话成了肉体,支搭帐幕在我们中间,丰丰满满地有恩典,有实际。我们也见过祂的荣耀,正是从父而来独生子的荣耀。”

Eph. 2:18 “For through Him we both have access in one Spirit unto the Father.”

弗二18 “因为借着祂,我们两下在一位灵里,得以进到父面前。”

The tabernacle in Exodus was enterable. By being incarnated, God not only became a man; He also became an enterable tabernacle (John 1:14). God’s original intention was that all the children of Israel would be priests (Exo. 19:6) and have the right to enter into the tabernacle, that is, to enter into God and dwell in God. In the Old Testament the priests could enter into the tabernacle, and today all the believers in Christ, as priests (Rom. 15:16; 1 Pet. 2:5, 9; Rev. 1:6), can enter into God and dwell in Him (1 John 4:13, 15). The incarnated God has become our dwelling place, our home, as a place of enjoyment (cf. Psa. 90:1; Rev. 21:22). (Exo.26:36, footnote 2)

出埃及记的帐幕是可进入的。神借着成为肉体,不仅成为人,也成了可进入的帐幕(约一14)。神起初的心意是所有以色列人都作祭司(出十九6),都有权利进入帐幕,也就是进入神里面并住在神里面。在旧约里,祭司能进入帐幕,今天所有在基督里的信徒都是祭司(罗十五16,彼前二5、9,启一6),能进入神里面并住在祂里面(约壹四13、15)。成为肉体的神已经成了我们的居所,我们的家,作为享受之处(参诗九十1,启二一22)(圣经恢复本,出二六36 注1)。Today’s Reading  信息选读

Like the four pillars attached to the veil (Exo. 26:32), the five pillars attached to the screen signify stronger believers who are identified with the incarnated and crucified Christ (see footnotes 2 and 3 on v. 32). These pillars at the entrance of the tabernacle are evangelists, who declare to all that Christ died for their sins. The pillars within the tabernacle are those who experience Christ in a deeper way, who daily attach themselves to the torn veil, to the very Christ who was terminated in His flesh, and bear the testimony that they have been crucified with Christ (cf. Gal. 2:20). These two kinds of pillars provide entrances for sinners to be saved into God’s dwelling place and then to be terminated so that they may come into God’s Holy of Holies to enjoy God Himself in His fullness.

如同联于幔子的四根柱子(出二六32),联于帘子的五根柱子,表征较刚强的信徒与成为肉体并钉十字架的基督联合为一(见32 注1 与注2)。在帐幕入口的这些柱子乃是传福音者,他们向众人传布基督已经为他们的罪死了。在帐幕里的柱子乃是更深经历基督的人,他们天天将自己联于裂开的幔子,就是联于那位在肉体里被了结的基督,作他们已经与基督同钉十字架的见证(参加二20)。这两种柱子提供入口,让罪人蒙拯救进入神的居所,然后被了结,使他们得以进入神的至圣所,在神的丰满里享受神自己。

Between the five pillars supporting the screen there were four entrances into the tabernacle, and between the four pillars supporting the veil there were three entrances into the Holy of Holies. The fact that the screen has four entrances indicates that God’s dwelling place is open to all people from the four corners of the earth (Rev. 5:9). The three entrances in the veil indicate that the Triune God Himself is the entrance for His redeemed people to enter not only His dwelling place but also Himself. Cf. Rev. 21:12-13 and footnote 1 on v. 13. (Exo. 26:37, footnote 1)

在挂帘子的五根柱子之间,有进入帐幕的四个入口;在挂幔子的四根柱子之间,有进入至圣所的三个入口。门帘有四个入口,这乃指明神的居所向着所有从地四方来的人,都是敞开的(启五9)。幔子的三个入口,指明三一神自己是入口,使祂所救赎的子民,不仅进入祂的居所,也进到祂自己里面(圣经恢复本,出二六37 注1)。

Recently I have seen that the screen and the veil in the tabernacle are related to Paul’s word concerning reconciliation in 2 Corinthians 5. For many years I was puzzled by this chapter, especially by Paul’s appeal to the Corinthians to be reconciled to God. In this chapter Paul is definitely dealing not with unbelievers,but with believers. Nevertheless, he concludes this chapter with a word about reconciliation. Why in speaking to believers does Paul refer to his ministry as a ministry of reconciliation? Had those in Corinth not already been reconciled to God? Since they were genuine believers, they no doubt had been reconciled.Second Corinthians 5:19 says, “God in Christ was reconciling the world to Himself,not accounting their offenses to them, and has put in us the word of reconciliation.” Then in verse 20 Paul goes on to say, “On behalf of Christ then we are ambassadors,as God entreats you through us; we beseech you on behalf of Christ, Be reconciled to God.” We need to see that here Paul speaks of       reconciliation in two ways, or in two aspects. One aspect is related to sinners; the other aspect, to believers.


If we know the significance of the veil and the screen in the tabernacle, we shall be able to understand how Paul deals with the Corinthian believers in 2 Corinthians 5. The Corinthians had passed through the first veil, the screen, at the entrance to the tabernacle. But they had not yet passed through the second veil, the inner veil, the veil separating the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies. This means that they had not experienced both aspects of the reconciliation between us and God....They had been reconciled to God to some extent, but not to the extent of being able to come into the Holy of Holies to enjoy God in full. For this reason, they needed a further reconciliation, the reconciliation Paul speaks of in 2 Corinthians 5:20. (Life-study of Exodus, pp. 1195-1196)


Further Reading: Life-study of Exodus, msgs. 101-102


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