灵肉之惑——许敌  艺起艺术家



灵肉之惑-我所做的一切都是为了爱0016 Ed 7 / 8 收藏级数码微喷 118 x 97 cm 2009 ¥27,000

Lure of the Body – All I’ve Done Is Out Of Love No. 0016, Ed 7 / 8, Ultra Giclee on Paper, 118 x 97 cm, 2009, ¥27,000


灵肉之惑 — 山水 No. 0047 Ed 3 / 8 收藏级数码微喷 90 x 60 cm 2011 ¥14,000

Confusing Landscape of Body and Soul No. 0047, Ed 3 / 8, Ultra Giclee on Paper, 90 x 60 cm, 2011, ¥14,000
Xu Di has been exploring themes to do with the instability of society and its emotions. He thinks that the most important aspect of art is to express and he wants to express a sense of anxiety through his works. His styles oscillate between relatively direct and relatively obscure and vague.

Xu Di

灵肉之惑 — 山水 No. 0043 Ed 3 / 8 收藏级数码微喷 60 x 90 cm 2011 ¥14,000

Confusing Landscape of Body and Soul No. 0043, Ed 3 / 8, Ultra Giclee on Paper, 60 x 90 cm, 2011, ¥14,000


灵肉之惑 — 山水 No. 0044 Ed 3 / 8 收藏级数码微喷 90 x 60 cm 2011 ¥14,000

Confusing Landscape of Body and Soul No. 0044, Ed 3 / 8, Ultra Giclee on Paper, 90 x 60 cm, 2011, ¥14,000
The Lure of the Body — all I’ve done is out of love series is an extension of another series Vivid as Fruit. All the still lives, plants and corpses are composed of sea food and each object seems to be forced into life, as if they have souls and bodies; but after a violent decomposition, they return to death: they have wounds, viruses and bacteria, which can be seen in the texture of the sea food. At the same time, sea food is a dominant consumer good in contemporary society. Sea food is hard to store and its value is dependent on its quality and freshness… Meanwhile the artworks express a distorted presentation and hint at the expansion of diseases…

Xu Di

灵肉之惑 — 山水 No. 0042 Ed 3 / 8 收藏级数码微喷 60 x 90 cm 2011 ¥14,000

Confusing Landscape of Body and Soul No. 0042, Ed 3 / 8, Ultra Giclee on Paper, 60 x 90 cm, 2011, ¥14,000


灵肉之惑 — 山水 No. 0013 Ed 4 / 8 收藏级数码微喷 129 x 155 cm 2011 ¥25,000

Confusing Landscape of Body and Soul No. 0013, Ed 4 / 8, Ultra Giclee on Paper, 129 x 155 cm, 2011, ¥25,000
Xu uses the computer as an editing tool in his art, so that his imagination can be realized through technology. “In this new media era, we should pay attention to the power of the computer.” Xu’s favorite artist is Beuys. To him, Beuys is a preacher. As for the future direction of his works, Xu mentions two phrases, “the ingrained social inertia and the obstinate social order” and “instability and missing each other.”

Xu Di

灵肉之惑 — 山水 No. 0041 Ed 3 / 8 收藏级数码微喷 60 x 90 cm 2011 ¥14,000

Confusing Landscape of Body and Soul No. 0041, Ed 3 / 8, Ultra Giclee on Paper, 60 x 90 cm, 2011, ¥14,000

About The Artist
许敌 Xu Di

出生日期 / Born: 1982

出生地点 / Hometown: 辽宁省 Liaoning Province, China当前住址 / Current City: 北京 Beijing, China近期展览 / Exhibitions :2014 上海国际艺术影像展,上海展览中心,上海2014 Photo Shanghai, Shanghai Exhibition Center, Shanghai

2014 仓库总动员,Vanguard 画廊,上海2014 Warehouse Story, Vanguard Gallery, Shanghai

2014 SURGE Art 艺起,北京2014 SURGR Art Art Fair, Beijing

2013    “温度” 展览,芳草地,北京

2013  Temperature Exhibition, Parkview Green, Beijing

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