Bedtime exercise to maintain good body 睡前小运动 保持好身材 促进好睡眠(推荐分享)



【Sport】 bedtime exercise to maintain a healthy body to promote good sleep good (recommended share)

Starting today, a day before going to bed to give yourself a 30 to 40 minutes, doing some of the less intense exercise it, not only can help sleep, but also contribute calories a day to help make the final burn, do every day before going to bed, the next morning it will inadvertently find themselves often where fat will become more lean oh.


【1,leg against the wall】

Legs straight against the wall, and the body was ninety degrees can be the best, hemp can be put down, or hemp has been down, oh cramps. Will produce a very effective method of varicose this trick to deal with edema and day long stop.


【2,cross lacing method】

Horizontal legs to the sides start to put a ten minutes.
脸 朝上,躺在床上,双手放在两侧,手掌朝下,双脚伸直举起后,尽可能用力伸直并往外侧打开后并拢。并拢时脚部要如上图一样交叉,做互相挤压大腿内部肌肉的动 作,来回做30-50次就会很累,有效果了。更多减肥狠招这一招可以消除大腿很难瘦到的内侧赘肉,而且不常运动到的内侧肌会比较结实。双腿打开并拢的速度愈快愈好,不 过一定要量力而为哦,可以慢慢的加快速度和次数,避免腿和腰会受伤。

【3,Scissor movemen】

Face up, lying in bed, his hands on both sides, palms down, legs straight after the lift, straight and hard as possible to open posterolateral together. To the above chart when the feet close together like a cross, do squeeze each other inside thigh muscle movements, back and forth 30-50 times will be tired to do with the effect. More weight loss Henzhao this trick can eliminate inner thigh hard to lean to fat, and seldom move to the inside of the muscle will be relatively strong. Legs open and close together, the faster the better, but we must live within its means Oh, you can speed up slowly and the number of legs and waist will avoid injury.

【4,lean pretty hip】

When combined with legs bent flat, open, and shoulder width, hips and slowly lifted up, but also to show the state of the clamp, hip maintain elevation of about five seconds, the best that can be sustained, then slowly down the ass back to the original motion, and then repeat. This move is actually hard to clamp tightly ass, ass fleshy will be very concentrated towards the middle, so that, not only smaller, but also become pretty oh.

【5,air bicycle】

Lying around, lift up your legs, try to raise up, grabbed the waist with palms, elbows bent at right, just above the legs do the treadmill toward action.
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