奥腾英语学校丨[多看多读] Mouse Paint经典绘本故事



众所周知,英文原版绘本故事对幼儿英语的学习大有益处。今天就为大家讲一个经典绘本故事Mouse Paint 《老鼠作画》,一起和宝贝们读故事吧!

Mouse Paint 《老鼠作画》

Once, there were three white mice on a white piece of paper. 从前,有三只小白鼠在一张白纸上。

The cat couldn't find them. 这样,这只猫就看不到他们。

One day, while the cat was asleep, the mice saw three jars of paint- 一天,在猫睡觉的时候,老鼠们看到三罐颜料-

one red, one yellow, and one blue. 一罐红色的,一罐黄色的,还有一罐蓝色的。

They thought it was Mouse Paint. They climbed right in. 他们以为那是“老鼠颜料”。所以他们就爬了进去。

Then one was red, one was yellow, and one was blue. 然后一只就变成了红色小老鼠,一只变成了黄色的,一只变成了蓝色的。

They dripped puddles of paint onto the paper. 他们把颜料滴在纸上。

The puddles looked like fun. 这些颜料坑看起来很好玩。

The red mouse stepped into a yellow puddle and did a little dance. 红色的小老鼠跳进黄色的颜料坑里面跳舞。

His red feet stirred the yellow puddle until… 他红色的脚在黄色的颜料里面搅啊搅直到…

"Look," he cried. 他喊道:“快看”

"Red feet in a yellow puddle make orange!" “红色的脚在黄色的颜料里面变成了橙色!”

The yellow mouse hopped into a blue puddle.那只黄色的小老鼠跳进了蓝色的颜料坑里。

His feet mixed and stirred and stirred and mixed until… 他的脚在里面转啊转,搅啊搅直到…

"Look down," said the red mouse and the blue mouse. 红色的小老鼠和黄色的小老鼠一起说:“看下面”

"Yellow feet in a blue puddle make green." “黄色的脚在蓝色的颜料里面变成了绿色!”

Then the blue mouse jumped into a red puddle. 然后那只蓝色的小老鼠跳进了红色的颜料坑。

He splashed and mixed and danced until… 他一边跳呀,搅拌呀,还一边跳舞直到......

“Purple!" they all shouted. 他们一起喊道:“变成紫色了!”

"Blue feet in a red puddle make purple!" “蓝色的脚在红色的颜料里面变成了紫色!”

But the paint on their fur got sticky and stiff. 但是他们身上的颜料变得又黏又硬。

So they washed themselves down to a nice soft white? 所以他们把自己洗成     白色了吗?

and painted the paper instead. They painted one part red (没有)相反地,他们把白纸图上颜色了。他们把一部分纸涂成红色

and one part yellow 一部分纸涂成黄色

and one part blue 一部分纸涂成蓝色

They mixed red and yellow to paint an orange part, 他们把红色和黄色调在一起,把一部分纸涂成橙色,

yellow and blue to paint a green part, 把黄色和蓝色调在一起,把一部分纸涂成绿色,

and blue and red to paint a purple part. 把蓝色和红色调在一起,把一部分纸涂成紫色,

But they left some white because of the cat. 但是最后他们还是因为那只猫留了一些白色的地方。


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