


从男人视角看问题 在爱中成长

昨天发完文,知道信阳的紧急情况后,我决定把年,初二从西班牙采购、1 月 31 号交给TNT公司承运的 7500 只 FFP3 口罩捐赠给信阳。

为什么要全部捐赠给信阳?因为武汉 shishou ,所以湖北 shishou ;湖北 shishou ,所以现在,湖北之北的河南信阳,也几近 shishou ——信阳人民再努力,但没有救援物资,能不危急万分吗?

我这个人,没有 95% 以上的把握,是不敢应允的。我昨天之所以公开承诺捐 7500 只口罩给信阳,是因为我得到 TNT 中国的通知,货从西班牙运,到荷兰阿姆斯特丹( 2 月 3 号),放了 3 天,昨天终于给信,说今天将要从荷兰,飞往中国北京了,据称航班已经安排好。

我心里想,天助我也,当我想为信阳,出一分力的时候,荷兰就送来好消息。于是我从昨天中午开始,一直到夜里 12 点,都在与河南省和信阳市,方面沟通,办理即将到来的通关手续续和从北京运,到信阳的协调。



TNT 方面告知,这批货正在安排退回,西班牙!



就在一小时前,我的团队成员联系到最初,接货的西班牙 VALENCIA TNT,终于被告知原因——




荷兰,你不是河南,你不知道河南的心焦,是吧?轻飘飘的一句,体积太大,不符合托运标准,就要陷上千名河南,信阳医生于危险当中,信阳医生险,则信阳人民险,信阳人民险,则中国人民险,好啊,荷兰 TNT !若不立即把货,从阿姆斯特丹运到北京,河南人民会记住你的,中国人民会记住你的,TNT !

TNT ,你的行为,已经让我们的内心爆炸了!


同时,我们希望有关方面,也能帮助我们,解决这个问题。我们这批货的TNT运单号是:139676205 ;今早告知的退运单号是:163685373 我为我说的每一句话负责,我说的每一句话,都保存有相应的证据。

附:之前通过网站 https://www.17track.net/zh-cn 查询 EJ911448602ES、EJ911448633ES、EJ911448695ES、EJ911448721ES、EJ911448752ES 等订单得到的结果。



以下是本文意思的,英文表达,希望tnt荷兰总部,能看到,能看懂:TNT, Please Keep Your Promise------

7500 pieces of FFP3 Masks donated to China should be en route

I am a we-media operator in China called Uncle Mao, and on behalf of my 1,000,000 fans, these days I am engaged in helping find surgical masks for the medical staffs under the new coronavirus epidemics in China. Yesterday, we decided to donate 7500 FFP3 masks bought from Spain to Xinyang city of Henan Province in China, for the health care supplies are in extreme shortage right now, and even the staff in hospital were almost exposed to the dangerous virus. I should have been proud of being the member that could help in such urgent situation when I announced the donation yesterday to Xinyang, for I had got news from TNT China that all the masks would be transported to Beijing from Spain via Amsterdam of Netherlands just yesterday (February 6th). Believe it or not, TNT,the renowned enterprise’s promise gave me more confidence to help my fellow Chinese in need, so I got asleep without any worry last night. ...However,this morning, I was hit by the shocking news when i got up this morning, i.e,the cargo was arranged to return to Spain. Why? Due to the time difference, we have to wait till now when they are awake. Just one hour ago, we got in touchof the VALENCIA TNT, and was informed that due to the size problem they were returned. What? Remember, all of the cargo were packed according to yourcompany’s requirement and then were allowed to be in the transport process fromSpain to Beijing, and Amsterdam is planned to be a transfer stop. If there isany problem on size , how could they be transported to Amsterdam from Spain? Asa global company, there is no doubt that you are working under a commonstandard without any exception. Right now, the excuse about the size couldn’t hold, which is like lying and insult to Chinese citizens. If you insist, howcould you be rated as the top 1 in world’s logistics industry? How could youget Chinese people to believe you could be partners in the future? People inHenan, people in China would remember what you had done to us if you break yourown promise. By the way, the tracking number should be 139676205 rather thanthe number of 163685373 that you decided to return.We could provide all thereceipts for investigation if required.

We sincerely hope it would be a misunderstanding, and ask your help to continue with the freight as soon aspossible.

Look forward to your reply, and you can find me at 43232086@qq.com.

Best wishes for the cooperation between ourtwo countries.

Uncle Mao (China, 43232086@qq.com)

February 7, 2020


卯 叔

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