





1. 每个人都知道猫喜欢盒子

Everybody knows cats love boxes

要注意这句话的单复数,如果要描述一个事实,如这句中的“猫喜欢盒子”,猫和盒子均为可数名字,要用复数,英语中可数名词单数在使用时前面一般会加上限定词,如 the cat loves the box (这只猫喜欢这个盒子),或 his cat loves the box (他的猫喜欢这个盒子),而不能说 cat loves box。这句中猫和盒子泛指所有猫和所有盒子,这种情况下一般用其复数形式,复数的可数名词在使用时前面可以不用加限定词,所以可以说 cats love boxes。同样的例子如 Men like women, 而不能说 man likes woman. 

2. 不过他们也“确实”擅长打包

But they’re also “really” good at packing
…is/are/am good at… 擅长…,例如:Kobe is good at basketball (科比篮球打得好)

pack[pæk] 作为动词,意为打包、包装、收拾行李,例句:I'm packing the books into the boxes (我正在把书打包到箱子里

3. 特别是(打包)他们自己

Especially themselves
4. 有时是无意地(打包了自己)

Unintentionally sometimes
unintentionally [ˌʌnɪn'tenʃənəlɪ] 无意地,非故意地,例句 :I hurt him quite unintentionally (我不是有意要伤害他)

5. 额,也会互相(打包)

And, well, each other too
well 在这里是一个口语化表达,相当于中文中的“额,那个”,在一句话或一段话中间停顿时,或思考时使用,如

“What do you think of the new movie?” “Well, it’s not too bad”


6. 他们就是这么有效率,你知道吗?

They’re just so efficient, you know?
7. 他们甚至不需要打包胶带

They don’t even need a packaging tape
packaging (形容词)打包用的,其原型为动词 package [ˈpækɪdʒ] 意为打包,

tape [teɪp] 胶带,很多带状物也可以用 tape来表示,如卷尺和磁带

8. 甚至也不需要对地球运作的物理原理有基本的认识

Or even a rudimentary understanding of the physical laws that govern the earth’s systems
rudimentary [ˌru:dɪˈmentri] 基本的、初步的

physical laws 物理原理、物理法则

govern[ˈgʌvn] 支配、控制

这句话是第七条那句话的后半句,觉得难理解的同学可以这样断句:They {don’t even need a packaging tape or even a rudimentary understanding of the physical laws (that govern the earth’s systems)}, 下划线的内容合起来为 动词+两个名词词组 的结构,两个名词词组用 or 连接起来,even为副词,意为甚至,小括号中 (that govern the earth’s systems) 为其前面的名词词组 physical laws的从句,是用来补充说明 physical laws 的。

9. 那他们要去哪儿呢?

Where are they going?
10. 他们在这些盒子里藏什么了?

What are they hiding in these boxes?
11. 还有,为什么?为什么他们总是时刻准备着从你眼前突然溜走?

And why? why are they always ready to skip town at amoment’s notice?
am/is/are ready to... 准备好了(做某事),例句:I am ready to leave(我准备好出发了)

skip town [skɪp taʊn] 是一个俚语动词词组,表示突然消失了

at a moment’s notice是个短语,notice [ˈnoʊtɪs] 意为通知、提醒,a moment是指一瞬间、很短的时间,这个短语的意思是即刻、几乎没有预先通知地。例句:They're ready to go at a moment's notice(他们准备好可以随时出发了)

Everybody knows cats love boxes. But they’re also “really ” good at packing, especially themselves unintentionally, and well, each other too. They’re just so efficient, you know? They don’t even need a packaging tape, or even a rudimentary understanding of the physical laws that govern the earth’s systems. Where are they going? What are they hiding in these boxes? And why? Why are they always ready to skip town at a moment’s notice?
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