倒计时2天┃与John Scofield同台炫技的爵士巨擘



科班出身的John Scofield,从70年代进入爵士乐坛后开始崭露头角,成为多位大师级乐手身边不可缺少的伴奏要角;在成名单飞后则不以单一乐风自我设限,职业生涯40年来一路自在悠游于咆勃、融合、放克、灵魂、蓝调、前卫、乡村及流行乐等不同风格里,透过其撩拨弹滑弦的炫技演奏无尽渲染亮丽音色,再辅以奔放起落的节拍律动无边激荡即兴乐章,也因此所录制的每张专辑总是能藉由多元自在的跃动音符迭堆积层迭带来崭新聆听感受及掀起热门讨论话题。

John Scofield九十年代初期曾携手萨克斯风手Joe Lovano合作的《Time On My Hands》。这张由Charlie Haden与Jack DeJohnette担任节奏组的专辑,展现Scofield在Postbop/Free的作曲功力,几乎是Scofield最为"爵士"的一张作品。

其实John Scofield和Joe Lovano还有另一张更少人提及的合作专辑《What We Do》,但是节奏组换成Dennis IrwinBill Stewart。在鼓手身上尤其展现明显的差异,Stewart小鼓的碎响和律动,和DeJohnette非常自由流动的感觉大不相同,却有另一种趣味。而在今年,Scofield/Lovano又要再度以《What We Do》的阵容合体,唯Dennis Irwin已于08年因肝癌辞世,改由Larry Grenadier入替。


“Get Proud”一曲以John Scofield丰富蓝调主奏导出主题,律动线条在旋律行进间快意流泄,而Joe Lovano于接手起以悠扬器乐声转换至当代爵士氛围,气韵生动地刻划下动人语汇,之后由John Scofield及Joe Lovano交替独奏,摆荡于两种乐风间的反差,更突显出令人惊艳及惊喜的绝佳效果。

而其最为大众所知晓的,则是在专辑《That's What I Say》当红偶像 John Mayer 合作的一曲 I Don't Need No Doctor。这首曲目也成为了很多路转爵士粉的入门标配。

接下来的视频中与John Scofiled飙琴的另一位大师Kurt Rosenwinkel可以说是功力与John不相上下,同作为这个时代最顶尖的爵士吉他手,所带来的现场震撼力也是无与伦比,而在本周五,我们将有幸在广州见证爵士吉他的巅峰之作。


广州 Guangzhou

2016.6.24 21:30-late地址Add

广州 Guangzhou

海珠区阅江西路琶醍珠江啤酒博物馆大酒桶,JZ Club

The Bucket,Zhuang Jiang Beer Museum,Yue Jiang Xi Rd.


180 RMB(预售 Presale)

260 RMB(现场 Door)


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One of the most original jazz guitarists to emerge during the past 15 years, Kurt Rosenwinkel continues to grow in fame and influence. Born in Philadelphia in 1970, he attended Berklee for two and a half years before dropping out to go on tour with vibraphonist Gary Burton (the school’s dean) in 1990. The exposure and Burton’s assistance jump started Rosenwinkel’s career and he became a busy session musician who was constantly heard in jazz settings in New York. He was influenced to a degree by Pat Metheny, John Scofield and Lennie Tristano but had his own sound from the start, sometimes utilizing alternate fingerings that allow him to play ideas rarely explored by other jazz guitarists. He also sings along with his solos, seeing his voice as an extension of his guitar rather than a separate entry.

Rosenwinkel moved to Brooklyn in the 1990s and worked with Paul Motian’s Electric Bebop Band (1992-94), Joe Henderson, the Brian Blade Fellowship, the Human Feel and other groups, appearing on albums with Burton, Motian, Brad Mehldau, Mark Turner, Seamus Blake, Larry Goldings, Chris Cheek, Chris Potter, Tim Hagans, Danilo Perez and Joshua Redman. He recorded his debut as a leader (East Coast Love Affair) for Fresh Sound/New Talent in 1996, two years later made Intuit for Criss Cross and in 1990 recorded his first of several CDs for Verve. Kurt Rosenwinkel moved to Geneva, Switzerland in 2003 and currently lives in Berlin, teaching at Jazz Institute Berlin but he visits the United States often.
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