【艺术家 · Eva Rubinstein】如是他闻  国际摄影大师联展



如是他闻 | 国际摄影大师联展
The Lives of Others: Group Exhibitions of International Masters of Photograph

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伊娃·鲁宾斯坦 Eva Rubinstein


酒店大堂|28x35.5cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver
窗前的摇椅|28x35.5cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver
门房|28x35.5cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver|1984
面具/光|35.5x28cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver|1975
教堂 意大利|28x35.5cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver|1973
无题|35.5x28cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver
医院|28x35.5cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver|1974

飘着的窗帘|28x35.5cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver|1979
佛罗伦萨|28x35.5cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver|1979
博物馆|28x35.5cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver|1979
捧着面具的手|35.5x28cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver|1980
等待室|35.5x28cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver|1984
树和月亮|28x35.5cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver|1984

教室|28x35.5cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver|1985
修道院的耐火材料|35.5x28cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver|1986
教堂|28x35.5cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver|1989

门廊 伦敦|28x35.5cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver|1990

被遗弃的房子|35.5x28cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver|1972
孤儿院|35.5x28cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver|1973
未整理的床|35.5x28cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver|1979

华沙|35.5x28cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver|1984
折翼天使|35.5x28cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver|1984
Eva Rubinstein is a Polish-American photographer, a kid of a pianist and a ballet dancer who raised her into a professional dancer. She never thought that she will leave her name in the history of American photography, not even when she picked up the camera at the age of 34—but as it turns out, she became extremely well received and held nearly 100 solo exhibitions around the world in the following years.

Rubinstein’s obsession with the “empty house”, makes people think in relation to the celebrated Korean director Kim –Ki-duk’s movie with the same name—when the residents leave, the left, invisible back side of the life, is perhaps the existence of the realest. Love, laugh, tears, quarrels, making up and saying goodbyes, all these intimate human activities and emotions, leave traces behind in the discarded space. Rubinstein’s works lead us wandering into the empty house after all the exterior climax pass, and in the most inconspicuous corner, we find endless imagination and bless.
无题|28x35.5cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver
站着的Rita|28x35.5cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver|1972
梳妆的Rita 纽约|28x35.5cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver|1972
Jane|35.5x28cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver|1977
史泰龙 纽约|28x35.5cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver|1971
窗前的Nikki|28x35.5cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver|1979
墓碑前的裸女|28x35.5cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver|1970

镜中的 Neol|35.5x28cm|手工银盐Gelation Silver|1988

伊娃·鲁宾斯坦1933年生于布宜诺斯艾利斯,那时她的芭蕾演员母亲正和她的画家父亲一起,在南美参加音乐会巡演。伊娃在巴黎长大,五岁开始学习芭蕾,二战时举家迁往美国,并在1946年获得美国国籍。从斯克利普斯女校毕业后,她来到UCLA学戏剧。1953年,她开始在纽约做舞者和演员。三年后她与William SloaneCoffin组建家庭,并有了三个孩子,直到1968年两人离婚。

1967年时,得益于Lisette Model & Diane Arbus的工作坊,鲁宾斯坦开始对摄影产生浓厚的兴趣。她不仅成为一名摄影记者,也为身边的人事物拍摄写真。包括人体写真和室内摄影,尤其是空无一物的房间。在法国摄影师弗兰特·霍瓦特对她的访谈中,她说到自己对摄影对象一直抱有敬畏之心,不希望刻意打扰他们。同时,她也是纽约视觉艺术学院(1972)和曼哈顿学院(1974-1975)的摄影教授。
如是他闻   | 国际摄影大师联展 
The Lives of Others|Group Exhibitions of International Masters of Photograph 

展 期 Date | 2016.10.12 – 2016.11.14
时 间 Hours|11am -18pm 周一闭馆 Monday Closed
地 点 Address |上海杜若云章画廊 Je Fine Art Gallery Shanghai
上海永嘉路498号 498 Yongjia Road,Shanghai
会员免费 Members Free 
25 RMB(周二-周五) 30 RMB(周末) 
杜若云章画廊| Je Fine Art Gallery 

杜若云章画廊(Je Fine Art Gallery)2014年创立于上海,坐落于上海市中心“穿行老洋房,睡闻梧桐香”的历史建筑区。我们努力打造『自由、开放、年轻、有活力』的艺术展示空间。与纽约老牌画廊沃尔特·维克瑟(Walter Wickiser Gallery, since 1992)的联袂合作,提供了更国际化的视野和更有效的推介渠道。全力打造中西艺术交流平台,引进优秀的国际艺术家来中国参展的同时也将新锐的本土艺术家推送至国际舞台。

Je Fine Art Gallery is a contemporary art gallery, located in the historic area of Shanghai on Yongjia Rd/ Yueyang Rd. We are originally from New York, Opened in 1992 in Soho.

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