


我将每天为你呈现国内外娱乐要闻,让你顷刻间了解天下动态! 中国娱乐联盟 DJ丶Office,汇聚业界精英,发布最新娱乐资讯,连锁招聘信息,音乐人软件及教学视频分享,打造中国最好的优秀职业音乐人服务平台。

DJOffice | 全球的优秀音乐人祝福

DJOffice | 五个音乐人的记录片


六角星:源自犹太教派「大卫王之盾」它被赋予神圣的力量,可以打开地狱门,可以驱除邪魔,可以导向智慧。以 色列人把大卫之星放在国旗上,就是表示他们对复兴大卫王朝的盼望。 从宗教角度解码 - (vi) 耶和华之名。寓意电子音乐的宗旨“爱”大爱无私,驱除心魔,正义必将战胜邪恶。
白色色调:代表朴素、坦率、纯洁 也是和平鸽的颜色。寓意电子音乐的宗旨“和平”
INNOVATION:创新; 新观念; 新发明; 新设施; 寓意:音乐人要努力创新,因为只有创新才能超越自己,改变世界。
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DJ,英文全称Disc Jockey可以理解成唱片骑士。DJ是随DISCO发展起来的。DJ发展到现在,意思已经完全清晰化了,DJ是职业名词,是Disc Jockey的缩写,并不是歌曲,那些歌曲实际为电子音乐或电子舞曲。有超级跑跑游戏中的名词DJ,另有同名的DJ公司。 DJ,现多指酒吧打碟者和电台主持人。

















六角星:源自犹太教派「大卫王之盾」它被赋予神圣的力量,可以打开地狱门,可以驱除邪魔,可以导向智慧。以 色列人把大卫之星放在国旗上,就是表示他们对复兴大卫王朝的盼望。 从宗教角度解码 - (vi) 耶和华之名。寓意电子音乐的宗旨“爱”大爱无私,驱除心魔,正义必将战胜邪恶。

白色色调:代表朴素、坦率、纯洁 也是和平鸽的颜色。寓意电子音乐的宗旨“和平”

词条:DJOffice Music Network


With the September 2015 DJOffice music online line beta, also represents this is DJOffice music network development process is an important milestone, the site of songs and colorful, more music and video interactive teaching areas. Web site to enhance the user experience as the center, compared to conventional sites, DJOffice music network both in quality and typesetting music sites are more outstanding and unique, unanimously praised by users. Site uses audio waveform player, both professional music waveform display, there are the personalization options in the world to achieve this standard are numbered. Future DJOffice music network will be based on user needs, develop more and better functionality, so that more and more friends can share music discovery to their own happiness.


DJ, Disc Jockey English name can be understood as DJs. DJ with DISCO is developed. DJ development up to now, has been completely clear meaning of the, DJ vocational terms, is an abbreviation for Disc Jockey, not a song, that song is actually electronic music or electronic dance music. There are super run game noun DJ, DJ and another company of the same name. DJ, now multi-finger bar DJing and radio host.



DJOffice Music Network is a different electronic music sharing platform to other sites, have a common interest in each other friends exchange, share and experience music brought them joy DJOffice music network is a collection of electronic music, European music trends, China's original Dance, music and Internet music radio Petty-based high-quality MP3-sharing platform, it is also up to people at home and abroad music, electronic music, major brand-name nightclub DJ, music lovers, the city's network Fashionable gathering.

In DJOffice music network, they used the world's most sophisticated audio waveform imaging technology, we know that professional music editing software can be relatively easy to implement audio waveform imaging techniques, such as WINAMP, FORBAR, etc., but the Web version is more difficult to implement , because the realization of the audio waveform imaging technology threshold is too high, but also to countless music site thus far behind. Worldwide, only three or four music site has the technology. DJOffice music player has the perfect solution to a series of questions to upload automatically generates waveform matching display, the technology has become the world's few music sites, music waveform display so that everyone can get a more intuitive music experience.


DJOffice music network users that they have a common title: musicians; they have a common hobby, music; there are domestic and international electronic music's top people in this group, there are domestic star major brands nightclub DJ, but also all over the country Music enthusiasts, as well as each city urban Fashionable essential. In DJOffice music network every day we can have a common interest with hundreds of thousands of music people have a common call to share with the exchange!


DJOffice music network as China's most influential electronic music sharing platform, has been adhering to the "intention of learning, innovation efforts" concept, since 2013 DJOffice professional musicians who create a public platform, has received widespread attention at home and abroad music media. DJOffice Music Network has the largest library of electronic music, with the most complete music style, music styles and the most convenient orientation Singles to find the most intelligent audio analysis, and update the most popular electronic music every day, the tide of popular songs or music, every month working musicians and hundreds of thousands of music lovers access their favorite music in DJOffice music network. Hundreds of thousands of electronic music formed a domestic unprecedented electronic music treasures.

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We also loved music, you opened up one of the most convenient, the quickest and most effective learning platform, where you can learn more DJ expertise.

Brand Culture

Different brands have different understandings of culture, for DJOffice music network is concerned, one culture is an indispensable part of people can not do without water. DJOffice music network on brand positioning and innovation culture can be said that has thought of everything, in every detail you can feel it exists, as long as you savor!

In today's domestic Internet, music sites as dazzling as the stars in the night sky. Most of the music site can never like to put that in the ad: "In this world, I find my own taste, a lot of taste, but taste very little." DJOffice music network and other music sites will be different, because here, joining DJOffice music network's dance music dance music accounted for the domestic total of 70%; here: you will be the latest episode of the original dance works network witness; Here, every day you can dance with famous musicians up close exchanges; here, you can stay at home and abroad to hear from the most famous dj for your latest dance elaborate skewers; in Here, you will have a common interest and hundreds of thousands of members with feelings the music brings happiness; here ...........!

DJOffice Name Meaning

Office Office, meaning offices, meaning that music can give people a place to help.

LOGO design implications

DJffice hexagon: bee hive from a cellular structure is very compact, applicable and material savings. Chinese ancient hexagonal lanterns symbolize reunion, bright, happy, happy. The moral purpose of electronic music 'unity' mutual exchanges, mutual learning, mutual respect and love, and a better vision of world harmony.

Star of David: Jewish sect from the "Shield of David" which was given divine power, you can open the gates of hell, you can get rid of demons, you can be directed wisdom. Israel put the Star of David on the flag, it is that they look forward to the revival of the Davidic dynasty. Decoding from a religious point of view - name (vi) of Yahweh. The moral purpose of electronic music "love" selfless love, get rid of the demons, justice will triumph over evil.

White tone: Representative simple, frank, pure dove of peace is also the color. The moral purpose of electronic music "peace"

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