【学术干货】雅思高分写作 始于开头段



Aria Jiang


【经历】多伦多大学语言与语言能力教育硕士,TESL(Teaching English as a Second Language)Canada持证教师,英语专业八级,具有丰富的海外留学及生活经验。曾任职国内知名英语培训机构海外考试部。

成功始于脚下,雅思写作的成功始于开头。说起雅思写作,很多同学们常会有种错觉,总觉得自己中间写的还可以,万万没想到,怎么就5.5了呢?真正万万没想到的,竟是因为你的写作开始段啊!小烤鸭们,如果你们的开篇总是with the development of …,那么我相信无论的怎样nice的考官,这样的开头也很难让TA给你高分吧?


Nowadays, in contemporary society, with the rapid development of education, a much debated issue is whether government should only give financial support to scientific research not others. Some people believe government should give money to scientific research. However, for my part, this view is not convincing.


近年来选择成为小烤鸭的人数有增无减,相信在多伦多考过试的同学已经有所体会,曾经永远只会出现下笔试当天下午的口语考试,竟然在某些考场因为考生人数太多延缓到了第二天。所以,你想想,每天考官的工作量在不断增加,而且每次阅卷都会看到N次with the development of…类似的开篇,首先印象分就不会高了,再加上倘若文章中间有不断出现的语法错误,或者逻辑不紧密等等失分现象,最后的写作总分怎么可能高的起来?那么,写作的开头到底要怎么写呢?或者如果不用模板句,你又该怎么开始呢?



Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


A child’s education has never been about learning information and basic skills only(第一句话是“对于孩子的教育”的定义解读,你可以学起来哦). It has always included teaching the next generation how to be good members of society(这句话明显就是对前文说到“不只是学东西和基本技能”的一个延伸,也就是继续细化和具体化). Therefore, this cannot be the responsibility of the parents alone(根据自己对教育这个理念的解读,引出在这个写作题目中自己想表达的观点)。



Some people think people working in creative arts should be financially supported by government. Others think they should find financial support from other resources. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.(有的人认为政府应该在经济上资助搞艺术创作的人,但有人认为这些搞艺术的人应该从别处获得支持)。


The realization of basic human needs such as enough clothing and food makes it necessary for a more advanced spiritual enjoyment from art.(第一句是一个铺垫陈述,一般来说说到艺术这样的精神需求,对立面则是人的衣食住这种基本需求) For those who devote themselves to creating aesthetic works and pleasure(这句是对题目里搞艺术创作的人的改写), I think they should be supported by both government and other resources(很自然的,直接引出自己的观点).


Visual and auditory arts play a key role in education and entertainment, making these fields integral aspects of our society among all ages.(就art这个领域,谈一谈自己的理解) Nevertheless, there is a controversial division about whether these areas ought to receive, or if they are even deserving of, any public funds(对题目里的两种不同观点进行了一次用自己的话来个概括改写).作为对这个话题的讨论,写完铺垫,在下文中引出自己的观点也就很自然啦。

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