



We wish you the best.

Her mother wishes they would get married.

I wish I had brought my camera.

I wish to speak to the president.


1.  在的


I wish that I looked like a movie star.

I wish I looked like a movie star. ( that可以省略)


I wish you were here. (第二人称)

I wish she were here. (第三人称)

I wish I were there. (第一人称)

日常的口语表达中,可以用was,如 "I wish I was the president." 不过正式场合,还是要用were !

2. 将来的愿望

主语+Wish+从句(主语+would do sth )经常暗指请求,如:

I wish you would finish college before you get married.

Wish 另外,wish可以用于 be going to 和 will之后来预言将来后悔之事,如:

Someday, you are going to wish you had taken my advice.

When you are older, you will wish that you had studied engineering.

3. 过去的愿望(即过去没有实现的愿望)


She wishes she had written down the phone number.

I wish I had known that you were in town last week.

可以听听乡村歌手( country singer )Gene Autry 唱的 "I Wish I Had Never Met Sunshine" 这首传达过去愿望的歌(部分歌词如下)

I wish I had never met Sunshine,

and Sunshine had never met me

For 21 years I'll regret it

'Cause I'm in the jailhouse, you see

很多时候,过去的愿望表明一种遗憾,wish过去愿望的这一用法从语法上来说等同于过去完成时用于非真实条件的用法。听听Taylor Swift下边的这首歌,你就发现歌词里边wish有三种不同的用法,首先传达的是将来的愿望,然后是过去的愿望,最后是现在的愿望。

I wish you would come back (将来)

(I) wish I (had) never hung up the phone like I did (过去)

I wish you knew that I'll never forget you as long as I live. (现在)

I wish you were right here, right now it's all good (现在)

4. Wish + 不定式(表达强烈的要求),如

I wish to speak to the manager.

I wish to learn the truth about what happened.

意:wish可以加不定式,但是不可以加动名词,所以不能说 "I wish going skiing." 正确的表达是: "I wish to go skiing."

5. Hope 和 Wish的差别

有些时候,wish和hope可以相互替换,但是hope表达的是可能实现的愿,而wish表达的是不可能或者不大可能实现的愿望,如果你说:"I wish I could fly," 这就意味着你不可能长了翅膀学会飞。


I hope you pass the test. (可能实现)

I wish I could fly. (不可能实现)

I hope I get to work on time. (可能实现)

I wish I were a millionaire. (不大可能实现)
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丁老师(微信号:569247911),国家翻译协会会员,当当留学英语老师,资深教授雅思,托福,GMAT, SAT等出国英语考试以及中小学英语。毕业于华南师范大学外语学院,曾在阿联酋迪拜,美国工作学习,2009和2010年相继高分通过了BEC中级和高级考试以及雅思考试。2010年开始教授各类英语课程,成功辅导多名学生高分通过考试,考取了理想的成绩。宝安南山附近的家长有需要可以联系我。

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