



Our Early Action (EA) deadline is best for students who would like to apply early and receive an admissions decision early, but are not certain about what college they would like to attend. Applying as an Early Action applicant does not constitute a binding commitment to attend if admitted, and you have several months to let us know whether or not you will attend.  If you would like to compare admissions offers and financial aid packages from multiple colleges when making your final decision, Early Action is a better choice than an Early Decision plan.

Our Early Decision I (ED I) application option is best for students who have identified UChicago as their absolute first choice and know they would choose to attend UChicago immediately if offered admission. This admissions plan is binding, meaning that if admitted, you commit to attending UChicago, withdrawing outstanding applications from any other school, and not applying to any additional colleges. If you are enthusiastic about applying to UChicago early but would like to compare admissions offers and financial aid packages from multiple colleges before making a final decision, you should consider applying through the Early Action plan.

Students may only apply Early Decision to one college, but may apply to other schools through non-binding admission plans in addition to an Early Decision application.

Our Early Decision II (ED II) application option is best for students who have identified UChicago as their absolute first choice and know they would choose to attend UChicago immediately if offered admission, but are not ready to apply by the November 1 Early Decision I deadline. This admissions plan is binding, meaning that if admitted, you commit to attending UChicago, withdrawing outstanding applications from any other school, and not applying to any additional colleges. If you are enthusiastic about applying to UChicago but would like to compare admissions offers and financial aid packages from multiple colleges before making a final decision, you should consider applying through the Regular Decision plan.

Students may only apply Early Decision to one college, but may apply to other schools through non-binding admission plans in addition to an Early Decision application.

ED2 适合那些把芝加哥大学当成首选,但在ED1时还没有准备好的学生。
Our Regular Decision (RD) deadline is the standard non-binding application plan. Applying as a Regular Decision applicant does not constitute a binding commitment to attend if admitted, and you have over a month to let us know if you will attend. If you feel that you will be able to prepare a stronger application by January than by November and would like to be able to compare admissions offers and financial aid packages from multiple colleges, Regular Decision could be the best choice for you.

今年,芝加哥大学将采取三个平台进行招生,分别是老牌申请系统Common Application平台,Universal Application平台和2016年夏天刚刚上线的Coalition Application平台。



Coalition Application
Common Application
Universal Application

让我们从两个方面来分析这项政策带来的影响:新生录取率Admission Rate 和新生入学率Yielding Rate 。





一般来说,学校的入学率能达到60%就是一个比较高的比例了,让我们看几所大学的在Class of 2019的入学率:

University大学入学率Stanford University斯坦福大学80.4%(1720/2140)Columbia University哥伦比亚大学63.3%(1406/2222)University of Chicago芝加哥大学 60.9%(1537/2521)MIT麻省理工学院72.7%(1105/1519)Duke University杜克大学 49.2%(1750/3558)University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学64%(2435/3787)Johns Hopkins University约翰霍普金斯大学39.9%(1299/3251)Dartmouth College达特茅斯学院49.6%(1116/2250)Northwestern University西北大学47.5%(2018/4248)Brown University布朗大学56.5%(1625/2875)其实更多的学校低于40%,比如

University大学入学率University of Southern California南加州大学32%(2949/9181)Boston College波士顿学院26%(2162/8405)University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign伊利诺伊大学香槟分校33.6%(7565/22471)Fordham University福德汉姆大学10.6%(2164/20317)对于芝加哥大学而言,ED申请并且被录取的学生,只能选择去芝加哥大学,比起拿了录取却可能选择其他大学的情况,增加ED选项这一申请政策的改变,势必进一步提高芝加哥大学的新生入学率,芝大更有可能招到并且留住与自己学校想匹配的、有潜力、有实力的学生。

我在今年6月份曾经专门针对芝加哥大学公布的录取数据写过一篇分析性文章,点击 芝加哥大学录取数据公布

点击 芝加哥大学公布了2016-17年本科申请文书题目 


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