





  • The Chinese New Year’s Eve meant families gathering while turning on the television to watch the CCTV Spring Festival Gala (known as Chunwan in Chinese)!中国春节的除夕之夜意味着合家团圆,共赏央视的春节联欢晚会。
  • In the 34 years since its debut, the show has become the world’s most watched live event, with yearly 700 million viewers, more than Super Bowl audience in the US.自从34年前首次举办以来,央视春晚已然成为世界上收视人数最多的电视直播盛会,有将近7亿观众,比美国的超级碗的观众还要多。
  • The event was simultaneously staged in five cities, with Beijing as the central venue.2017年的春晚同时有5个城市作为直播会场,其中北京作为主会场。
  • The spectacle lasted for over four hours and there were 34 performances on the list, featuring songs, dances, talk shows, comedies,traditional operas, as well as martial arts and acrobatics.晚会盛况持续了4个多小时,呈现了34个节目,包括歌曲、舞蹈、相声、小品、传统戏曲,以及武术和杂技。
  • This year’s major attractions paid an ode to the 11 Chinese astronauts and China’s impressive aerospace progress in the past 60 years, and included a martial arts performance by 80 champions who participated in the national,Asian and world championships, as well as Chinese Olympic swimming star FuYuanhui who broke the Internet. Stars like Yao Ming, Jackie Chan, Hu Ge,Liu Tao and Jiang Xin, added luster to this year’s gala.本次春晚的重头戏赞颂了11名中国的航天英雄和中国在过去的60年里取得的卓越的航天技术进步。此外,我们也看到了80名全国、亚洲、乃至世界的武术大赛的冠军选手为大家带来的精彩武术表演。同时,我们又看到了引爆网络的中国奥运游泳队员傅园慧的精彩表现。另外,姚明、成龙、胡歌、刘涛、蒋欣等明星,也为本次春晚增添了别样的光彩与姿色。
  • Five actresses from the 2016 Chinese hit show “Ode to Joy”, together with the three members of the boy band TFBOYS kicked off the show, singing,dancing and having a good time.2016年的电视热剧《欢乐颂》中的五名女星和TFBOYS组合中的三名男星带来了歌舞开场秀。
  • Cai Ming and Pan Changjiang are no strangers to the show, and their comedy skit was eagerly anticipated by many. During their routine, titled “LaoBan” (which refers to one of an elderly married couple), a new idiom was coined: the more good-looking a person, the more responsibility they shoulder.蔡明、潘长江对观众来说无疑是老面孔了,他们的小品也赚足了人们的期待。在他们的名为《老伴》的小品节目里,诞生了以下金句:颜值越高,责任越大!







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