The essence of North America education. 北美教育的精髓


I wanted to spread the awareness one more time as I fe...

I wanted to spread the awareness one more time as I feel the urgency of the last chance for $50K EB5 US immigration program. Your kids are the hope of the future and the treasures of your family. The education provided and the environment provided here in North America is crucial for the well being of your child. We want to provide the best education possible.For them You have to rush in.


Michelle Obama, in her final remarks, the First Lady spoke directly to young people about committing to their education so that they can create a better future for themselves, their families, their communities, and their country. She reminded each one to take their education seriously — and never take it for granted. This new, brilliant generation, is the one that could close the gap between the world as it is and the world as it should be.


Education is one of the signature issues in China. I was shocked by one story happened in China. In the classroom where all students were taking a test, the teacher suddenly fainted to the ground. However, all students turned a blind eye and  ignored at all until the teacher died.  They even lost the instinct to call 911, for them, examination is the most important thing, nothing else even life.  I am speechless and feel sad for the spirit of education in China.

教育是中国显而易见的问题之一。 我对中国发生的一个故事感到震惊。 在教室里所有学生都在紧张的考试,老师突然昏倒在地。 然而,所有的学生都盲目地视而不见,直到教师死亡。 他们甚至失去了打911的本能,对他们来说,考试是最重要的事情,没有什么别的更重要了,包括生命。 我真的是无语,对中国的教育精神我感到无比难过。

As the leaders of North America take pride in education, they understand that education is a stepping stone to thriving in life and becoming a contributing citizen. Among the students under our Visas II’s  Allen was awarded into top 30 under 30 in Canada and will leave soon for his career in London, and Leon played his piano performance in the US Carnegie Hall,  I feel so pleased and thankful. They are lucky to grow up with North American education as they keep the love, Justice, responsibility and goodness as their value. This is what North America can offer.

美国,作为以教育资源为傲的北美教育先锋,整个国家深知教育事业是年轻人步入美好人生、成为卓有贡献的公民的踏脚石。我感到非常庆幸和骄傲,在我们北美“汇二代”的莘莘学子里,Allen被评为了加拿大30岁以下青年TOP 30人,即将前往伦敦开启他的事业,而Leon则在美国卡内基音乐厅进行了钢琴演奏,我为此非常感恩。他们是幸运的,能接受北美的教育成长起来,爱、公正、责任感和善良,成为了每个孩子内心的价值所在。这就是北美教育所能赋予我们的。

Alan Chen, 22


There are few students who took such advantage of university as Alan, a recent graduate of McGill University. An energetic and enthusiastic change-maker, he has been working to advance sustainability initiatives related to place-making. He helped to disburse an $840,000 Sustainability Projects Fund to student/staff-led sustainability initiatives on campus.


As a live-in facilitator of the ECOLE Project, Alan was a key part of the development of a community-oriented sustainability living and learning collective which has become a flourishing hub for environmental and social justice work at McGill and in the broader community. His research for and leadership of the McGill Spaces Project resulted in the creation of a strong core team to drive a cross-collaborative, multi-stakeholder process that developed a vision for sustainable campus spaces.


In the summer of 2015, Alan took the time to explore his cultural heritage in order to better understand his intersectionalities. To this end, he joined the Hua Foundation in Vancouver as its Chinatown food security summer coordinator. He worked to engage with intercultural youth around conversations involving cultural identity and the social sustainability of Chinatown’s cultural food assets through intergenerational cooking workshops, municipal policy analysis  and Mandarin translations for local historical tours.


“Conversations around climate change often portray the issue as urgent and yet fatalistic; a paralysing challenge for many. But sustainability’s distinctive language of health, hope and happiness inspires me to do my part in being a positive force for my friends and family and the world around me.”


Leon Xiang, 7


Leon XIANG, 7 year-old, is a Grade 2 student in Henry Anderson Elementary School.  Leon who was born in Vancouver started learning the piano at age 4.5. He participated in a lot of music festivals and fundraising concerts like for BC Children hospital. He also performed in retirement home or senior house to share his music and interact with the seniors and performed New Silk Road Model Contest in North America.  In 2015, he just won Baroque Trophy of Junior Division and Diane Globe Trophy –highest aggregate mark and SPG Junior Scholarship-highest aggregate mark of Junior Division at Student Performer’s Guild Festival. In Aug., 2016, he won the Second Prize Trophy and Schoolarship  at 2016 LA Young Musician Int’l Competition, and Richmond News reported his prize. He won the First Prize of the 2016 American Protégé Music Talent International Competition and was invited to perform at the Winners’ Recital at Carnegie Hall in New York on Dec.24, 2016.

Leon XIANG 7岁,现就读于Henry Anderson 小学法语班2年级。出生在温哥华的Leon4岁半 开始学琴,至今已参加了40余次各种钢琴表演、比赛和VYPC俱乐部活动,包括老人院演出、BC儿童医院慈善义演、新丝路模特大赛北美庆典等。2015年获BCRMTA SPG Junior组最高分奖杯和奖学金。 2016年获洛杉矶国际青少年音乐家比赛第2名和奖学金,并被《Richmond  News》 报纸报道。2016年获美国天才音乐国际大赛第一名并受邀于2016年12月24日在纽约卡内基音乐厅颁奖典礼上表演。

Angela Bi

Angela Bi is an international citizen who has lived both in Shanghai and Vancouver Canada. She’s worked in immigration for over a decade and has experienced first hand the joys of living overseas.

Angela Bi 是生活在中国上海及加拿大温哥华两地的世界公民。她从事专业移民行业已有十余载,并掌握着旅居海外的一手乐活体验。


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