

我们之前推送过不少国际学校家长和在读同学来稿,用以透视国际学校这一“非主流成长道路 ”,可进入平台底端-国际...

我们之前推送过不少国际学校在读同学来稿,用以透视国际学校这一“非主流成长道路 ”,浏览早期文章—进入平台底端栏目~国际学校~学生分享。

近期将陆续转载由国际学校在读学生主办的 “ZebraLine斑马线”  推出的原创文章,斑马线的订阅号为 zebraline_bwya。

PP (Personal Project) , 中文俗称为个人设计、个人项目、个人展示..等等。是以终身学习者为培养目标的小众教育系统-IB项目特有的训练内容。

完成这个过程, 需要鲜明的个人独立思考、周密的计划、系统的材料收集、技术和信息的选择、日志和书面报告、证据支持及成果展示...学生会收到详细的指导手册并有截止日期。



那么,作为一个国际学校的中学生,如何有效的完成个人项目呢?推荐文章《Wake up G10s --PP deadline is coming》,作者:北京世青国际学校叶雨辰同学。


个人项目(Personal Project)可以被分为四部分:调查,设计,创作以及评价。

创造阶段,则是是大多数人认为最有意思并有意义的部分。(其实也很辛苦,毕竟工作量也很大嘛~好在有个春节假)因为创造阶段是所有的实践性的工作都被完成的时候。做个人项目的乐趣可以说是全都汇集在创造阶段了。同样,要写的报告相比较前者与后者(其他三个阶段)篇幅也是相对较短的。(但是并不意味着可以随便写写,因为每个report 都一样重要!)

注意,在创造阶段,和最初的设计的计划保持同步也是相当重要的。(Time management !!)结果和设计不完全吻合,或是在最终的成品上有着设计阶段中没有提到的部分,都会使你丢掉一部分的分数的。所以从开始的时候就要注意,有个合理的计划,并按照其完成,则是最重要的。


有些人会把这个阶段的工作扔到一旁,而最终到了交作业前的两周发现时间远远不够,接着就忙忙乎乎把所有工作赶完,因而导致不完美的成品。所以说,好好管理时间以及把工作好好分配到这三个月中也是很重要的。(其实你可以这样不认真的完成,但是你的supervisor 和IBO组织会发现的哦~好怕怕的呢!)


Hey guys how’s it going? I am Forrest from DP1G, and today I am here to briefly talk about the Personal Project, creating stage. (Actually for reminder you guys to start work now!)

The PP is divided into four categories: Investigation, Design, Create and Evaluation. Create is the most interesting part of the personal project, because it is when all of the practical works arebeing done, the joy of doing the personal project is all in the creating stage,where the paper work is also less than in other stages. (But does not mean itis easy to do, also you need to work on your process journal as well)

Keep in mind that during the creating stage, it is vital that you stick to your original design and plan. Moving away from your design and plan unmentioned will results in loss of marks.

Even though it is important to stick tightly with the design, rather more students tend to face time management problem. Creating stage is the longest stage inthe personal project (3 months), so it often gives students an illusion thatthey do not have to hurry to complete the stage, they leave the work behind and eventually realize at two weeks before the deadline, that their time is not enough at all.

Rushing all of the work at the end usually produces very poor final pieces. (you can do it in short time, but your supervisor and IBO will know it! So scary~~) It is extremely important that you spread the work during the creating process.

During this section, it is very important to keep contact with your supervisor, because they can save your life! (Warning you to do the work; Guiding for the reports; and Teaching you to make correct citations in different forms.) Although you may not need 3 months to finish the product, but you need to use at least 1 month to finish, so the Spring Festival will be a good time for you to finish them!

Thank you for reading the Personal Project creating process from ZebraLine. I will see you guys again soon, LIKE this articleand expect further articles from us.

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