



Quark stars is a hypothetical objects, is considered to be formed by the strong interaction. According to the theory, the death star would collapse under the influence of its own gravity, and if the quality is medium, that is about 1.44 times more than the mass of the sun, gravity is enough electrons and protons from the star material extrusion together to form a neutron; If the star quality more, neutron may break into their components, namely the quarks. Under certain pressure half composed of neutron separation of quark can switch that quarks, the types of material to produce a more dense. The astral is constitute by the strange quarks together "quark star".


The structure of quark stars actually very simple, not like a neutron star is divided into many layers, the density distribution is roughly constant. As long as the quality is not too big, quark star center density less than twice the surface density, surface density and will be on the scale of about 1 FM downhill to zero. This is because the stars are strongly interacting constraint system, quarks due to the color confinement effect may flee the surface too far. Besides quarks also exist inside stars electronic. By electronic only much more than the strong interaction between the weak electromagnetic constraint, so their distribution is more diffuse, outside surface of quarks have certain extend. Because there are quarks and electrons remain neutral, thus forming a strong electric field in the surface of quark inevitably. The presence of a strong electric field to a certain extent, hampered the nucleus between quark matter and strong effect, so as to make the surface of quark stars above hold up one of the biggest quality about 10 e shell (6) times the mass of the sun. If the quark stars really have such a shell, the radiation characteristics of it include thermal radiation and the heat radiation and it is difficult to distinguish between neutron. However, because of quark stars are born with a strong neutrinos photon radiation field, and have strong magnetic field and rapid rotation, in general it is difficult to form the shell. No shell, the surface directly exposed in interstellar space of strange star called naked strange star. Bare singular star on the surface of the particles has a strong binding energy; And some radio pulsar radiation characteristics may indicate that the surface particle binding energy is far higher than the neutron star. If further think its internal quark matter appears solid, so this kind of solid surface radiation characteristics of naked strange star may be similar to the metal, electrons in a continuous state. So far there is no clear detected the atomic spectrum might reflect this property. Solid strange star like rigid, can show the precession for a long time. In addition, when the solid strange star internal stress accumulation to a certain degree may occur when the stress release quickly, resulting in starquake. Solid singular stars shock can result in two consequences: the moment of inertia and the sudden change of energy including rapid release of elastic energy and gravitational energy. The former may be associated with the observed rotation sudden jump glitch, which can explain a class object (soft gamma rays repeated bursts) huge high-energy rays flare phenomenon.


Quark stars is still theoretical hypothesis, has not yet been confirmed, but in April 10, 2002 by the chandra X-ray observatory observed two stars, RXJ1856 and 3 c58, is considered may be quark stars. Before that, the two stars has long been regarded as a neutron star. According to the known laws of physics, if they are indeed a neutron star, so RXJ1856 seems too small, and 3 c58 is too cold to deduce the two stars should be made up of higher than the density of a neutron star matter. Some scholars argue that these observations would not be enough to pursue. As for whether the quark stars really exist depends on the future research can gain widespread acceptance and confirm.

    关注 宇宙科学大百科


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