

2016年3月22日, 美国经济学家Paul Krugman访问日本,和几个日本最高官员进行了一场非常重要的...


2016年3月22日, 美国经济学家Paul Krugman访问日本,和几个日本最高官员进行了一场非常重要的会议。

克鲁格曼目前是美国纽约城市大学(City University of New York)的经济学教授,他在2008年获得了诺贝尔经济学奖。克鲁格曼主要研究的方向是宏观经济学,他在纽约时报网站上常年写博客,发表自己对各国经济的各种看法。


日本内阁总理:安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)

日本央行行长:黑田东彦(Haruhiko Kuroda)

日本财长:麻生太郎(Taro Aso)

内阁秘书长:菅義偉 (Yoshihide Suga)

从与会的人员你就可以看到,这堪称是日本决策层的最高级会议。有趣的是,在会议结束后,Paul Krugman在自己的推特网站上贴了一篇会议纪要(Meeting Minutes)。有兴趣的朋友可以去Google一下就能下载下来看英文原版的纪要。



1. 安倍发言

In May of this year, we are going to be the host of the G7 Summit at Ise-Shima looking toward the forceful growth of the world economy.....This meeting would be a forum which will prepare grounds for the summit....


2. 克鲁格曼发言

I really want to make four points. The first is that we are now in the world of pervasive economic weakness......The second is that the linkages among major economies are strong.....The third, which may be of particular concern here is, we are seeing the difficulty in achieving goals through even very bold and unconventional monetary policy......The fourth then is that monetary policy needs help from fiscal and possibly other policies but certainly on the fiscal side, and certainly does not need to be struggling against fiscal policy moving in the opposite direction.


The Euro area looks a great deal now like Japan circa 1998, 1999. The fundamentals are similar. Working age population is shrinking. Technological drivers of investment do not seem strong, there appears to be just persistent weakness...And emerging markets are in big trouble, most particularly, the biggest emerging market which is right next door to you. China has been simmering with known for several years that there was going to be a big problem of adjustment, as it was no longer able to sustain that very high investment economy. They have not yet found a way to deal with it. The policy in China seems quite erratic, which is not a good sign, given what is happening.


克鲁格曼对中国从来都是口无遮拦,经常批评。比如在过去好几年,克鲁格曼经常批评中国政府过分低估人民币汇率,以至于在国际贸易中对其他国家造成不公平竞争。(Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/15/opinion/15krugman.html)。事实上克鲁格曼看衰中国也不是一天两天的事了,比如在2015年9月,他就撰文指出中国的经济有很大麻烦,但是不一定对世界其他国家产生多大的影响。(Source: http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/09/23/chinese-spillovers/)

China is in big trouble. China which seemed tobe a source of strength but also not very long ago we were accusing China Ithink correctly of manipulating its currency to keep it down. China is now infact intervening to support its currency in the face of huge capital outflows.We believe that the capital flight in 2015 was about one trillion dollars.China has immense reserves but not infinite reserves, which mean that depreciationof the renminbi becomes a real prospect and that will make life very difficultfor the rest of us. So, all of this interdependence is there.


If the world economy starts growing andinflation picks up, we know what to do. Mr. Kuroda, Mrs. Yellen, Mr. Draghihave had the tools to deal with that, no problem. If the world turns out to beweaker, then we are in deep trouble because we do not have effective tools,which mean that it is very important to err on the side of being moreexpansionary.

伍治坚评述:克鲁格曼是一个坚定的财政扩张派。他在多次场合(包括这次面见日本领导团)表示,政策制定者(中央银行)制定的经济政策,宁愿过宽,也不能太紧。如果政策过宽,导致通货膨胀,央行有很多方法和经验可以应对。但是如果反过来经济陷入通缩或者衰退,那么央行可以做的就没有那么多。这样的想法应当说是很有争议性的。比如曾经吃过通货膨胀很大苦头的德国人,就完全不信这一套。在德国人看来,央行的主要职责在于控制货币供应量,谨防过度的通货膨胀。日本在很长一段时间也是照德国人的逻辑行事的,直到现任央行行长黑田东彦上任。他的前任白川方明和前欧洲央行行长特里谢在制定货币政策上的观点比较一致,坚决反对经济体出现任何过度通胀,只要有一些苗头就开始压制。克鲁格曼对那两位央行行长也有过很多批评。这里克鲁格曼总结了他的结论:So, this is the time for expansion. It should be coordinated as much as possible. I know the G7 Summit is coming up. Ideally we would haveeveryone agreeing on a coordinated fiscal expansion. 简而言之就是大家一起花钱搞建设增加需求刺激经济。


We were talking during that time that a rockethas to go out of the atmospheric region, which means that an escape velocityhas to be earned in order to lift the Japanese economy out of deflation and wewere looking for a good speed to do that. That was a priority that we have beentalking about. Hence, the rest of the world has been thinking about the fiscalspending and Japan should also come up with the fiscal spending in acoordinated fashion. We have been talking about that. But we worry about theaccumulated debt. That is a source of another concern. What to do about it? ButGovernor Kuroda took a policy to introduce negative interest rates so that the10 year JGBs yield turns negative at the moment. So, we would like to takeadvantage of this situation and Japan should come up with a fiscal spending.



但是日本政府也受很多外部条件的限制,其中最令人担忧的问题就是其债台高筑。上面来自于IMF的数据你可以看到,日本的政府债务占到其GDP的250%,是所有发达国家中最高的,远高于其他任何一个发达国家。这也是为什么安倍特别提到:But we worry about the accumulated debt。那么克鲁格曼是怎么回答的呢?


The case for spending now is quite strong despite the debt. It is true for multiple reasons. First, fiscal stimulus is very important as an aid to monetary policy in breaking out of deflation.... one thing we have learned from Japan but also from other advanced countries is that stable advanced nations that borrow in their own currencies have a very long road for them to have a fiscal crisis. People have been betting against JGBs since about 2000. All of them have suffered financial disaster. The robustness of the market is very strong. You have your own currency. The worst that could happen would be that the yen would depreciate which would be a good thing from your point of view. I do not think that is a thing to be worried about.



5. 麻生太郎发言

During the 1930’s, I remember that in the United States likewise there was a situation of deflation. And the New Deal policies have been introduced by then President Roosevelt. As a result, it worked out very nicely, but the largest issue associated with it is that for a long period of time entrepreneurs and managers of companies did not go to make a capital investment by receiving the loan. It had continued up until the late 1930’s and that is the situation occurring in Japan too. The record high earnings have been generated by the Japanese companies but they would not spend in the capital investment. There are lots of earnings at hand on the part of the corporate in Japan. It should be used for wage hike or dividend payment or the capital investment, but they are not doing that. They are just holding onto their cash and deposits..... A similar situation had occurred in the US in the 1930’s. What solved the question? War! Because World War II had occurred during the 1940’s and that became the solution for the United States.


6. 菅義偉发言

There has been the declining of the commodity prices which had hit big blow on the developing countries in particular. Do you have any outlook on the impact coming from the declining commodity prices?


7. 克鲁格曼发言

The impact is very severe on some emerging markets. It is interesting to know that the most important, biggest emerging market, which is China, is a commodity importer. So, on the whole, it is actually favorable for them but very severe consequences for Brazil and for Africa.


8. 安倍发言

Within the European Union, they have the single currency and because of that there was the Greek problem. Other countries had the only limited options in terms of policy in those countries. Fundamentally, the Greek problem will persist within the European community according to some people. How do you see the situation?


9. 克鲁格曼发言

The trouble, I think, with Europe reaches beyond the Euro. In fact in Europe right now, the economic issues have almost been pushed into the background by the refugee crisis, which is bringing about a crisis also in Schengen, in the open borders. This is in a way similar to the Euro. It is the incompleteness of the European project. They created a very open integrated system without the institutions necessary to make it work, which leaves Europe rather paralyzed and contributes to the problems we all have.....there is a quite significant possibility that Britain will vote to leave the European Union in a couple of months.








    关注 伍治坚证据主义


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