领略优雅巅峰,探寻精准之道 ——轩尼诗皇禧干邑呈献旷世之作的甄选奥妙



近日,在轩尼诗庄园品牌大使Guillaume de Guitaut先生的带领之下,来自全国各地的生活鉴赏家一同共襄盛宴,探寻轩尼诗皇禧干邑极致优雅背后的精准之道。

Under the guidance of Hennessy’s brand ambassador, Mr. Guillaume de Guitaut, life connoisseurs from across China came together to enjoy the finesse behind the supreme elegance of Hennessy Paradis Imperial.


The Passing of Time, The Passing of a Family's Craft随着嘉宾们走进时间长廊,探寻之旅就此开启:蜿蜒曲折的长廊,如画轴一般将轩尼诗的辉煌传承逐一铺开:250多年,轩尼诗一直沿用同一家族的调配总艺师,才能对每一种“生命之水”潜质与品质作出准确判断,成就极致。

As guests set foot in the time corridor, they embarked in a journey of exploration: A winding hallway unfolded 250 years of Hennessy’s glorious heritage and the profound relationship between the Hennessy and Fillioux families; explaining the accuracy and excellence behind the blending and selection of all eaux-de-vie.


The process involved in blending exquisite liquor was represented through vivid imagery: the selection of grapes; press, fermentation, double distillation; ageing, selection, blending; creating a legendary and timeless masterpiece of a liquor.

珍酿品鉴,探寻万中取十之奥妙Tasting the Quality of Liquor, Seeking the Secret of Ten out of Ten Thousand


Towards the end of the time corridor, a wholehearted performance awaited to welcome everyone into the art gallery. By gently raising a tulip glass, the induction in the art of selection began.


The tasting was an exploration of the senses. Guests tasted three eaux-de-vie individually, and experienced the accuracy and thoroughness of selecting ten out of ten thousand kinds of eaux-de-vie of a certain year for the blending of Hennessy Paradis Imperial.


Deep and Profound, Exquisiteness and Finesse Blended into Ultimate Elegance随着晚宴之门徐徐开启,嘉宾们步入了一个与轩尼诗皇禧干邑有着异曲同工之妙的优雅世界。舞者用充满张力的演绎,诠释了干邑调配与舞台艺术大师们均孜孜以求的境界:凭借炉火纯青的技艺与慧眼,巧妙而精准地驾驭力量与精细,历经岁月磨砺达至完美平衡,成就令人心驰神往的优雅之巅。

As the doors opened and lead way to the gala dinner, guests entered a graceful world similar to Hennessy Paradis Imperial. The impressive power and physical control of the performers expressed the state of mind that both master blenders and true artist pursue: Time accomplishes the perfect balance; with consummated skills, sharp insights, and the accurate control of power and finesse, the fascinating pinnacle of elegance is accomplished.


This fantastic journey ends here, but the pursuit for perfection is only beginning. See you next time!




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