《The Power of Full Engagement》读书笔记(2)|EnglishReading



第二章提出了一个名为Roger B的一个企业高管的案例,按照第一章所述的精力训练的步骤,完成了第二步——通过数据的收集和分析facing the truth。面对现实是改变的开始。本书在展开介绍完精力的四个维度后会回归这个案例,为Roger B寻求解决方案,届时再回来详细学习此案例。

第三章的章节名字是:The Pulse of High Performance: Balancing Stress and Recovery。主要讨论了以下问题:

  • 精力是什么
  • 精力的特点
  • 如何扩展和恢复精力

Energy is simply the capacity to do work. Our most fundamental need as human being is to spend and recover energy.

精力简单来讲就是做事情的能力。曾编写过古希腊运动员训练手册的Flavius Philostratus提出过“maximizing performance by alternating periods of activity with periods of rest”的概念,这个概念在20世纪60年代呗前苏联科学家重启,并用于指导本国运动员取得奥林匹克比赛的胜利。如今,“work-rest"比例搭配仍是训练周期理论的核心,被全世界的顶级运动员广泛采用。

作者发现, 几乎所有来找他们的顶级运动员客户,performance problems could be traced to an imbalance between expediture and the recovery of energy. 他们在不同的层面上存在着overtraining或undertraining的问题。作者以帮助运动员改善精力管理的技巧为突破口,系统地增强了运动员的能力。


Too much energy expenditure without sufficient recovery eventually leads to burnout and breakdown. Too much recovery without sufficient stress leads to atrophy and weakness.

具体到精力的四个维度——physical, emotional, mental & spiritual:

  • Physical,就像肌肉的锻炼,当强度过大时会造成肌肉的撕裂,当强度不足、肌肉处于长期没有有效使用的时候会造成肌肉萎缩。
  • Emotional depth and resilience depend on active engagement with others and with our own feelings.
  • Mental acuity diminishes in the absence of ongoing intellectual challenges.
  • Spiritual energy capacity depends on regularly revisiting our deepest values and holding ourselves accountable in our behavior.



We are oscillatory beings in an oscillatory universe. Rhythmicity is our inheritance.



To live like a sprinter is to break life down into a series of manageable intervals consistent with our own physiological needs and with the periodic rhythms of nature.


对团队而言也是如此。Great leaders are stewards of organizational energy.

We must learn to establish stopping points in our days, inviolable times when we step off the track, cease processing information and shift our attention from achievement to restoration.


  • We grow at all levels by expending energy beyond our normal limits, and then recovering. Expanding capacity requires a willingness to endure short-termdiscomfort in the service of long-term reward.
  • Rehabilitation is the process by which we systematically build back capacity. The approach is always the same: gradual and incremental exposure to increasing doese of stress.
我们通过压力来成长,也通过压力来恢复。了解并好好使用它。Stress is a friend.


《The Power of Full Engagement》读书笔记(1)|EnglishReading

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