【商务英语中级】第16课—Product and service introduction




  • Describe one of your favorite products描述你最喜欢的一款产品
  • What you should talk about:---name and type名称和型号---physical description描述物理性质---features特点/selling point卖点


  • My favorite product is...我最喜欢的产品是...
  • I’d like to introduce...我想介绍的是...
  • I want share more about...with you guys.我想和大家分享更多关于...的信息apple watchMacbook

  • it is a.../it is made of...形状: square正方形/triangle长方形/rhombus/ˈrɒm.bəs/ 菱形颜色:green/black/red...尺寸:long长 wide宽 tall高meter米 centimeter厘米 millimeter毫米材质:glass玻璃/metal金属/plastic塑料/stone石头/wood木头/Stainless Steel 不锈钢/Aluminum[ə'lʊmɪnəm] 铝合金举例It’s 1.2 meters long, 40 centimeters wide and 200 millimeters tall. 这款产品长1.2米,宽40厘米,高200毫米。

  • The most distinguished feature of this product is that…这个产品的最大特点是...
  • The selling point of this product is...这个产品的卖点是...举例It has a gravity sensor/backup battery device inside.它内部配有重力感应器/备用电池装置。It is really portable.非常便携It frees your hands from your iphone when you're doing exercises.当你做运动的时候,解放出了你的双手Its battery performance is better.电池更加耐用It provides 5 different modes for people having different needs.它有5种不同模式来满足不同需求的人群。It’s the most cost-effective product on the market this year.这是今年市场上性价比最高的产品。The design caters/ˈkeɪ.təz/ to the tastes of young people.设计符合年轻人的口味。
语法知识---现在进行时 Present Continuous Tense



  • ①For actions happening now正在发生的动作Sorry, she can't come to the phone right now. She is having a bath.抱歉,她现在不能接电话,她在洗澡。This calculator isn't working properly. Do you have another one这个计算器不能正常工作了。你还有别的计算器吗?
  • ②For future arrangements未来的安排I'm meeting my mother at the airport tomorrow.我明天要去机场见我妈妈。Our grandmother is visiting us at Christmas.我们的外婆圣诞节要来看我们。
  • ③To express annoyance at repeated actions对反复动作的不满You are always interrupting me when I'm talking and I don't like it!你总是在我说话的时候打断我,我不喜欢这样!Why is it always raining in Germany为什么德国总是在下雨?

I'd like to share more about The Apple Watch with you guys. It has different colors like black, silver, space gray, rose gold. It is made of stainless Steel or Aluminum, depending on different models. It is a miniature /ˈmɪnətʃər/ (微型的) computer a person wears on his or her wrist/rɪst/. It’s about the size of a common watch we see every day, and there will be three models with straps to attach them to your wrist: Apple Watch Sport, Apple Watch and Apple Watch Edition/ɪˈdɪʃn/. The most distinguished feature of this product is that it is able to do many of the same things as an iPhone. It will show emails, texts, news and other information. The selling point of an Apple Watch is that it can save people a lot of time and make life more convenient. The fashionable design caters/ˈkeɪ.təz/ to the tastes of young people. I like it very much.




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