



分享本周主题,一个叫James Breakwell的爹,家里4个女儿,他把每天家里有趣的对话分享到twitter上,粉丝7位数啦,Du老师也是读着他的twitter,读着读着一个晚上就这么过去了。


Father: Don’t drink bath water. (别喝洗澡水)

3-year-old: I have to clean my insides, too. (我也得洗洗里面啊)


5-year-old: I know Santa can’t bring me a pony(我知道圣诞老人不会给我小马)

Father:That’s very mature of you. What are you asking for instead?(那说明你成熟了,那你要什么了?)


5-year-old: A motocycle.(一辆摩托车)


Father: I hate movies on cable. There are so many commericals (我讨厌看电视里播放的电影,太多广告了)

wife: We have this on DVD. Just stand up and get it.(咱们有这部电影的DVD,你只需要站起来,去把它拿出来)

*waches the commercials.* 嘘,继续看广告吧!

(watching a documentary on owls)正在看关于猫头鹰的纪录片

3-year-old:Those aren’t real owls.(那些都不是真的猫头鹰)

Father: Why not?(为什么不是呢?)

3-year-old: They aren’t delivering letters(它们都不送信啊)

Father: Who ate the cupcake?(是谁把蛋糕都吃了?

5-year-old: dinasaur (恐龙)

Father:Where is it? Why I didn’t see?(那他们在那里啊?我怎么没有看见啊?)

5-year-old:Sure, they are extinct.(当然啦,因为他们灭绝了)

Father: Who ate all the candies?( 谁把糖都吃了?)

3-year-old: Nijia (忍者)

Father: What ? I cannot see them(什么?那我怎么没有看到?)

3-year-old:Right, nobody ever saw them(是的,从来都没有人看见过他们)

Wife: I told you to watch kids(我告诉过你好好看孩子的)

Father: Yes, I did.(是啊,我确实照做了呀)

Wife:She ate a whole tube of toothpaste(他把一整管的药膏都吃啦)

Father: Her teeth are really white.(她的牙齿好白好白啊)

I was so proud of my kids for not touching the Tupperware container full of cupcakes.


Then I opened it.打开一看。。。。。。

5-year-old: Can we go to Disneyland?(咱们可以去迪士尼乐园吗?)

Father: It costs too much money.(太贵了)



5: Can you make more money?你可以赚更多的钱吗?

3-year-old: Will I have a baby in my belly someday?(有一天,我肚子里也会有宝宝吗?)

Father: IF you want to (如果你想要的话)

3: No, thanks. That’s where I put my candy.不了,谢谢,那是我放糖果的地方。

3-year-old: Can I make my own lunch?我可以自己做午餐吗?

Father: You don’t know how to use the oven. 可是你不知道该如何用烤箱啊?

3-year-old: *tearing open a bag of chocolate chips* I won’t need it. ( 她打开了一整袋的巧克力饼干,然后告诉我,我不需要烤箱⊙▂⊙

Magic words that make my children disappear:一些神奇效果的词会立刻让我的孩子消失在我面前,

3) Bath time (洗澡了)

2)Who did this?(这是谁弄的?)

1)When I was your age....(当我在你们年龄的时候。。。。。

Wife: The baby fell off the bed! You were supposed to watch her!(孩子掉地上啦,你该看好她们的)

Father:IT’s not my fault!(不是我的错

Wife: Then whose is it?(那是谁的错呢?)

Father:..hum...Gravity...(地心引力) ⊙▂⊙

Father: You put your coat on upside down.(你的大衣穿倒了)

3-year-old: NO, I didn’t .

Father: Your hood is on the bottom.(你的帽子在你的屁股上)

3-year-old: My butt gets cold.(我的屁股也会冷啊)

有会心一笑吗?如果您和您的孩子也对他们的日常对话感兴趣,Du老师会继续关注,并且分享在这里。欢乐学英文吧!You just need to let me know...

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