





伦敦地铁在英文中别称The Tube(管子),名称来源于车辆在像管道一样的圆形隧道里行驶。今天伦敦已经建成总长402公里的地铁网,其中160公里在地底,共有11条线路、270个运作中的车站,每日载客量平均高达304万人。


Mark’s Tips for Using the London Underground Like A Professional
Get an Oyster card 一卡在手,出行无忧

Sadly, it is not a real Oyster and doesn’tcarry a pearl in the shell; it is a plastic smartcard which you top up with money in order to use London’s Metro, Buses, Trams and Emirates Air Line (I’llcome back to this bizarre contraption). The Oyster card is reusable so you can keep it for your next trip to London.



ALWAYS stand on the RIGHT when using the ESCALATOR 乘坐扶梯时,要坚定的做一名“右派”份子

This is very very important if you want to use the transport system like a true Londoner remember this! As you may know everyone in London is always in a rush so people always walk on escalators on the left side and standing space is only on the right side.


Have your ticket ready at the barrier 过闸门时要一票在手

Whether you are using an Oyster card or paper ticket make sure you have it ready when you get to the ticket barrier. Remember that there is a barrier both at the station you are leaving from and the one you are arriving at.


Avoid rush hour if you can 来英国就不要再去挤来挤去了

Pretty simple between 7:30-9:30 am and 5:00-7:00 pm there are lots of people arriving and leaving work via the tube so it’s a good idea to avoid travelling at these times in order to have a more comfortable journey.


Let people off the train first 先下后上,井然有序

The platforms can be quite small and the trains don’t stop for long so the etiquette is to let people off the trainfirst before you board the train. It will really please the Londoners if you stick to this rule!


Prepare to enter the sauna trains in summer 想要出汗的话可以夏天来挤一挤伦敦地铁

Not all of the London Underground trains are air conditioned (Yes I know in China they are much better!). As such remember to dress so you won’t overheat (particularly important in July/August) and bring a bottle of water if you can.

并不是所有的伦敦地铁都有空调的 (还是我大天朝基础设施好)。所以在夏天的时候一定不要穿太多,要不然简直就是在蒸桑拿!

Navigating the maze 地铁迷宫

Be really careful when navigating the tube because it can be quite confusing, even for Londoners! For example, the direction of the tube is often described as “Eastbound, Westbound, Northbound or Southbound” … That basically means “going right on the map, left on the map, up on the map and down on the map!”

在地铁里找路是一件很容易让人困惑的事。连伦敦土著们也经常走错。你经常看到的“Eastbound, Westbound, Northbound or Southbound”简单来讲就是在地图上的向右、向左、向上和向下。

Seek help, failing that seek me 有急事找“警察”,“警察”不管来找我

Finally, don’t panic if you are lost or have a problem using the transport system there are London Underground staff at all 270 tube stations and they are happy to assist you should you have aproblem. Finally, if you are still stuck message me on WeChat and I will endeavour to help you myself!

最后,如果你遇到了问题,不要慌张,因为在全伦敦270个地铁站都有伦敦地铁的员工为你服务。如果他们也不理你,欢迎发送Mark Newton全天候24小时急救微信,我一定会帮你解决问题。


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