【讲义】Book 3-Unit 4 Imagination and Creativity



全新版大学英语综合教程Book 3 
Unit 4 Imagination and Creativity
Difficult Sentences

1.        His hair was a mess; he had forgotten to comb it again.
What do the words “mess” and “again” suggest about Einstein?
(=These words suggest two things about Einstein:
1) Einstein paid little attention to his appearance.
2) It was more a regular practice than an accident for Einstein to go to workwith messy hair.)
Translate the sentence into Chinese.

2.        Albert felt all the pressure and responsibility of any young husband andfather.
What does “all the pressure and responsibility” refer to?
(=It refers to the pressure from work, the family responsibilities and thenecessity to harmonize strained relationships among family members.)
What do you think is the author’s purpose of writing the sentence?
(=The author intends to use the sentence as an evidence to show that Einsteinwas not a space alien but a man of his time since the problems that troubled“any young husband and father” also troubled Einstein.)

3.        Oh, and by the way, E=mc².
How do you understand the use of the phrase “by the way” in the sentence?
(=Originally “by the way” is used to introduce a comment or question that isonly indirectly related to the main subject of conversation; here it is used toachieve the rhetorical effects of humor, hence shouldn’t be taken literally.)
What do you know about “E=mc²”?
(=Einstein was the first scientist to propose the E = mc2formula in which E is energy, m is mass, and c is thespeed of light in a vacuum. This equation indicates that energy always exhibitsmass in whatever form the energy takes.)

4.        With nothing better to do, he developed his Theory of UniversalGravitation.
What can we learn about the author’s tone from the part “With nothing better todo”?
(=The part is another vivid proof of the author’s humorous tone. In fact, it’sby no means a piece of cake for Isaac Newton to develop the Theory of UniversalGravitation.)
What do you know about the “Theory of Universal Gravitation”?
(=It is an empirical physical law developed by Isaac Newton describing thegravitational attraction between bodies with mass.)

5.        All of his 1905 papers unraveled problems being worked on, with mixedsuccess, by other scientists.
Paraphrase the sentence.
(=All of Einstein’s 1905 papers solved problems that other scientists had beenworking on and making some progress.)
Translate the sentence into Chinese.

6.        What’s remarkable about 1905 is that a single person authored all fivepapers, plus the original, irreverent way Einstein came to his conclusions.
What can we learn about the author’s attitude towards Einstein’s achievementsfrom the sentence?
(=We can learn that the author is overwhelmed by the fact that Einsteinauthored all five papers in one year and thrilled by the way Einstein came tohis conclusions.)
How does the author convey this attitude?
(=The author conveys this attitude mainly through the diction. Two words “remarkable”and “original” are used complimentarily to show the author’s appreciation ofand respect for Einstein.)

7.        This character flaw was to be a key ingredient in Einstein’s discoveries.
What does “this character flaw” refer to?
(=It refers to Einstein’s defiance of authority and his character traits ofalways doubting and questioning.)
Translate the sentence into Chinese.

8.        That didn’t slow him down.
What does “that” refer to?
(=“That” refers to Einstein’s failure to understand light’s duality.)
What does the sentence suggest about Einstein’s personality?
(=The sentence suggests that Einstein tends to be stimulated rather thanfrustrated in face of failure, the personality of which contributed toEinstein’s achievements to a certain degree.)

9.        Disdaining caution, Einstein adopted the intuitive leap as a basic tool.
Paraphrase the sentence.
(=Although Einstein felt bewildered by the bizarre duality of light, hebelieved in his intuition and conducted scientific researches instead of beingtoo cautious to take any actions.)
Translate the sentence into Chinese.

10.    Einstein credited his discoveries to imagination and endless questioningmore so than orthodox intelligence.
What can you infer about Einstein’s attitude towards success from the sentence?
(=We can infer that in Einstein’s opinion, imagination and the ability toquestion play a far more important role than intelligence in a person’s way tosuccess.)

11.    Later in life, it should be remembered, he struggled mightily to producea unified field theory, combining gravity with other forces of nature.
What do the words “struggled” and “mightily” suggest about Einstein?
(=The words suggest two things about Einstein:
1) Einstein was a hardworking man who made every effort to pursue his dreams.
2) It was no easy task for Einstein to produce the unified field theory.)
What is the unified field theory, according to the sentence?
(=It is a theory that might combine gravity with other forces of nature.)

12.    Neither was Einstein’s brain.
Analyze thegrammatical structure of the sentence.
(=The sentence is in the inverted order, the predicate “was” being placedbefore the subject “Einstein’s brain”.)
What is the function of the sentence in the text?
(=The sentence serves as a transitional sentence, helping the author shift fromdiscussion on Einstein’s brainpower to discussion on the structure ofEinstein’s brain, thus achieving coherence of the text.)
Useful Expressions

连续地                                 in a row

弄得全家都没法睡         keep the household awake

打瞌睡                                 doze off

不能一天不上班              couldn’t skip a day

维持生计                            make ends meet

为量子力学奠定基础     lay the foundation for quantum mechanics

迸发出创造性思想        have a creative outburst

躲避瘟疫爆发                 avoid an outbreak of plague

由于没有什么更好的事情可做              with nothing better to do

将…描述成                      paint … as

外星人                                 space alien

产生光电效应                 do the photoelectric trick

接近                                    close in

毫无疑问                           beyond any doubt

毫不在乎权威                 not give a fig for authority

一事无成                           never get anywhere

个性缺陷                           character flaw

回顾                                    in retrospect

使…放慢脚步                 slow … down

采用直觉跳跃思维        adopt the intuitive leap

相信直觉                           believe in intuition

在世纪初                           at the turn of the century

集中思想的能力             powers of concentration

专心致志地解题             engross oneself in a problem

要说有什么区别的话   ifanything

Sentence Translation

1. Einstein credited his discoveries toimagination and endless questioning more so than orthodox intelligence.


2. His slow development was combined witha cheeky rebelliousness toward authority, which led one German schoolmaster tosend him packing.


3. He retained the ability to hold twothoughts in his mind simultaneously, to be puzzled when they conflicted and todelight when he saw an underlying unity.


4. Einstein soon acquired an image, whichgrew into a near legend, of being a kindly professor, distracted at times butunfailingly sweet, who rarely combed his hair or wore socks.


5. 联合国宣布2005年为“世界物理学年”,以庆祝爱因斯坦“奇迹年”出现100周年。

(=The United Nations has declared 2005“The World Year of Physics” to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Einstein’s“miracle year.”)

6. 你呆在这里损害了全班学生对我的尊重。

(=Your mere presence here undermines theclass’s respect for me.)

7. 科学是爱因斯坦家餐桌上聊天的话题。

(=Science was dinner-table conversation inthe Einstein household.)

8. 爱因斯坦对科学技术与生俱来怀有兴趣。

(=Albert’s interest in science andtechnology came naturally.)

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