【看美剧】Modern Family 摩登家庭



摩登家庭 Modern Family

《摩登家庭》(Modern Family)是一部以伪纪录片(Mockumentary)形式叙述与拍摄的情景喜剧,该剧以一个“看不见”的摄像师扛着摄像机记录三个典型美国家庭生活中的点点滴滴,以独特的视角,讲述了他们之间复杂而混乱的日常生活和情感世界。一起来认识一下他们吧!

这是一个由三个小家庭组建而成的大家庭:有追求完美又不善表达的Jay Pritchet,美艳的拉丁女神Gloria,小大人Manny,牙牙学语的Joe;还有强势倔强的Claire,酷酷的老爸Phil Dunphy,美丽青春的大女儿Haley,早熟的二女儿学霸Alex,天真单纯的小儿子Luke;更有同性恋家庭Mitchell和Cameron以及他们收养的越南小女孩儿Lily。他们每天都发生着有趣又温馨的故事,让人回味无穷。

  1. We are from different worlds, yet we somehow fit together. Love is what binds us, through fair or stormy weather. I stand before you now with only one agenda:"to let you know my heart is yours.  我们来自不同的世上,但我们彼此相容 ,爱将我们紧紧相连,共度风风雨雨.我到你的前面,仅有一事相许,我的心只属于你。
  2. Doesn’t it feel like these arms could go around the world不觉得好像伸出手臂就能拥抱全世上吗?
  3. We tell our kids it doesn’t matter if you win or lose. But let’s be honest, winning feels pretty great. There’s nothing like that golden moment in the sun. I think every parent probably wants that for their child, and maybe a little bit for ourselves too. Sometimes we push too hard, and that leads to a lot of resentment and guilt. So, how much is too much Here’s where I come out: Guilt fades. Hardware is forever.  我们教育孩子们说,输赢无所谓。但平心而论,凯旋的感觉好极了。他们在阳光下的这一刻是无与伦比的美丽。也许每位家长都希望孩子能有这样的时刻,甚至希望本人也能这样。有时我们太苛求最终,最终导致许多怨恨和愧疚,怎么才不算过格呢,我的想法是:愧疚总会过,奖牌才是硬道理。
  4.      We talk a lot about tradition this time of year. But as much as we love our traditions, Sometimes our best memories come from the times that are the most untraditional. 每年的这个时候,我们就会经常谈论传统,尽管我们深爱着本人的传统,但有时候我们最美好的回忆,却来自最颠覆传统的时刻。
  5. At that moment all I wanted was to be with my family. But of course, that meant finding a way to apologize to the people that I had belittled and rejected. They could have been petty. They really could have made me pay, but they didn’t. Never loved’em more.这会儿我只想回家,但回呀肯定要想办法道歉我说话太重伤了他们,他们原本大可以记恨我为难我,但他们没有。爱死他们了。


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