


"What leads to success?"


8 Secrets of Success(节选)

"What leads to success?"

1. And the first thing ispassion.(PASSION热情)
(1)Freeman Thomas says, "I'm driven by my passion." TEDsters do it for love; they don't do it for money.(爱上这事情本身,而不是为了钱。)

Pt补充:这让Pt想到了昨天的口语题目:In order to stay happy, you must have a job that you love doing. Xg大神说,不能做自己不喜欢的事情,因为你会对这份工作完全没有热情。的确,Pt就是因为超爱做老师,所以无论什么时候都充满了Passion,感觉!一定会成功哒!
以及另外一道独立写作的题目:Most business people are only motivated by the desire for money.不知道,大家想要如何作答?(主页君OS:欢迎留言~)
(2)Carol Coletta says, "I would pay someone to do what I do." And the interesting thing is: if you do it for love, the money comes anyway.(当你热爱它,钱会随之而来)


2.Work! (Work努力工作)
        Rupert Murdoch said to me, "It's all hard work. Nothing comes easily. But I have a lot of fun."  Yes!TEDsters do have fun working. And they work hard. I figured, they're not workaholics. They're workafrolics.(他们不是工作狂,而是在享受工作)

Workaholism is unnecessary, short-sighted and creates more problems than it solves, specifically:

1. It’s not sustainable over time and is extremely detrimental to physical health.(“工作狂”特点一:不可持续,有损健康!——一切不可持续的事物都是耍流氓!不可持续的发展是耍流氓!不可持续的感情也是耍流氓!爱护环境就用可再生能源!爱我你就快把我娶回家!主页君OS:Pt老师这俩有关系吗?)

2. Throwing hours at a problem rarely solves the problem and is intellectually lazy.(只动手不动脑,做的全是无用功!——一定要手脑并用!比如听力记笔记:听不懂的时候你还记什么记?你知道自己记的是什么吗?比如托福备考:不做规划就复习必然事倍功半!我们不能光傻干,还要动脑哦~)

3. Working more and more hours is rarely productive.No one makes great decisions when they’re tired.(工作时间太久,必然效率低下!——亲爱的,要早睡早起哦!什么?你说你起不来,快快加入我们的晨读团一起Happy吧!)

4. Workaholics encourage a culture of "presenteeism" where people feel guilty and obliged to stay late, even if they aren’t going to be productive.(不要盲目追求加班,加班并不等于认真工作!——如果你真的高效,你应该早早的把工作做完哦!主页君OS:咳咳,那个,Pt老师,您好像没啥资格说这个哈,每次都得11点多才做好材料发来。。。啊啊啊,不要打我)

As Fried and Hansson say in their excellent book Rework,

"Workaholics aren’t heroes. They don’t save the day, they just use it up. The real hero is already home because she figured a faster way to get things done."

Over the longer term, it’s the Workafrolics – the people who work hard and play hard – who are truly successful.(伙伴们,让我们一起:远离Workholics,争做Workfrolics吧!)

3.Good!(Good 臻于完美)

Alex Garden says, "To be successful, put your nose down in something and get damn good at it."There's no magic; it's practice, practice, practice.(没什么神奇的,不过就是:练习练习练习!业精于勤!但手熟尔!)


4. And it'sfocus. (Focus专注)

Norman Jewison said to me, "I think it all has to do with focusing yourself on one thing."
Pt补充:It all has to do with doing sth. 这一切都和……有关

“sth. has to do with sth.”前面加了一个all强调,这一切都和……有关,比如,一旦大家上完了Pt带队的3月写作小分队,考出满意的分数来,你就可以说:I think my satisfying TOFEL score all has to do with attending Pt's 小分队 courses.5. And push! (Push推动/敦促)

Now it's not always easy to push yourself, and that's why they invented mothers.(哎呀~笑翻~哈哈哈哈)

Generate IDEAS that SERVE others something of value and that you have PASSION for. PUSH yourself and WORK hard on your idea. PERSIST through failure, criticism, rejection, pressure. With enough practice, you will become GOOD.

Really FOCUS on this plan and you will have success!——by
Wayne Gretzky



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