




So what is empathy and why is it 【very】 different from sympathy? Empathy 【feels】 connection. Sympathy 【drives】 disconnection.


1.So开始一个句子,这是口语中经常会用到的说法,Galina Bolden, an associate professor in the communication department at Rutgers University finds that we often use so to make an inference【推论】

Inference = the act or process of forming an opinion, based on what you already know



2. 非常容易拼错:empathy容易拼成“emphathy”,你中枪了吗?

3. 请注意模仿Lecturer的语气。因为这段话就是要强调同理心和同情心之间的区别很大,所以特别重读了一下:very;在说drives的时候,强调这个词:“促使” 失去联结。


Empathy is very interesting. Teresa Wiseman is a nursing scholar, who studied professions,【very diverse professions】, where empathy is relevant and came up with four qualities of empathy: perspective taking, 【the ability to take the perspective of another person or recognize their perspective as their truth】, staying out of judgment,【not easy, when you enjoy judgment as much as I do, (Laughter)】recognizing emotion of other people and then communicating that. 【Empathy】 is feeling with people.


1. who studied professions, 【very diverse professions】 “【】”这句其实在解释profession十分多样化,主要因为这是在口语中,所以会有非常多的插入语,很随意,但也很容易障碍到英语初学者的理解。这也是为什么,在托福听力中,我们常常觉得教授的lecture很难理解——插入的成分太多,听的时候我们很容易就lost了。因为听不出句子的主干是什么,自然就很难理解句子的含义。在平时的训练中:请大家务必要重视,对于“提取重点”能力的训练。

2. perspective taking, 【the ability to take the perspective of another person or recognize their perspective as their truth】 "【】"同位语,在解释什么是perspective taking

3. staying out of judgment,【not easy, when you enjoy judgment as much as I do, (Laughter)】"【】"这里是博士开的一个玩笑~

4. 在教授列举4种qualities of empathy的时候,前面3个都用“扬调”,最后一个用降调。我们在平时说口语时也要注意哦~ I like Erin【扬调】, Jog【扬调】 and Pt【降调】. 英文中常会用到扬调的情况:罗列几个例子 + 一般疑问句 (是一般哦~特殊疑问句可就要降调啦!比如:Do you like yeeaoo? 扬调;What's your name? 降调 )前50秒结束

It’s dark. I’m overwhelmed"
“I know what’s like down here. And you’re not alone.” 


And to me, I would think of empathy as this kind of secret space. When someone is kind of in a deep hole, and they shout out from the bottom and they say, “I’m stuck. It’s dark. I’m overwhelmed.” And then, we look and we say, “Hey!” and climbed down, “I know what’s like down here.And you’re not alone.” Sympathy is, “Ooh, it’s bad, aha? Umm, now, you want a sandwich?

Empathy is a choice and it’s a vulnerable choice because in order to connect with you, I have to connect with something in myself that knows that feeling.


1. Secret = “秘密的” “神圣的”

2. be overwhelmed = “感到难以承受” overwhelm somebody to have such a strong emotional effect on somebody that it is difficult for them to resist or know how to react  这个词组既可以用在特别糟糕的事情上,又可以用在非常美好的事情,总之就是“情难自抑”

A.  She was overwhelmed by feelings of guilt.

B.  The beauty of the landscape overwhelmed me.

3. Pt特别喜欢这句话:Empathy is a choice and it’s a vulnerable choice because in order to connect with you, I have to connect with something in myself that knows that feeling. 相较于同情心,同理心往往更可贵。因为这个人要把最真实的自己都剖白给你,这样的选择容易让人变得脆弱。所以,请珍惜他人的同理心,并报以最真心的回应。


Rarely if ever does in passive response begin with “At least”. I had uh, yeah, and we do it all the time because you know what, someone to share something with us, that’s incredibly painful, and we are trying to “silver lining” it and I don’t think that’s a verb, but I’m using it in this one. We are trying to put this “silver line” in it.

1. So I had a miscarriage. “Oh, at least you get to know you can get pregnant.”

2. “I think my marriage is falling apart.” “At least, you have a marriage.” [Laughter]

3. “John’s getting kicked off the school.” “At least Sara isn’t a student.”


1. "seilver lining" = "一线希望" 这本身是一个名词,在这里,博士灵活地将它变成了一个动词,成了“给对方一线希望”

2.  At least真的是一个不太能抚慰人心的说法。Pt记得自己当年备考托福的时候,准备了整整1个月,特别努力,特别用功,最后却考得特别不理想。当时,身边总有人跟我说:“至少,你尽力了。”可是!亲,你知道吗?其实最让我难过的点就是“我尽力了”!不尽力还好,就因为尽力了还考成这样,我才心灰意冷的好吗???也是在那个时候,我知道了亦鸥,在这里遇到了一群有过相同经历的考友,他们告诉我:“不怕,我也曾遭遇这样的瓶颈期,这都很正常。给你分享一篇亦鸥上的经验帖吧,帖主的逆袭或许会给你一些启示。” 我们还一起组建了学习小组,每天互相督促着一起学习。后来,到了大美帝,我还经常跟他们见面。现在回想起来,真的是特别奇妙的缘分。



But one of the things we do sometimes in the face of very difficult conversations is we try to make things better. If I share something with you that’s very difficult, I’d rather you say, “I don’t even know what to say right now, but I’m just so glad that you’ve told me.”

Because the truth is rarely can our response make something better, what makes something better is connection.


1. Because the truth is【rarelycanour response make something better, 这里的the truth is 之后接的一个宾语从句中用了部分倒装,原句的正常语序应该是:our response can rarely make something better.因为把rarely这样一个否定词(类似的hardly, little, few, seldom, scarcely, not, nor)放在了句首,所以要用部分倒装,不必把全部谓语提前到名词前,只需把助动词提到名词前,但谓语动词还是保留在后边。


2. Pt特别喜欢这句话:Because the truth is rarely can our response make something better, what makes something better is connection. 当面对生活中的挫折,一句“”我很同情你“并不能让一切变得不再痛苦。相较于来自旁观者的【同情】,我们更渴望得到与我们有相同经历人的【共情】,更想听到的是“我明白你的感受“。 这就是亦鸥的作用,也是Pt一直深爱亦鸥的原因。 ^-^

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