


翻译 :史筱杨

1.在2010年,来自法国的五位动物行为学专家曾在Wistar大鼠身上做过关于仙人掌在利尿方面及抗氧化功能的实验。实验通过脱水方法从仙人掌植物中提取的物质fi cus indica,评估其在Wistar大鼠慢性利尿和抗氧化作用。实验将提取物通过口服方式,剂量为240毫克/公斤/天,参考组口服氢氯噻嗪剂量10毫克/公斤/天,实验为期一周,实验员每日测量大鼠的体重、尿量、以及尿液中钠的浓度,钾和尿酸情况。在研究结束时,还测定了谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶[ii]的血球形水平。服用仙人掌提取物的大鼠的尿量明显高于对照组,并且有明显的关于降低大鼠体重增长率的趋势;与对照组比较,在尿液中钠,钾和尿酸浓度水平无显著差异;仙人掌提取物的慢性利尿作用与标准药物氢氯噻嗪具有相同效果,在于对照组的对比中,实验组明显提升了谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶血球状水平,实验从Wistar大鼠实验中得出仙人掌提取物中含有慢性利尿剂及抗氧化的作用。





“Dehydrated extract of the prickly pear fruit Opuntia fi cus indica, Cacti-Nea®, was evaluated for its chronic diuretic and antioxidant effects in Wistar rats. Cacti-Nea® was orally administered daily for seven days at the dose of 240 mg/kg/day. A positive group was orally treated with hydrochlorothiazide at the dose of 10 mg/kg/day and a control group with vehicle. Daily measurements of body weight, urine volume, and concen-tration of sodium, potassium and uric acid in urine were performed for each rat. At the end of the study, the blood globular level of glutathione peroxidase was determined. Cacti-Nea® signifi cantly increased the urine volumes excreted by rats in comparison with the control group and it showed a trend to reduce signifi cantly the body weight gain of rats. No signifi cant differences were observed in the urine concentration of sodium, potas-sium and uric acid in comparison with the control group. The chronic diuretic effects of Cacti-Nea® were com-parable with that of the standard drug hydrochlorothiazide. Chronic oral administration of Cacti-Nea® signifi cantly increased the blood globular levels of glutathione peroxidase in comparison with control and hydrochlorothiazide groups. The prickly pear fruit extract Cacti-Nea® demonstrated chronic diuretic and antioxidant effects in Wistar rats with respect to the excretion of the metabolites.” [1]
2.由SERAE生物实验室进行的关于仙人掌提取物对人体抗水潴留的临床实验中,实验人员对15位女性进行开放个体内研究。此研究的目的在于评估仙人掌提取物Cacti-Nea对人体的影响效果,15名女性在一周内每天使用2g仙人掌提取物Cacti-Nea。最终证实,Cacti-Nea在这15位BMI[ii]﹤25的女性体内有效提升了排尿水平,高达27%,且该提取物有助于显著减少脚/脚踝/小腿肚肿胀的感觉,有助于降低“重腿的感觉”。此外,从一项全球满意度的调查问卷的结果来看,在结束调查后,87%的女性认为Cacti-Nea是有效的,是有助于改善体型的。如今,Cacti-Nea 已被Ecocert SAS认证,属于有机食品,可添加进膳食补充剂或功能性食品和饮料。

A second clinical study has confirmed the anti-water retention effect of Cacti-Nea, the natural prickly pear fruit extract developed by the Health division of Nexira(previously Bio Serae Laboratories).

The open intra-individual study was conducted on 15 women with water retention problems. The aim of the study was to evaluate Cacti-Nea’s effect at the dose of 2g/day for one week. It confirmed that Cacti-Nea helps to significantly increase diuresis by 27% on women with BMI﹤25,helps to significantly decrease the sensation of swollen feet/ankles/calves and helps to significantly decrease the sensation of “heavy legs”.[2]







[1] BMI指数:即身体质量指数,简称体质指数又称体重,英文为Body Mass Index,简称BMI,是用体重公斤数除以身高米数平方得出的数字,是目前国际上常用的衡量人体胖瘦程度以及是否健康的一个标准。主要用于统计用途,当我们需要比较及分析一个人的体重对于不同高度的人所带来的健康影响时,BMI值是一个中立而可靠的指标。最理想的体重指数是22

[1] 《Phytotherapy Research》, 2010, 24(4):587–594


[2] Human clinical : open intra-individual study on 15 women with water-retention troubles, with a daily dose of Cacti-Nea™ of 2g, during one week (2010).



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