


1. He defended the government’s equivocations regarding the mysterious contrail as resulting not from _____ as critics say, but from a benightedness about its own doings that is almost inevitable, given the multitudinous- ness of its agencies.

A. obtusenessB. mendacityC. abnegationD. guilelessnessE. trenchancy



2. The sailors realized too late that winds had shifted the ice in such a way as to obstruct the ship’s path; this process had been so _____ that it was completed by the time they discovered the effect.

A. gradual

B. negligible

C. unpredictable

D. time-consuming

E. inconsequential

F. imperceptible

解析:当水手发现的时候已经结束了,说明这个过程非常不明显,不容易被看出来,所以正确答案选AF选项。gradual难以觉察的(韦氏解释: moving, changing, or developing by fine or often imperceptible degrees),imperceptible难以觉察的。而B选项这里不能选,它的意思不是看不见,而是不重要(韦氏解释negligible: very small or unimportant)



3. In the nineteenth century, geology became so respected among middle-class Britons that the science came to be seen as _____, a yardstick by which other disciplines measured their scientific rigor and imaginative power.

A. accessible

B. derivativeC. pragmatic

D. empiricalE. paradigmatic

解析:后文的a yardstick by which other disciplines measured their scientific rigor and imaginative power可以看出空格填入一个“标准尺码”的同义词,正确答案选E选项。paradigmatic典范的。


4. Some social insects, such as bees and ants, are celebrated for their industriousness and engineering feat, but popular culture has not generally _____ termites for theirs—even though they can build mounds twenty feet high.

A. considered

B. reprehended

C. applauded

D. deprecated

E. exonerated

F. extolled



5. The often-cited parallels between human communities and insect colonies are _____: the cooperation found among social insects is essentially due to the insects genetic ties, while humans often collaborate with non-relatives.

A. superficial

B. obviousC. hackneyedD. contradictory

E. uncanny



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