


惊喜在后面 ~请往后哦~
Part 1

未必每个题目说的越多越好,在part1能说的就说3句,不能说的简单2句自信停下。毕竟part1 只是warming up 的环节,但不要犯低级错误就好(不过口语弱的烤鸭们还是得脚踏实地准备)。试想,如果你一个题把考官所有接下来要问的2个提问都回答了,你让考官接下来问什么?比如说,在你回答完你已经工作后,考官会问你“ what is your job? 若此时我回答:I am a teacher, teaching basic reading and writing at We Do Education in Wuhan. Well, I like my job, but I don’t think I will do this job for the rest of my life, cos ……..”  其实考官本来想接下来问你的一个问题是“ Do you like your job?” “ Will you do this job in the future” 你全都已经在上个问题已经回答了,你觉得考官是心里是何种的翻腾?你这是不想让他淡定地问问题。

又试想,如果你每道题都拼命的扩展,恐怕会让考官在规定的part1 时间内无法问完8-10个题,考官也是有任务的。If you get him or her into trouble, what will you get from your score?

一句话,always put yourself in an examiner’s shoes.

Part 2

Preparation. Part 2的话题是需要准备的,可能有的话题你熟悉,在一分钟的准备时间里可以胜任此任务,但是万一考场遇到你不熟悉的话题,能保证在1分钟的准备时间里流利地说出2分钟的英文吗?并且还时不时丢几个高级词汇呢?不得不说,就算是汉语,也有可能有的地方卡住,除非你真的是特别特别擅长演讲的,否则还是老老实实地准备吧, 毕竟雅思考试费那么贵。在准备过程中,你可以准备一些less common word 以及idiomatic phrase都会在vocabulary 上加分,并且,如果因为你准备了,你的part2 会比较流利,在fluency又会加分。一举两得。


我们举个例子看如何让你的答案变得有连贯性,听起来像一个真正的2分 钟的小演讲。比如答题卡上是

Describe an important job in your county.

What the job is

Who has the job

What training people have or need for this job

And explain why you think it is important


OK, right then, I’m going to describe an important job in my country.

Ok, well after a bit of thought, what I’ve decided to talk about is an important job in my country.

Ok, well the important job that came to mind when I saw this topic was….., so that’s what I’m going to talk about.

Well, there are actually quite a few important jobs, but probably the most …. is…. , so that’s what I’ve decided to talk about.


开头说完了,就可以进行main body part。

Main body part 加入一些linking phrase 可以让你的演讲变得更有逻辑性,同时方便让考官跟上你的节奏。

As for who has the job, well I suppose…..

Regarding what training people have or need for this job, I would say…..

Anyway, moving on to the reason why I think it is important, well ……

加了这些linker, 就是潜台词就是告诉考官”嘿,哥们,别走神,我现在在说第2/3/4点了哦”


Ok, that’s about all.

Ok, I guess that’s about it.

Ok, that’s pretty much it.

Ok, I think that’s pretty much all there is to say, so thanks for listening.


Increase efficiency

Part2 的话题多达50几个,那要如何有效的准备呢?有的人说准备6个大的话题,然后嫁接(a person, a place, object, event, activity),这里不敢苟同。比如describe a time you watch the sky/ describe a time you walk near the river 都是event类,却不能嫁接。

我的建议是有的题目可以适当部分点嫁接,甚至完全嫁接,有的就得单独准备了,所以就考准备那6个话题来应付part2 不现实。现在跟大家举个例子,如何嫁接。

Describe a person who apologized to you in a certain occasion

Who the person was

How you knew him

Where he apologized to you

What you did after he apologized

And explain how you felt about his apology


Describe a song that has special meaning for you

What the song is

When you first heard it

What the song is about

and explain why this song has special meaning for you

这里本来应该准备特别意义的歌, 但是灵机一动,不是有首歌叫(Apologize),于是这个故事还是讲我的大学同学Albert,借我的电脑,提前没打招呼,害我着急,我后来知道了,让他滚出去, 过了2天,我听了Apologize这首歌,觉得自己做的过了点,于是就是跟他道歉,最好和好了。

由此看出看似不相同的话题,有的点还是可以部分嫁接的。Describe one of your best friends与Describe an old person you know who you respect/admire也可以部分嫁接,Describe an article you read in a newspaper or magazine与Describe a movie you watched at home or in the cinema也同样可以嫁接,只要烤鸭们积极地开脑洞都是可以嫁接来提升PART2准备的效率的。

Grammar. 关注时态,但是不能以牺牲fluency为前提。

比如Describe an important job in your country

what job it is

who has this job

what training people have or need for this job

and explain why you think it is important


describe an article you read in a newspaper or magazine

where and when you read it

what the article was about

and explain what you thought of this article

explain why you remember this article


Describe what you would do if you had a day off, free from work or study



Give a deep answer

Part3 是决定你能否有高分的关键环节,it will push you to your linguistic limit.基本要求是回答要25秒到30秒,而且不能总是要把一个观念说来说去,要有逻辑,深度扩展。下面介绍两种扩展的方法:

1.一种观点深度扩展。比如:why do you think some people prefer to buy products from their own countries rather than imported items?

方法是: explain – give an alternative- example – second view(if possible)

(explain)I suppose it’s because those people want to support the economy of the country they live in. (alternative) If they buy something that was made in their own own country, they know they are contributing to the salaries of workers within the same country, whereas if they buy imported items, a foreign company and its employees will benefit. (example) For example, if I buy some meat that originates from a local farm rather than a farm in another country, I’m helping one of my fellow citizens to carry on in business. (another idea)Also, I think that trust is an issue. People feel they can trust domestically produced items more than imported ones.


What are the pros and cons of living with old people?



Well, it is beneficial to live with old people for a variety of reasons.

Firstly, they could take care of you, such as providing meals and doing laundry for you.

Besides, they could give you family companionship. Whenever you feel down, they could give you comfort, or provide recommendations and suggestions.

Plus, it is really important to have someone to sign for your parcels.

Yet, when it comes to the drawbacks, I have to say….


以上就是give a deep answer比较常规的方法。

另外一点,需要提醒的是part3尽量不要准备idea, 因为每个topic都有5到6个,一共有50几个topic,一共算下来是300多个,而且考官有时候会基于的你的上一个答案提问,所以需要培养自己边说边想的一个习惯以及反复操练以上两种逻辑法,part3自然会取得比较好的分数。

Grammar,这个在part 2已经阐述过,这里不过多阐述,每次问题抛出来后,需要额外留意下考官在语法上想考你什么时态。

Classify part 3 question. 每种题型都有相应的回答的思路,所以在备考中可以试着把part3 题目进行分类,并进行一定的练习,这里就不举例啦。这里当然也可以用到上面的提到的扩展法来回答。

关于vocabulary 和pronunciation都是日积月累的过程,短期内还是比较难提高的。最后预祝各位烤鸭能考出一个好的成绩。



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封 闭 班:华中农业大学楚天学院

    关注 武汉闻道英语


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