何小虫英语课堂30th lesson




@All rights reserved by sunny He60.容易弄错的美语

(1). It is a shame!

这是一句可以用在许多适当情况的口语(Catch-all phrase),是表示一种轻度的「遗憾」或「同情」(aform of sympathy or regret) 但没有「羞耻」的意思。例如:

It is a shame thatyour car got stuck in the snow.(你的汽车陷在雪里,真糟糕。)When I said, "I lost ten dollars from my pocket.",he replied,"It is a shame!"(当我说:「我从口袋里掉了十块钱」,他回答:「真遗憾?」)

至於"What a shame",其实与 "it is ashame" 意思相似,也有 "It is toobad" 的味道。例如: What a shame thathis son's behavior is so rude.(他儿子的粗鲁行为是令人遗憾的)

(2). May it ever be thus!

意思是:希望保持现在的情况,不会改变。(I hope it will not change;may the situation always remain thesame.),通常用在喜庆时,也有祝你与现在一样的健康快乐之意。(Ihope you are always as healthy and happy as now.) 例如:

We are wonderfulfriends; may it ever be thus!(我们是好友,愿永远如此!) Hesaid to the newly weds, "May it ever be thus!"(他对新婚夫妇说:「愿你们永远这样的恩爱、幸福」)

(3). Am I being petty?

意思是:「我是气量小吗?」或「我是心胸狭窄吗?」(narrow-minded)这是一个人做了或说了某件事情後,唯恐别人批评或指责而自加「反省」的表态。(或表示谦虚)这里用 verb to be 的现在进行式,表示气量小或心胸窄是「暂时性」的。而Am I petty? 又是指「经常性」的。(但是谁又愿意承认自己是经常的气量小,心胸窄呢!所以为了「自尊心」,通常不说"Iam petty",只说"I am beingpetty." 同理:

Am I beingover-reactive?(或 over sensitive?)(我是反应过火或过份敏感吗?) Are you being in bad mood?(你情绪不好吗?)都是强调「暂时性」。否则就不必使用现在进行式 (being) (主词可用任何人称代名词 you, we, he, she, they 等,动词可用任何时态。)

(4). Stay tuned!

这多半是指播音员在收音机或电视上所说的。意思是:「稍等一下,下面还有」(Staywhere you are in the same channel),但也可以表示对一件事情的继续讨论(to keep continuing the same issue)。(tuned是形容词,原意是调好电台或电视)例如: Stay tuned, there will bemore on this subject tomorrow.(稍等,这个问题明天再谈。)Stay tuned 的等候时间,可长可短,要看情况而定。然而 "wait a moment" 通常是指 immediately,时间较短。例如:Stay tuned(或 wait a moment)I will be right back.(指马上回来)

但是:We have to stay tuned regarding the name change of our school.(我们必须等待校名的变更)(等待时间较长)



【2013福建】25. The Forbidden City attracts a _______stream of visitors every day, especially during national holidays.

A.constant       B. main          C. powerful         D. shallow





█ systemic adj. (毒物、疾病等)影响全身的

phony [fonɪ] adj. 伪造的

A police raid on a Tokyo trading companynetted 2000 pieces of counterfeit Nike merchandise, including phony Air Maxes.(TIME, Oct.7, 1996, p.12)

警方突袭东京一贸易公司,搜出2000件耐克产品的赝品,其中包括Air Maxes运动鞋的仿冒品。

█ net v. 捕获; counterfeit adj. 伪造的

poignant [ˋpɔɪnjənt] adj. 尖刻的,切中要害的;辛酸感人的【同】moving

That’s sort of a poignant irony. 那段话有点尖刻的讽刺味。

█ to be sort of 有几分,有点……

preliminary [prɪˋlɪməˏnɛrɪ] adj. 初步的

The American Society of Travel Agents said ina preliminary estimate that as many as 10000 of its 25000 members could be putout of business. 美国旅行社协会初步判断,该协会2.5万家会员社中可能有1万家得关门。

primary [ˋpraɪˏmɛrɪ] adj. 最初的,原始的,主要的

Sigmund Freud dismissed religious mysticismas “infantile helplessness” and “regression to primary narcissism.” (TIME, June24, 1996, p.39)





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