【专题分享】“Azusa Now”分享9:关于“Azusa Now”聚集的公开信





【申4:38】 要将比你强大的国民从你面前赶出,领你进去,将他们的地赐你为业,像今日一样。

>> “Azusa Now”系列分享1:2016年的预言:对于重新对齐以及新的任务准备好(上)

>> “Azusa Now”系列分享1:2016年的预言:对于重新对齐以及新的任务准备好(下)

>> “Azusa Now”系列分享2:主对2016年所说的话(上)

>> “Azusa Now”系列分享2:主对2016年所说的话(下)

>> “Azusa Now”系列分享3:鲍勃·琼斯所预言的数十亿灵魂收割的时间到了!

>> “Azusa Now”系列分享4:神新的行动将在南加州开始

>> “Azusa Now”系列分享5:四月阿苏萨街节庆 盼复兴再临美国

>> “Azusa Now”系列分享6:关于加速,恢复和双倍的预言性的话语

>> “Azusa Now”系列分享7:我们有可能正处在伟大的救赎与属灵觉醒的日子吗?

>> “Azusa Now”系列分享8:对复兴的饥渴

“Azusa Now”分享9:Lou Engle所写的关于”Azusa Now”聚集的公开信

"Letter From Lou Engle About Azusa Now"

by:Lou Engle 2016年3月30日

我相信如果上帝的子民摆上更多禁食祷告的劬劳,另一个阿苏萨复兴今天可能就出现在这里。~ Craton修女1906年



Dear brothers and sisters,

这封信我是写给世界各地,与4月9日将在洛杉矶纪念体育场所举办的Azusa Now这聚会有关的基督的身体。我很少见到如我现在所看到的搅动起来的期待。这其实不是关乎在一个体育场所举办的聚会。相反的,世界各地对神的国度抱持希望的男女们,认为Azusa Now这聚会可能将是一个集体的爆发点。伟大的代祷者Frank Bartleman曾在1906年阿苏萨复兴就要爆发前写道这样的时辰。来看看他在圣灵开始浇灌的几个月前所写的:

I write to the Body of Christ around the world, all who are connecting with the Azusa Now gathering at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum on April 9th. I have rarely seen such a stirring of expectancy as I am seeing now. It's really not about a stadium event. Instead, everywhere, men and women are laying hold of the Kingdom in such a way that Azusa Now may be a collective flashpoint. The great intercessor Frank Bartleman wrote of such a time just before revival broke out at Azusa in 1906. Listen to his words, written just a few months before the outpouring began:


"The current of revival is sweeping by our door. Will we cast ourselves on its mighty bosom and ride to glorious victory? A year of life at this time, with its wonderful possibilities for God, is worth a hundred years of ordinary life. 'Pentecost' is knocking at our doors. The revival for our country is no longer a question. Slowly but surely the tide has been rising until in the very near future we believe for a deluge of salvation that will sweep all before it. Wales will not long stand alone in this glorious triumph for our Christ... The clouds are gathering rapidly, big with a mighty rain, whose precipitation lingers but a little. Heroes will arise from the dust of obscure and despised circumstances, whose names will be emblazoned on Heaven's eternal page of fame. The Spirit is brooding over our land again as at creation's dawn, and the fiat of God goes forth. "Let there be light." Brother, sister, if we all believed God can, you realize what would happen? Many of us here are living for nothing else. A volume of believing prayer is ascending to the throne night and day. Los Angeles, Southern California, and the whole continent shall surely find itself ere long in the throes of a mighty revival, by the Spirit and power of God."

在Franklin Hall很棒的“禁食祷告”这本书中,他写道:

In his wonderful book, The Fasting Prayer, Franklin Hall wrote:


"Yes, the second Pentecost on Azusa in 1906 came about just like the first Pentecost. This latter rain outpouring of the Holy Spirit started with a ten day fast and prayer season in much the same manner as it did upon the 120 that 'continued with one accord in prayer and supplication.' A few people came to Los Angeles in 1906 and started a 10-day fast and prayer season and the Holy Spirit fell... Mother Craton states, 'The first thing that was done before the power ever fell on Azusa was a united ten-day season of fasting and prayer. If there was ever any sectarianism, fasting broke it down... I believe another Azusa could be here today if God's people would get to travailing in much prayer and fasting."


With such Bible and Church history roaring behind us, should we not take encouragement to inject our generation into that same Hall of Faith, where those who have gone before now urge to enter?

他们的召唤打动我们的心,听入我们的耳,当神要带领一场圣灵全球性的大浇灌时,我们呼吁大家来进行一场为期10天的合一禁食祷告,从3月30日到4月8日,直到4月9日,阿苏萨街复兴的110周年为止。William Seymour,那伟大复兴的催化剂,在1913年曾预言,在约100年后另一个比阿苏萨街复兴还更胜一筹的复兴将会临到。Seymour的预言早就逾期了……或者正准时而来。因此,让我们“祷告在后来降雨的时候降雨”。谁知道呢?也许就像那些原来在使徒行传2章中楼上房间的人们,我们会受圣灵的洗,说道,“这就是William Seymour这先知所说的!”

With their beckoning resting on our hearts and ears, we are calling a 10-Day season of united prayer and fasting as God leads for a global outpouring of the Holy Spirit, March 30 to April 8, leading up to Azusa Now on April 9, the 110th anniversary of the Azusa Street Revival. William Seymour, the catalyst of that great revival, prophesied in 1913 that in roughly 100 years another revival far eclipsing Azusa would come. The fulfillment of Seymour's word is overdue... or right on schedule. Let us therefore "pray for the rain in the time of the latter rain." Who knows? Maybe like those who were baptized in the Spirit in the original Acts 2 upper room, we will say, "This is that which was spoken by William Seymour the prophet!"



Lou Engle

·05.08 周日>>【我在AzusaNow领受的震动国家的预言性下载】风吹,雨淋,但这并没有影响不畏风雨来到洛杉矶纪念体育场聚集的十几万人

·05.09 周一>>【双语:三把在今年蒙祝福的钥匙】这里是三把来打开神的计划,目的,突破,和祝福的钥匙。

·05.10 周二>>【艾道格】双语:你可知道你天堂的住房里摆了些什么?

·05.11 周三>>【双语:AzusaNow:先知性的观点-神必将来到的行动(上)】现在是圣灵第四波在历史的进程中切入的时刻

·05.12 周四>> @了你:仅剩个别名额!50年一次天门打开、荣耀入侵的日子!

·05.13 周五>>【吉姆·歌珥】双语:圣灵第四波已经开始了

·05.14 周六>>【Shabbat Shalom!】2016.05.14 曾有何民听见神在火中说话的声音,像你听见还能存活呢?








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