




【申4:31】 耶和华你神原是有怜悯的神。他总不撇下你,不灭绝你,也不忘记他起誓与你列祖所立的约。



"AzusaNow: Prophetic Perspectives on the Imminent Move of God"

by:Cornelius Quek


4. Collegiate Revival

1906年阿苏萨街的复兴所带来的其中一个果子就是校园的复兴。在1905年到1908年间,当神开始在大学生和年轻人之间动工,复兴有如爆炸般的传遍全国。神的能力浇灌如同海浪般,透过祂的同在,祷告,悔改和布道,席卷了许多的学校。康乃尔大学(Cornell University),罗格斯大学(Rutgers University),普林斯顿大学(Princeton University),三一学院(Trinity College),贝勒大学(Baylor University),加州大学柏克莱分校(University of California in Berkeley),史丹佛大学(Stanford University),西北大学(NorthwesternUniversity),爱荷华州立大学(Iowa State Univeristy),麦基尔大学(McGill University),西雅图太平洋大学(Seattle PacificCollege),和阿斯伯里学院(Asbury College)。

One of the fruits of the Azusa revival in 1906 was revivals oncampuses. In 1905-1908, collegiate revivals exploded all over the nation andGod began to move on young adults. The power of God was poured out as waves ofGod's presence, prayer, repentance, and evangelism swept across institutionslike Cornell University, Rutgers University, Princeton University, TrinityCollege, Baylor University, University of California in Berkeley, StanfordUniversity, Northwestern University, Iowa State College, McGill University,Seattle Pacific College, and Asbury College.

(Photoof Taylor University, Upland, Indiana, by TheSource2001 via Wikipedia) 
在位于印第安纳州的泰勒大学(Taylor),学生会长 CharlesWinchester 在1905年的一月六日传讲了一篇信息:"圣灵的洗礼", 神的大能降临到校园当中, 迫使学校必须暂停上课一周。

At Taylor University in Upland,Indiana, President Charles Winchester preached on "The Baptism of the HolySpirit" on January 6, 1905. The power of God came on the campus andacademics was suspended for a week.

我看到圣灵已经准备好要再一次的吹入校园当中。耶鲁(Yale),哈佛(Harvard),普林斯顿(Princeton),阿斯伯里学院(Asbury),惠顿学院(Wheaton),奥罗罗伯茨大学(Oral Roberts),加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA),还有许多的学校将要被神来灌注。 祂的行动也同样会影响世上每一处的校园。值得注意的是,这将会催化出史上另一个伟大的校园复兴和宣教运动。

I see the Holy Spirit getting ready to blow on college campuses once again. Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Asbury University, Wheaton College, Oral Roberts University, UCLA, and many others are primed for a great move of God. This move will also impact campuses all over the world. Remarkably, this will be the catalyst to another great student awakening and missionary movement.

5. Stadium Revivals and a Great Harvest of Souls

Lou Engle 和很多人都提到了将来临的体育场复兴。全球的体育场馆都会被坐满,福音会被大量的传递,伴随着许多神迹奇事。Lou也在Azusa Now提起青年使命团(YWAM)的Circuit Riders,他们相信神会为美国八千万的灵魂预备二十万的宣教士。体育场运动会继续发生在欧洲,非洲和世上其他的地方。在未来会有同心合意的传福音的一股力量,让我们准备好灵魂的收割。

Lou Engle and many others have spoken about the coming of stadium revivals. Stadiums will be filled all over the world and the Gospel will be preached to masses with accompanying outbreaks of signs, wonders, and miracles. Lou mentioned at AzusaNow that the Circuit Riders from YWAM are believing God for 80 million souls in America and 200,000 missionaries. Stadium crusades will continue to take place in Europe, Africa, and other parts of the world. There will be a concerted evangelistic thrust in the coming days. Get ready for the incoming harvest of souls!

6. Community House Movement

随着我们对于灵魂收割的期待, 教会将会拥抱及发展这几个关键词:门徒训练, 小区化及真实的信仰。在使徒行传中,当五旬节来临时,彼得传讲圣灵的能力,当天就有三千人得救。

With the anticipated harvest of souls, discipleship, community, and authenticity will become words that the Church is going to have to embrace and flourish in. In the Book of Acts, when Pentecost came, Peter preached in the power of the Holy Spirit and three thousand souls were saved.


Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them. And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need. So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved. Acts 2:41-47


The early Church exploded, but what sustained them in "revival" was a focus on intimate, intentional community, discipleship, and authenticity. We cannot afford to birth a revival and then "orphan" it by our negligence and lack of intentionality. The early Church flourished in a "house" environment, "breaking bread from house to house."


This generation is crying out for authenticity. They are seeing past the smoke screens, bright lights, attractive activities, an attractional model of church that is devoid of a tangible transformation and encounter with the presence of God. They are longing to know authentic faith, thrive in authentic relationships and community, and be released to be authentic witnesses in the power of the Holy Spirit. We will be seeing an emergence of a community house movement that will be centered on the values of the presence of God, family, transformation, and multiplication.


7. Empowering the Intellectual Charismatics 


In the past, with the impact of experiential Pentecostalism, intellectualism became the nemesis of vibrant spirituality. Seminaries were dubbed as "cemeteries." Whatever spiritual fire and passion one had entering seminary would be quenched by the rigors of academia and systematic learning. As a result, there was a focused yet reckless pursuit of power spirituality and experience that was not anchored in the proper understanding and handling of the Word of God, the basic tenets of our faith, doctrine, and praxis. This was where heresies and unorthodox beliefs and practices began to infiltrate the Church. Paul wrote to the Colossians to warn them about a "philosophy" that was creeping into the Colossae church that elevated special knowledge and experiential spirituality that did not have Christ as the Source and Head.

(Photo via Pixabay)
当我们开始接受圣灵的浇灌与更新和祂恢复的恩赐时,教会必须要更加靠近正统教会, 神的话语和坚定的教义,而不是敬而远之。我看到一个知性与灵性的结合正在出现,会有人是同时精通神的话语,也同时带着圣灵的能力。 

As we embrace the move of the Holy Spirit and the restoration of spiritual gifts, the Church must all the more lean in to the orthodoxy and foundation of the Word of God and solid doctrine, not depart from it. I see a greater emergence of intellectual charismatics who are well-versed and trained both in the Word of God and in the power of the Holy Spirit.


Let Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.


Do it again, Holy Spirit.


Cornelius Quek,

最后也是最重要的是这里有来自大君王之城的邀请函>> 5776禧年五旬节“荣耀风暴”特会-50年一次天门打开、荣耀入侵的日子!

·05.01 周日>>【2016全球守望名单】总名单-50个基督徒最困难生活的国家排名

·05.02 周一>>【双语:你我现在正处于我们前所未见的圣灵最伟大的行动中】一股圣灵巨大的浇灌现在正被释放出来……

·05.03 周二>>【双语:复兴的五位天使和五条高速公路】你准备好带着祂的荣耀发光了吗?为神突然的行动来预备好!

·05.04 周三>>【双语:这是史无前例的互联,连接,分赐,释放神的火到世界各地的季节】我与主有个相遇,在当中,我被主带到地球的上方,往下看着地球…

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·05.07 周六>>【Shabbat Shalom!】2016.05.07 我只得死在这地,不能过约但河;但你们必过去得那美地。








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