听力实战训练 经济学人:英国通过三亲婴儿决议





Reproductive technology—Oh, baby


Britain's approval of babies with three genetic parents offers lessons to other countries


“PLAYING God” is what medicine is for. EveryCaesarean section and cancer treatment is an attempt to (1)________ with the natural course of events for the benefit of the patient. Not every procedure should be allowed, but a general sense of what is “unnatural” is a poor guide to what to ban. Transplants and transfusions were once considered unnatural, but now save many lives. That insight is why MPs were right to agree, on February 3rd, that Britain should become the first country to allow the creation of children with genetic material from three people instead of the usual two.


By doing so, they hope to relieve terrible suffering. Faults withmitochondria—the tiny power sources inside cells—afflict about one child in 6,500, or 100 a year in Britain. The many conditions that result, a lot of them agonising and (2)______, have no cure. So scientists hope to prevent them at conception, by transferring the healthy nucleus of an egg cell with damaged mitochondria into the body of an egg with functioning ones.


The procedure is not yet allowed anywhere else in the world, partly because it is new and untested in people but also because of the opposition that reproductive medicine often inspires. Mitochondria contain DNA, therefore any child born as a result of such intervention will (3) ______ genes from three people—hence the headlines in Britain this week about “three-parent babies”. If the baby is a girl thegenetic tweak in her mitochondria will be inherited by her children, and in turn by her granddaughters' children. It is a “germ-line modification”, and thusirrevocable.


This ethical objection to mitochondrial donation is decisively outweighed by the good that ought to come from it. Mitochondrial disease is a misery to those who have it and a terror to those who fear they might pass it on to their children; curtailing it would be wonderful. The complaint that this is the first step on the road to “designer babies” is as weak as any other slippery-slope argument: approving one procedure does not mean automatically approving others.


A second objection is that this procedure, like any new technique, might not be safe. Those who must bear that risk are not yet born, and so cannot consent to the treatment. But parents already make medical decisions on behalf of their children, even unborn ones. And Britain's bureaucrats, led by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), which regulates fertility treatments, have beenscrupulous in assessing risks. The HFEA first (4) __________________ in 2005. Since then, a scientific panel has conducted three reviews of trials in test tubes and in animals. These have given no cause for concern.


Thatscrupulousness is one reason why the vote passed as easily as it did. Doctors and patients' groups sometimes criticise the HFEA for being tooconservative. But its somewhat ponderous,consensus-seeking approach (the HFEA has conducted consultations, ethics reviews and several opinion polls) has helped Britain steer clear both of American-style culture wars and of the lax oversight found in some Asian countries.


Mitochondrial donation will not be the last piece of controversial medicine that the HFEA will need towrestle with. It is already possible, for example, to sequence the genes of embryos and discard those that carry incurable genetic diseases. Choosing beneficial characteristics is, for now, (5) ______. But as the human genome becomes better understood, patients mayagitate for exemptions. The HFEA, or something like it, offers the best method for evaluating the benefits and risks of such procedures. Sometimes bureaucrats are just what you need.



(1) interfere

(2) fatal

(3) inherit

(4) granted a research licence for the technique

(5) illegal


所谓的“三亲婴儿”,又称3P婴儿(3P即英文three parents的缩写),是英国新的基因技术。为了避免夫妻把生理缺陷遗传给孩子,医生去除女性捐赠者的卵子中的细胞核,接着用母亲卵细胞中对应的遗传基因取而代之,最后再按照标准的试管婴儿技术进行培育。这样诞生的孩子将会继承一位父亲和两位母亲的遗传基因。简单地说,就是这名婴儿有三名血缘亲代,即两母一父。


2016年初,首位由“三合一”胚胎人工授精技术诞生的婴儿将出世 。


Caesarean section 剖腹产;剖宫产

afflict vt. 折磨;使痛苦;使苦恼

mitochondria n. 线粒体(mitochondrion的复数)

genetic tweak  变异的基因

irrevocable adj. 不可改变的;不能取消的;

ethical adj. 伦理的;道德的;凭处方出售的

scrupulous adj. 细心的;小心谨慎的;一丝不苟的

conservative adj. 保守的

wrestle v. 斗争;搏斗;摔跤

agitate v. 鼓动,激动

consensus n. 舆论


    关注 医学博士英语


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