世界携手应对气候变化 Fight climate change



Complicated problems do not generally yield to simple solutions. And few are more complex than the question of how to confront the challenge posed by an thropogenic global warming.


The Paris climate accord, signed amid great fanfare on Saturday by the representatives of nearly 200 states, does not supply the final answer. What it does is to spread the responsibility for finding one beyond a small coterie of developed countries. This in itself is a historic achievement. But its success or failure ultimately hinges on how solemnly its many signatories are willing to accept this weighty charge.


The preparedness of the developing world to accept a share of the burden was always vital if any credible way forward on tackling climate change was possible. Past deals have mainly heaped the onus on those advanced economies that were responsible for much of the historic growthin emissions.


But with China and India alone now responsible for a third of global carbon discharges between them, their presence in any future frame work agreed at Paris was essential. Without it, nodeal could even have curbed future increases at a global level, let alonestarted to drive them down.


The French hosts, under the able leadership of foreign minister Laurent Fabius, deserve credit for finally squaring this circle and forging a compromise that both developed and developing worlds could accept. The price, as expected, is the jettisoning for the most part of any pretence at copper-bottomed legal obligations of the sort that characterisedthe last global deal, the ill-fated 1997 Kyoto accord.

在法国外长洛朗法比尤斯(Laurent Fabius)有力的领导下,法国主办方最终完成了这个不可能的任务,促成了一项发达国家和发展中国家都能接受的折中方案,这一点值得赞誉。像预想的那样,代价就是基本上放弃自诩具备可靠的法律约束力,上一个全球气候协定、以失败告终的1997年《京都议定书》的典型特征就是具备可靠的法律约束力。

While the deal sets a new tougher objectiveto limit global warming to “well below 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels”(and, indeed, a stretch goal of 1.5 degrees), there are no binding mechanisms for achieving this. The climate action plans submitted by an impressive 188 of those countries participating do not cumulatively deliver even the less demanding total. They would lead to temperatures rising by some 2.7 per cent.Yet signatories are under no legal obligation to meet even these.


What the plan does require is for signatory states to set out their plans to avert climate change every five years. The semust be accompanied by an assessment of current progress, compiled according to a common reporting standard that permits comparisons to be drawn.


The hope is that this will create the necessary frame work for regular reviews on progress as the world tries to avoiddangerous warming. It may not be possible to compel countries to meet their targets. But by embedding transparent information exchanges and regularinternational dialogue into the system, it may be possible to establish newnorms of behaviour, where by countries not only strive to meet targets, but alsoset more demanding ones.


Inevitably, the deal remains a work inprogress. Trust of the sort that will be required to build solidarity will taketime to develop. The developed world has not inserted into the treaty its commitment to transfer funds to poorer nations in order to help them adapt to alow carbon future. The commitments beyond 2020 are vague.


Paris is not the end of the matter. It is not even the beginning of the end. The problem will not be solved for years to come. The treaty does however provide a sensible foundation for international co-operation. This opens the door to greater ambition over time. Now a viablepath lies before them, countries must show the courage and foresight to take the next crucial steps.


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