


Working inwinter


1 Body temperature

1 体温:Effects of cold environment  寒冷环境的影响

A cold environment challenges theworker in three ways:


·        air temperature

·        空气温度

·        air movement dueto wind

·        由风所引起的空气运动

·        air humidity

·        空气湿度

In order to work safely, thesechallenges have to be counterbalanced by:


·        properinsulation of protective clothing

·        适当的绝缘防护服

·        physicalactivity

·        身体活动

·        controlledexposure to cold by a work and rest schedule.

·        通过合理安排作息日程表来控制暴露在寒冷环境的时间。

Moreover, working conditions can bemore dangerous due to the presence of snow or of ice on the roads and on thepathways.此外,当道路上有雪或者有冰时,工作条件会更加危险。


At any temperature, the sensation ofcold is higher when the wind speed increases. The combined effect of cold airand wind speed is expressed as wind-chill temperature. It gives acorrespondence between the actual temperature with its conditions of wind and atemperature that would have the same effects without any wind. 当温度一定时,风速越大,人们就感觉越寒冷。因此,人们用风寒温度来表示冷空气和风速的综合影响。如下表所示,实际温度和风力的综合影响与无风时某一温度的影响存在着一一对应的关系。

Wind-chill  temperature (Celsius degrees)风寒温度(摄氏度)
Wind speed  (km/s)







































































Slight risk
Moderated risk  中度危险
High risk
Immediate risk  即刻危险

(Figures from French NationalInstitute of Research on Safety, INRS)


It means that:从图中我们可以看到:

·        as soon aswind-chill temperature is less than - 5 degrees there is a slight risk.

·        当风寒温度低于零下5摄氏度时,属于轻微危险。

·        as soon aswind-chill temperature is less than – 25 degrees there is a moderatedrisk, for instance with a temperature of -15 degrees and a wind speed over 30 km/s

·        当风寒温度低于零下25摄氏度时,属于中度危险,例如,当空气温度为零下15摄氏度,风速高于30 km/s时。

·        as soon as windchill temperature is less than – 40 degrees there is a high risk forinstance with a temperature of -25 degrees and a wind speed over 40 km/s

·        当风寒温度低于零下40摄氏度时,属于高度危险,例如,当空气温度为零下25摄氏度,风速高于40 km/s时。

·        as soon aswind-chill temperature is less than -55 degrees there is an immediate danger.

·        当风寒温度低于零下55摄氏度时,属于非常危险。

Means of prevention预防手段

For continuous work in temperaturesbelow zero degree, heated warming rest rooms should be available. The workshould be studied to avoid excessive sweating. Proper rest periods in a warmarea should be allowed. 对于低于零摄氏度环境下的连续工作,需要配有加热保暖的休息室。在工作中要学会避免过度出汗。应当允许在温暖的区域进行适当的休息。

The risk of cold injury can beminimized by proper equipment design, safe work practices and appropriateclothing: 通过正确的装备设计、安全工作实践和妥当的衣着,可以把寒冷损伤的危险降到最低。

·        EquipmentDesign: For work below the freezing point, metal handles and bars should becovered by thermal insulating material. Also, machines and tools should bedesigned so that they can be operated without having to remove mittens orgloves

·        装备设计:对于冰点温度以下的工作,应使用绝热材料覆盖金属把手和栏杆。同样,在设计机器和工具时,应保证在操作时不需要脱掉手套。

·        Surveillance andMonitoring: When outdoor temperature is below the freezing point, temperatureand air speed should be monitored at least every 4 hours.

·        温度检测:当室外温度低于冰点时,应至少每四小时检测一次温度和风速。

·        EmergencyProcedures: Procedures for providing first aid and obtaining medical careshould be clearly outlined. For each shift, at least one trained person shouldbe assigned the responsibility of attending to emergencies.

·        紧急应变程序:明确阐述急救和获得医疗保健的程序。每个班组都应至少有一个受过紧急情况培训的人。

·        Training:Workers and supervisors involved with work in cold environments should be informedabout symptoms of adverse effect exposure to cold, proper clothing habits, safework practices, physical fitness requirements for work in cold, and emergencyprocedures in case of cold injury. While working in cold, a buddy system shouldbe used. Look out for one another and be alert for the symptoms of hypothermia.

·        培训:在寒冷环境下工作的员工和管理者应当了解暴露在寒冷天气里的不良症状、正确的穿衣习惯、安全工作实践、寒冷环境中工作的体能要求以及寒冷冻伤后的紧急应变程序等。当在寒冷条件下工作时,应当使用两人同行制,各负责另一人的安全,以警惕发生低温症状。

·        PPE for workingin the cold : Protective clothing is needed for work below 4°C. Clothing should be selected to suit thetemperature, weather conditions, the level and duration of activity, and jobdesign. Clothing should be worn in multiple layers which provide betterprotection than a single thick garment. The air between layers of clothingprovides better insulation than the clothing itself.

·        个人防护装备:在低于4摄氏度下工作时,需要穿着防护服。在防护服的选择上应考虑到温度、天气情况、劳动程度、持续时间以及工作设计。相对只穿一件厚衣服来说,穿多层衣服可以得到更好的保护。各层衣服间的空气所起到的隔热作用要超过衣服本身。

Effects of coldon work performance寒冷在工作业绩方面的影响

Uncomfortably cold working conditionscan lead to lower work efficiency and higher accident rates. Cold impairs theperformance of complex mental tasks. Manual tasks are also impaired because thesensitivity and dexterity of fingers are reduced in the cold. At even lowertemperatures, the cold affects the deeper muscles resulting in reduced muscularstrength and stiffened joints. Mental alertness is reduced due to cold-relateddiscomfort. For all these reasons accidents are more likely to occur in verycold working conditions. Women are generally at a greater risk of cold injurythan men. Diseases of the blood circulation system, fatigue, consumption ofalcohol or some medications, smoking can increase the risks. 不幸的是,寒冷的工作条件不仅使工作效率降低,还会增加发生事故的几率。寒冷会削弱复杂的脑力劳动的表现。手工劳动同样会受到影响,因为寒冷会降低手指的灵敏度和灵活性。当温度更低时,寒冷甚至会影响到更深的肌肉,致使肌肉力量降低和关节僵硬。寒冷带来的不适会降低神经的警觉性。基于上述原因,在非常寒冷的条件下是很容易发生事故的。女性比男性更容易受到寒冷损伤。血液循环系统的疾病、疲劳、酒精或服用某些药物、吸烟都使上述风险增大。

Health effectsof exposure to cold对健康的影响

Cooling of body parts may result invarious cold injuries - non-freezing injuries, freezing injuries - andhypothermia which is the most serious.

身体各部分受冷后会引起各种各样的寒冷损伤—非冻伤、冻伤以及最严重的低体温症。Toes, fingers, ears and nose are atgreatest risk because these areas do not have major muscles to produce heat. Inaddition, the body will preserve heat by favouring the internal organs and thusreducing the flow of blood to the extremities under cold conditions. Hands andfeet tend to get cold more quickly than the torso because:脚趾、手指、耳朵和鼻子是最容易受到寒冷损伤的器官,因为它们没有可以产生热量的肌肉。此外,在寒冷的环境里,身体会降低流向四肢的血液流动速度来为内部器官保留热量。人的手脚比躯干冷的更快的原因有:

·        they lose heatmore rapidly since they have a higher surface area-to-volume ratio, and

·        因为手和脚的表面积与体积的比例更大,所以它们更容易散失热量;

·        they are morelikely to be in contact with colder surfaces than other parts of the body.

·        与身体其它部分相比,手和脚接触寒冷表面的机会更多。If the eyes are not protected withgoggles in high wind chill conditions, the corneas of the eyes may freeze.

在高风寒的条件下,如果没有佩戴护目镜的话,眼角膜可能会被冻住。The most severe cold injury ishypothermia which occurs from excessive loss of body heat and the consequentlowering of the inner core temperature (internal temperature of the body).Hypothermia can be fatal.


First aid for frostbites冻伤急救

First aid for frostbite includes: 冻伤急救包括:

·        If possible,move the victim to a warm area.

·        如果可能的话,将伤者转移到温暖的区域。

·        Loosen or removeconstricting clothing or jewellery that may restrict circulation.

·        放松或脱掉紧身的衣服或首饰以避免限制血液流通。

·        Loosely coverthe affected area with a dressing. Place some gauze between fingers and toes toabsorb moisture and prevent them from sticking together.

·        用衣服覆盖在受伤的部位上。在手指和脚趾之间放上纱布吸收湿气以防止它们粘结在一起。

·        Quicklytransport the victim to an emergency care facility.

·        把伤者快速运送到急救设备上。

·        Do not attemptto rewarm the affected area on site, but do try to stop the area from becomingany colder. Without the proper facilities, tissue that has been warmed mayrefreeze and cause more damage.

·        在现场不要试图使受伤部位重新暖和起来,但是要尽量去阻止这些部位变的更冷。在没有合适的设备时,变暖的纸巾可能会结冰,从而带来更大的损害。

·        Do not rub areaor apply dry heat.

·        不要摩擦受伤部位或者提供干热。

·        Do not allow thevictim to drink alcohol or smoke.

·        不要让伤者喝酒或吸烟。

2 Weather conditions天气情况


SnowHYPERLINK"http://ec.gc.ca/meteo-weather/default.asp?lang=En&n=46FBA88B-1"-HYPERLINK"http://ec.gc.ca/meteo-weather/default.asp?lang=En&n=46FBA88B-1"falls can greatly reducevisibility, create hazardous road conditions, even knock down trees and powerlines or roof collapses from snow loads.


Rain inwinter can have serious impacts when it falls on an existing snowpack or onfrozen ground.


Freezingrain is precipitation that falls in liquid form at first but then falls througha layer of cold air. If this layer of cold air is thick enough and the airtemperature is below freezing, the precipitation freezes on contact with theground (or an object that is below freezing temperature), forming a coating ofice on its surface. Driving and even walking can be dangerous in suchconditions. As well, ice coated utility lines or poles can be brought down dueto the excess weight of the ice.


Fogreduces visibility due to suspended water droplets. Driving any vehicle in low visibilitiesdue to fog can be hazardous, therefore speeds should be reduced accordingly。由于悬浮小水滴的影响,雾使能见度降低。在能见度很低的雾天开车将是非常危险的,所以车速要根据具体的情况有所降低。

Risks due to weatherconditions and related preventions由天气状况造成的风险及相关预防措施

 All these weather conditions increase the risksof slips and trips when walking in the plant and the risk of car accidents.Internal roads and pathways must be cleaned as soon as possible and salt can bespread on the roads to lower the freezing point of the water. Drivers mustadapt the speed of their cars to the external conditions. 以上天气状况都会增加在工厂行走时滑倒或被绊倒以及发生车祸的风险。工厂内部的道路要尽快的进行清理,并在道路上撒盐以提高冰点温度。司机同志则要根据外部条件的情况来控制车速。

Leakages of water or steam can create icestalactites. They are very dangerous when they are hung up in racks or on theedges of roofs, over pathways. They must be removed as soon as possible, and ifit is not possible barricades must be set up to avoid circulation under them.水或者蒸汽的泄漏可能会形成冰柱。当这些冰柱悬挂在道路上方的架子或是房顶边缘时,将是非常危险的。它们必须尽快被清理掉,如果不能清理的话,那就必须设置路障以避免行人路过。

To clean frozen process equipments, workers usefrequently steam provided by a hose linked to a steam pipe. There are risks ofburn, especially if the connexion between the hose and the pipe is not adequateand so that the hose can be thrown-out of the connexion. Connexion must beadapted according to Blue Star Headquarters requirements.对于结冰工艺设备的清理,工人经常使用的工具是一根连在蒸汽管上的软管。在使用时有被烫伤的危险,特别是当软管与蒸汽管连接的不太合适的时候,软管可能会被甩出去。因此,软管与蒸汽管的连接必须要符合蓝星集团总公司的要求。

Equipments containing water can be deterioratedby inside freezing. Insulation and automatic drain conditions must be checkedbefore the arrival of low temperatures.含水的设备可能会由于设备里的冰而受损。在气温降低之前,必须对保温和自动排水的情况进行检查。

Reduction of slipping避免滑倒

Slipping can be reduced if employees:


·        wear adaptedshoes that provide enough traction on the ground

·        穿着合适的能提供足够附着力的鞋

·        take time andpay attention to where they are going

·        花时间关注一下目的地

·        take specialcare while walking in wet weather and at night and when walking across lawns,parking lots, and walkways. Whenever possible, keep off the grass because, whenfrozen, it does not provide enough traction to prevent a slip

·        当天气潮湿的晚上,行走在草坪、停车场和人行道上时,要格外的小心。尽可能避开结冰的草,因为它不能提供足够的摩擦力来避免滑倒。

·        walk on levelsurfaces whenever possible.

·        尽可能的走在水平的地面上。

·        adjust theirstride to a pace that is suitable for the walking surface and the tasks theyare doing. Take short, flat steps, keeping the heels and soles of the shoes incontact with the soil

·        调整步伐以适应行走路面以及正在进行的工作。步幅短且平,保持鞋跟和鞋底与地面的接触。

·        walk with thefeet pointed slightly outward

·        走路时脚尖稍稍冲外。

·        make wide turnsat corners.

·        转弯时尽量拐的大一点。

·        take short cutsis dangerous and must be avoided.

·        走捷径是危险的,应当被禁止

·        Use handrailswhen available.

·        有扶手时,请使用扶手。

Fire Safety消防安全

The risk of indoor fires increasesduring the winter when people spend more time inside and sometimes use standardelectric heaters with inadequate electric connexions.


3 Driving inwinter3 冬季驾驶


 ·        Plan driving inadvance

·        提前对驾驶进行计划

·        Avoid driving whentired

·        不要疲劳驾驶

·        Check weatherconditions before travel

·        临行前检查天气状况

·        Plan arrivaltime at a destination by taking into account any delays due to slower traffic,reduced visibility, roadblocks, collisions, ...

·        预计到达目的地的时间时要考虑一切可能的延误,如:交通缓慢、能见度低、路障、碰撞,等。

·        Warm up vehiclebefore driving off. It reduces moisture condensing on the inside of thewindows.

·        开车前,先着车升温。这样可以减低车窗里湿气的凝结。

·        Never warm upvehicle in a closed garage.

·        不要在关闭的车库里预热车辆。

·        Remove snow andice from vehicle. It helps to see and also to be seen.

·        清理车上的雪和冰,这样有助于你的观察,别人也比较容易注意到你。

·        Inspect yourwindshield wipers to ensure they move freely and make full contact with thewindshield, and make sure the windshield washer antifreeze reservoir is full.

·        检查挡风玻璃上的雨刷,保证它们可以正常活动且与挡风玻璃完全接触,并且要确保挡风玻璃的清洗防冻液是满的。

·        Check thestrength of car batteries as part of the vehicle maintenance program

·        把汽车电池电量的检查作为车辆维修保养程序的一部分。


·        Buckle up safetybelt before driving. Keep safety belt buckled at all times

·        驾驶前带好安全带,时时刻刻保持扣紧安全带。

·        Slow down:indicatedspeed limits are for ideal travel conditions. Driving at reduced speeds is thebest precautionary measure against any misfortune while driving on slipperyroads

·        减速:最高限速是指在理想的驾驶条件下可以达到的速度。在湿滑的路面路面上驾驶时,减速是最好的预防措施。

·        Be alert

·        时刻警惕

·        Reduce speedwhile approaching intersections covered with ice or snow

·        当接近有冰或雪的十字路口时,一定要减速。

·        Allow for extratravelling time or even consider delaying a trip if the weather is inclement

·        如果天气非常恶劣,应延长旅行时间,甚至考虑延误行程。

·        Drive withlow-beam headlights on. This makes your vehicle more visible

·        驾驶时请使用近光前灯,这会使别人更容易看到你。

·        Lengthen yourfollowing distance behind the vehicle ahead of you. Stopping distance on an icyroad is double that of stopping on a dry one. For example, from around 50meters at the speed of 60 km/h, to 100 meters on an icy road surface

·        增大与前车之间的距离。结冰路面的制动距离是在干燥路面的两倍,也就是说,以60km/h的速度行驶,如果干燥路面的制动距离是50米的话,那么结冰路面的制动距离将是100米。

·        Stay in theright-hand lane except when passing and use turn signals when changing lanes

·        请呆在右车道除非你要超车,变换车道时请打转向灯。

·        Steer withsmooth and precise movements. Changing lanes too quickly and jerky steeringwhile braking or accelerating can cause skidding

·        平稳且精确得转向。快换车道和急动转向时的制动或加速可以导致汽车打滑。

·        Be aware andslow down when seeing a sign warning a bridge. Steel and concrete bridges arelikely to be icy even when there is no ice on the asphalt surface

·        过桥时要格外注意,并要减速。即使沥青路面上没有冰,钢筋混凝土的桥梁也很容易打滑。

·        Be patient andpass other cars only when it is safe to do so.

·        行车时要耐心,只有在确保安全的情况下才可以超车。

·        If you start toskid, do not brake and do not accelerate

·        当你的车开始打滑时,不要刹车,也不要加速。

    关注 汉秀安全之家


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